Archives for May 2012

DAY 126– THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2012




A continuation ofIsrael’s descendants: Issachar, Benjamin, Naphtali, half-tribe of Manasseh west of the Jordan, Ephraim, Asher, Benjamin; those who returned from captivity; the genealogy of Saul. 



The genealogy continues today, bringing us through the remainder of the descendants ofIsrael: Issachar (7:1-5), Benjamin (7:6-12), Naphtali (7:13), the half-tribe of Manasseh west of theJordan(7:14-19), Ephraim (7:20-29), Asher (7:30-40), Benjamin (Chapt. 8).  Chapter 9 then gives us the record of those who returned from captivity (9:1-34), and then, the descendants of Saul (9:35-44).


A particular phrase that is mentioned twice in chapter 7 is well worth noting:  Chapter 7 and verse 11 talks about the number of the “… soldiers FIT to go out FOR WAR AND BATTLE;” and chapter 7 and verse 40 talks about the number of the “mighty men of valour… that were APT to the WAR AND TO BATTLE.” The New Testament is very specific in letting us know that as believers in Jesus Christ, we are soldiers (II Tim. 2:3) who are engaged in an incredible war (II Tim. 2:4; II Cor. 10:3).


If God were making a list today of the number of New Testament soldiers and mighty men and women of valour who are “fit” and “apt to the war and to battle,” would the number include your name?  Ephesians 6:10-17 lets us know that the number includes only those who “STAND” in the victory Christ has already won, having on “THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD”.  Are you “FIT” and “APT” for the “WAR” we call the Christian life?


Chapter 9 and verse 2 says, “Now the first inhabitants that dwelt in their possessions in their cities were, the Israelites, the priests, Levites, and the Nethinims.”  The “Nethinims” were very simply the “Templeservants.”  Their job was to do whatever needed to be done. Because of their love for the Lord, they didn’t need the limelight; they were willing to work behind the scenes so that the work of the Lord could go forward.  Verse 28 says of the Levites, “and certain of them had the charge of the ministering vessels, that they should bring them in and out by tale (or, count).”  Again, from an earthly standpoint, it doesn’t seem like any big thing.  Others, according to verse 29 and 30 “were appointed to oversee the vessels and all the instruments of the sanctuary, and the fine flour, and the wine, and the oil, and the frankincense, and the spices.  And some of the sons of the priests made the ointment of the spices.”  Again, from the mind of a natural man, these responsibilities are hardly worth mentioning.  But to God, each individual fulfilling their role and completing their personal assignment was well worth mentioning, because God knew that every individual was key for what He intended for the service of the Tabernacle.


The New Testament teaches us that all of us have been given a different SHAPE (an acronym for Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences) by God, so that we can fulfill our MINISTRY in the CHURCH, and ourMISSIONin the WORLD.  Regardless of how insignificant we may think our value to His Kingdom may be, He views our responsibility as a sacred trust, and vital to His will and work in and through the Body of Christ!  Play your position!  Fulfill your role!  Be faithful!  You are as vital to the Body of Christ in our local church, as any member of your body is to you!



InJERUSALEM(which means, “Foundation of peace”) – I Chron. 9:3 – (Christ is the only foundation of peace upon which man can stand before God – I Cor.3:11; John14:27; II Cor.5:18; Eph.2:14)


DAY 125 – WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2012




The descendants ofSolomon,Judah, Simeon, Reuben, Gad, Manasseh and Levi;Templesingers and keepers appointed; the descendants of Aaron; the cities of the Levites.



As you read through what seems to be an unending genealogy today, rejoice in the underlying message: God doesn’t view mankind as simply a mass of humanity; He is interested in each individual, and knows us all by name!  God takes the time in these chapters to make sure that the name of every single priest and Levite, along with the family and tribe to which he belonged, was specifically registered.


Of particular note in chapter 4 is this man Jabez.  Jabez has been popularized in the 21st century through the book, “The Prayer of Jabez,” and deservedly so!  Verse nine of chapter four says that he “was more honorable than his brethren,” and one of the reasons is, no doubt, not only the fact THAT he prayed, but HOW he prayed.  He had a beautiful fourfold request recorded in verse 10:


  1. “Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed,”
  2. “and enlarge my coast,”
  3. “and that thine hand might be with me,”
  4. “and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!”


Verse 10 concludes with, “And God granted him that which he requested.”  Verse 10 is not held up as a model for prayer, but its content is well worth praying about!  It is obvious that Jabez was a man who lived in pursuit of God, and he was rewarded.  May God strengthen us to follow his example as we continue the365 Days of Pursuit.



In the CITIES OF REFUGE – I Chron.6:57, 67, 69 (To find protection from the avenger of blood, a person had to flee to a city of refuge.  Likewise, God provided His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ as our Refuge from His judgment against sin – John 3;14-18; 10:24-30; Gal. 2:16; 3:1-14; Heb. 10:1-18; I John 2:2; Rev. 1:5; Heb. 6:18)

DAY 124– TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2012




Jesus’ lineage through Adam, Noah,Abraham,Israel(Jacob),Judah, and David.



At first glance, it appears that the Book of I Chronicles is simply a repeat of I and II Samuel, and that II Chronicles is a repeat of I and II Kings, but there are some significant differences.


Whereas Samuel and Kings emphasize the HISTORICAL side of things, Chronicles emphasizes the SPIRITUAL.  Whereas Samuel and Kings are seen from the HUMAN standpoint, Chronicles is seen from the DIVINE standpoint.  Whereas Samuel and Kings are presented from the viewpoint of the PROPHETS, Chronicles is presented from the viewpoint of the PRIESTS.  Whereas Samuel and Kings show MAN RULING, Chronicles shows GOD OVERRULING.


Chronicles primarily concentrates on the reign of David and his successors, and on the temple and its worship.  It includes information not previously covered concerning the priests, the Levites, the musicians, singers, and doorkeepers.  It goes into detail concerning transporting theArktoJerusalem, and the preparation for the building of theTemple. The northern kingdom is of little significance in Chronicles.  In fact, the northern tribes are only mentioned in their dealings with David’s reign.


I Chronicles opens with the longest genealogical history in the entire Bible.  It continues on for nine solid chapters.  Needless to say, the next several days’ readings will not qualify for “The Most Heart-Warming and Life-Changing Devotional Passage of the365 Days of Pursuit”!  However, always remember Proverbs 30:5, “Every word of God is pure,” and every word is there for a reason!  These chapters are in our Bible to provide us the historical basis of our faith.  As Bruce Wilkinson said, “The opening chapters of I Chronicles form the skeletal framework of the entire Old Testament. They bind the Old Testament together into a unified whole, showing that it is in fact history and not merely legend or myth.  From Adam to Abraham, Boaz to Benjamin, the generations are all there in their proper order to show the outworking of God’s plan and purposes through the years and in the lives of men and women of faith.” What these chapters teach us, if nothing else, is that God has a plan:  A plan for the earth, the universe,Israel, and your life!


A very basic overview of the first nine chapters of I Chronicles is as follows:


    • The genealogy from Adam to Abraham (1:1-27)

    • The genealogy from Abraham toIsrael(1:28-54)

    • The genealogy of the Descendants of Israel (Chpt. 2-8)


        * Simeon (4:24-43)

        * Reuben,Gad,half the tribe of Manasseh East of Jordan       

          (Chpt. 5)

        * Levi (Chpt. 6)

        * Issachar (7:1-5)

        * Benjamin (7:6-12)

        * Naphtali (7:13)

        * Half tribe of Manasseh West ofJordan(7:14-19)

        * Ephraim (7:20-29)

        * Asher (7:30-40)

        * Benjamin (Chpt. 8)

    • Those Who Returned From Captivity (9:1-34)

    • The Genealogy of Saul (9:35-44)



In the FIRST ADAM – I Chron. 1:1 (Christ is the LAST or SECOND ADAM.  We have eternal life because the last Adam was a quickening – i.e. “life-giving” spirit – I Cor. 15:45,47). Through the genealogy of DAVID – I Chron. 3:1-24 (Christ, the Son of God was also called the Son of David – Matt. 1:1; Luke 3:23-38; Rom. 1:3)