Archives for March 2012

DAY 64 – FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 2012





Levites and Priests; Prophets; Cities of refuge; Civil statutes; Warfare; Unknown Murders; Family statutes; Civil statutes; Adultery



If Moses walked onto our platform to speak this Sunday morning, he could use the first 14 verses as his text. His instructions and warnings speak to today’s issues. The first section deals with the compensation of spiritual leaders and the second addresses nine issues of the occult. The Apostle Paul writes about these same matters in I Corinthians9:13, 14;10:21, 22 and Galatians 5:19-21.


Verses 15 through 19 give one of the greatest prophecies of our Lord Jesus Christ. Another prophet like Moses will come! Throughout the Gospels, Jesus was asked if He was that prophet. John the Baptist announced: “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” John 1:11-12 says: “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”  The people that knew this verse from Deuteronomy missed the fulfillment.


Cities of refuge are described again in Chapter 19. As in our study on Day 41, the cities picture the refuge we have in Christ. As the innocent manslayer would tell his story to the elders of the city, Psalm 62:8 tells us to pour out our heart to God, who is our refuge.


The chapter concludes with several civil statutes. Moving a landmark is stealing land from your neighbor. Matters of law are established with two or more witnesses. (How many times have we established something in our own mind on the word of only one person?) The person who sued for some amount in a false lawsuit, would be required to pay that amount to the defendant. Wouldn’t that limit today’s lawsuits? The commandment of fair and just judgments of the last verse is to the civil government. Sadly, it is soon twisted to provide an excuse for personal vengeance, vengeance that is always reserved by and for the Lord (Deuteronomy 32:35; Romans12:19).


Israelis going to have an unusual army! Instead of a general, a priest is going to speak to the troops. But that is not surprising; verse 4 reminds them that their strength and victory is the Lord. Four reasons are given that excuse a man from fighting: a new house, a new vineyard, a new wife or just afraid. The children ofIsraelare to seek peace when possible except for the six nations listed in Deuteronomy 20:17. These nations have been listed repeatedly as the nations that must be completely destroyed. If they survive, they will bring false gods and worship toIsraeland be thorns in their sides continually.


In chapter 21, after dealing with the offering to cleanse the land for an unsolved murder and instructions for taking a wife from the captives of the new land, Moses gives statutes for families.  Inheritances are to be divided by statutes and not emotions. Stubbornness and rebelliousness lead to death. Look carefully. Three times it is written that the son will not obey or hearken to the voice of the parents. Our goal in raising a child is that our voice will control and instruct their little body and mind. As our child matures, the control and guidance is moved to the Lord and His Word.


Chapter 22 gives statutes on many civil and family matters from taking care of your brother’s belongings, to clothing, to construction, to plowing, to divorce, to adultery. Over and over again the statutes and commandments are written to purify and sanctify a land that God would dwell in with His people. This had been a land of transvestites, a land of incest and adultery, a land of selfishness and self-involvement. The Lord desired a pure and holy nation in an undefiled land. II Corinthians 6:16, 17 tell us to come out from the evil of the land and be a separated people to our Lord!



As PROPHET – Deut.18:15(John5:46; Acts3:22, 23)

As SIN BEARER – Deut.21:22, 23 (Galatians3:13; I Peter2:24)







Warnings against following other gods; Clean and unclean animals; Seven year release; Bond servants; Three feasts; Civil judgments; Kings




The Apostle Paul was concerned that the people of the church in Colosse would be deceived by the enticing words and/or empty philosophies of men (Colossians 2:4-8), and that the people of the church inCorinthwould be beguiled by the subtlety of Satan (II Corinthians 11:3).  In today’s reading, we are reminded that there is nothing new under the sun!  God’s children are warned of being drawn away by three different methods in Deuteronomy 13:


  1. God warns His people lest they be drawn away by someone performing signs and wonders.  Miracles and powers have had a place historically in the purposes of God, but alone, have never been the test of truth (Ex. 7:11, 22: 8:7).
  2. God warns His people lest someone using the closeness of their relationship to draw them away.
  3. God warns His people lest they be drawn away by a foreign philosophy life, and/or foreign practices of worship.


The judgment that coincides with each of these is consistent:  Death!  The worship of the Lord and His gospel must remain pure!


Moses then reminds the children ofIsraelin chapter 14 that they are to remain pure and holy.  In the first 2 verses, the pagan practices of the people of the land they will enter must be avoided.  The list of clean and unclean animals would separate the children ofIsraelfrom the other inhabitants of the land.  Because the blood could not be removed from an animal that died of itself, the children ofIsraelwere not to eat an animal that had already died; others could eat it, but not the chosen, separate people ofIsrael.  We, too, are a chosen people who have been called to be separate and holy (Titus2:14; I Peter 2:9).  There may be practices that are socially and culturally accepted, that have no place in the life of God’s people.


The tithe in verse 22 is the second tithe that is commanded of the people (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers18:26).  This one is a tenth of the yearly increase of their fields.  It was to be brought to the place of offering that the Lord had chosen.  A portion was to be eaten with rejoicing to remember that everything comes from the blessing of the Lord.  At the end of this chapter a tithe is collected for the poor.  There are plenty of lessons and New Testament parallels to be drawn from the passage:

  • Everyone can tithe.  II Corinthians 8 and 9 teach that the only prerequisite is a willing mind.
  • We are to give according to what we have been given.
  • When we give bountifully, we will reap bountifully.
  • God loves a cheerful giver.
  • Everything we have comes from the Lord.
  • Giving instructs and enriches the one receiving it.


Chapter 15 provides added instruction to the seventh year described in Exodus 23 and Leviticus 25.  Not only is the land to rest, but debts are to be forgiven!  It is a glorious reminder that our debt has been forgiven by the Lord Jesus Christ!  We do not have to pay the debt of sin!  The debt of sin is death (Romans6:23) and Christ has paid the debt!  Verses 7 through 15 tell of generosity to the poor.  Don’t ever forget Christ’s generosity toward us when we were poor!


The chapter finishes with consecration of the firstborn male of the herd or flock.  It is set apart for the Lord.  But it must be without blemish, if it is to be an offering to the Lord.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the unblemished Lamb of God.  As in verse 23, He was offered and His blood was poured out as water.  What a perfect offering!


Three feasts are described in chapter 16.  The first is the Passover followed by seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  This was a feast of remembrance.  Remember God’s deliverance.  The second is the Feast of Weeks (Feast of Harvest in Exodus 23), later to be known as Pentecost.  A freewill offering is to be given “according as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee.”  The third feast is the Feast of Tabernacles (Feast of Ingathering or Feast of Booths in Exodus 23; Leviticus 23; Numbers 29).  This again is a time of giving and rejoicing.


The chapter concludes with the selection of judges and officers and warnings against false gods.   Like God, judges were not to be a “respecter of persons,” nor were they to receive gifts from people.  God wanted them to be completely free to judge righteous judgment.  Another warning is given about taking up pagan practices of idol worship in groves of trees.  God doesn’t want any worldly practices near His altar and worship.


Chapter 17 gives statutes concerning the discovery and investigation of idol worship.  A matter of death requires the witness of two or more witnesses who must be the first in administering punishment.  A matter too difficult for a judge is to be brought before the priests.


Verses 14 through 20 give instructions for a king.  A king overIsraelmust be chosen from the children ofIsrael.  He is commanded to not multiply to himself: horses, wives, silver and gold. (Check out Solomon) When he sits on the throne he is instructed to write a copy of the law and read it everyday of his life so that he will fear the Lord, keep His words and do them; that his heart will not be lifted up and his days may be prolonged.  As those who have been made kings by the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 5:10), we should carefully consider these instructions!



As THE UNBLEMISHED SACRIFICE – Deut.15:21(I Peter1:19; II Corinthians5:21) As THE PASSOVER LAMB – Deut. 16:1 (John1:29, 36; Revelation5:12) As THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE – Deut.16:18; 17:8 (Revelation19:11; Romans14:10)