Archives for June 2012

DAY 183 – FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012




God’s eternality and man’s transitoriness; the security of the one who trusts in the Lord; praise for God’s goodness; the majesty of the Lord; the vengeance of the Lord; a call to sing, worship, and praise the Lord; the Lord’s power and dominion; praise for the Lord’s righteousness; the exaltation of the Lord as our holy King.



Psalm 90 is unique for several reasons. First, because it is the oldest psalm, and therefore the first one ever written; and second, because it (along with Psalm 91) was written by Moses. Notice the prophetic application of Psalm 90:4 – “For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” In the Old Testament, there were three watches to a Jewish night (Judges7:19). In the New Testament, there are four watches (Mark6:48). Note that Christ was born at the beginning of 1st “day” of 1000 years, and will come again at the beginning of the 3rd “day” of 1000 years (II Pet. 3:8; Ex.9:11). Christ was born at the first watch of the night, and will return “in the fourth watch of the night” (Matt.14:25), which is the “morning watch,” and hence the title, “the Day of the Lord,” when the “SUN (!!!) of Righteousness will arise” (Mal. 4:1-2).


Note also in verse 10 of Psalm 90 that the normal life span for a typical man until the Second Coming of Christ is 70 years (i.e. average age at death). The Lord will “take that up a few notches” for those born during the Millennium (Isa. 65:20), as men will live to be several hundred years of age as they did in some Old Testament times (Gen. 5).


In terms of “numbering our days” (90:12), the point is, “redeem the time” (Co.4:5; Eph.5:16), or make the absolute most of each day. Taken literally,

If you are age 20, you have 18,250 days to live.

If you are age 25, you have 16,425 days to live.

If you are age 30, you have 14,600 days to live.

If you are age 35, you have 12,775 days to live.

If you are age 40, you have 10,950 days to live.

If you are age 45, you have 9,125 days to live.

If you are age 50, you have 7,300 days to live.

If you are age 55, you have 5,475 days to live.

If you are age 60, you have 3,650 days to live.

If you are age 65, you have 1,825 days to live.

If you are age 70, you are now on “borrowed” time!


But remember Proverbs 27:1 – “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth”! Remember, also, what time it is on God’s clock! We are the generation whose days will be shortened by the Rapture, so we’re back to the main point of Psalm 90:12: Live each day as if it were your last, because it might just be!


Psalm 91 is another personal favorite. Without understanding the doctrinal/prophetic application of Scripture, however, you can get yourself more than just a little messed up, by claiming promises that are not intended for you, or promises that are not intended for you in THIS life.


Though most Bible scholars are unable to identify the prophetic application of this Psalm as it applies to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Satan understood it very well! Satan makes this identification in Matthew 4:6, and the Holy Spirit records it to reveal (I Cor.2:10, 13) the real meaning of Psalm 91. (Note also that there is a double prophetic application in Psalm 91 in that the verses also apply to the remnant of Jewish saints in the Great Tribulation (91:3, 5, 6, 10). Any way you slice it, God’s people in the Church Age are not promised protection from “the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday” (91:5-6). There are a minimum of 50 million people in the Church Age who sought with everything within them to “dwell in the secret place of the Most High,” who were shot through with arrows, sewn in the skins of animals and thrown to wild beasts, placed on the rack to have every joint ligament, tendon, and muscle totally ripped to shreds, burned at the stake, crucified, boiled in oil, or had done to them just about anything the devil could imagine and could prompt people to mete out on God’s precious saints. And that’s not to mention a minimum of another 50 million saints who have been struck down in wars, or by some sickness or disease (pestilence).


There is, however, an incredible devotional/inspirational application of this Psalm for those of us living in the Church Age:

  1. There is a “secret place” (91:1) of intimacy with Christ that we can experience in our relationship with Him that others don’t experience (Isa. 57:15; 4:6; 32:2; Song of Sol. 2:3, 6).
  2. Our eyes will “behold and see the reward of the wicked” (91:8), as we will be the “armies” that follows the Lord out of heaven at His Second Coming when He returns to the earth to unleash His judgment (Rev. 19;11-16; Isa. 63:1-4).
  3. Once we have been raptured and have entered into our external “secret place” (John 14:3), no evil shall ever befall us again (Ps. 91:10a), and no plague will ever again come near us (91:10b).
  4. We will be “delivered” at the Rapture, at which time we will be “set on high” (91:14).
  5. The Lord has not promised us the ABSENCE of trouble in this life, but He has promised His PRESENCE with us through it (Ps. 91:15; Heb. 13:5; II Cor. 12:9)!
  6. The Lord has and will honor us (Ps. 91:15; John5:44;12:26).
  7. We will be “satisfied” with “long life” beyond our wildest dreams. Jesus called it eternal life, and that’s pretty dog-gone long!


Many other incredible prophetic and devotional truths unfold in the remainder of today’s Psalms (92-99) that hopefully you are now beginning to see how to identify and apply for yourself. Enjoy!



As the GOD WHO COVERS WITH HIS FEATHERS – Ps. 91:4 (Matt.23:37).

As the ROCK OF OUR SALVATION – Ps. 95:1 (I Cor. 10:4).


As the LORD WHO RETURNS IN FLAMING FIRE – Ps. 97:4 (II Thess. 1:7-9)


DAY 182 – THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012




The psalmist’s cry for deliverance for Israel; the blessedness of living in the midst of God’s presence; David’s desire to walk in truth; cry for deliverance from death; praise for God’s covenant and promises.



As we get back into the Psalms, Psalm 83 once again points prophetically to the time of the Second Coming of Christ when all of the nations (83:6-8) have converged “with one consent” (83:5), “confederate against” (83:5) the nation of Israel to “cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance” (83:4). As we have seen repeatedly, just whenIsrael’s back is against the wall, and from a human standpoint is utterly helpless and hopeless, God answers their prayers (83:1)! It is a great reminder for those times when our back is against the wall, and from a human standpoint, we are helpless and hopeless, that God answers prayer, and can and will step in to do what could never be done in our own strength or power. He has already proven that He would, because that is exactly how Ephesians 2:11-17 describes our situation in our lost condition when we cried out to the Lord for our salvation! Note that the basis for the psalmists requests in the last verse of this Psalm, should be the desire, passion and prayer of our hearts, “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH (the “self-existing One”), art the most high over all the earth” (83:18).


The context of the expression of the psalmist’s heart and praise for the Lord in Psalm 84 is set in verses 4 and 8. It is the Day of the Lord, Christ’s millennial reign when He will once again “tabernacle” among us (84:1; John1:14– “dwelt” = “tabernacle”.) Do the words expressing the passion of the psalmist’s heart for God and His glory in verse 2 express what is in your heart today? “My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God” (84:2).


The last part of verse 11 is a great promise and reminder – “the Lord will give grace and glory: NO GOOD THING WILL HE WITHHOLD FROM THEM THAT WALK UPRIGHTLY.” God most certainly “withholds” certain things, but contrary to Satan’s lies (see Genesis 3:5), it is never because He is “withholding” some GOOD thing from us. His restrictions are always to keep us from something He knows will be BAD for us, and ultimately destroy us. It is sometimes difficult to get our flesh to really believe that, and the “father of lies” is at every turn more than willing to convince us otherwise. In light of that, the concluding verse (84:12) is very fitting, “O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.”


The millennial context continues in Psalm 85. The description of that time is laid out beautifully in verse 10, “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” It is also a beautiful thing when the word pictures in this verse are found in the life of a New Testament believer. Mercy with no regard for truth makes us wishy-washy, spineless, and way too accommodating of unholy doctrine and unholy living in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. On the other hand, truth with no regard for mercy makes us harsh, judgmental, and unloving. God wants a perfect balance of both in the life of His people. (See Ephesians4:25, then Ephesians 4:15.)


Psalm 86:5 and 15 are a personal favorite – “For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee… Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.” How many times do we need those reminders, especially those of us who are bent toward doing “penance” before we can let go of failures.

I love the fact that before we even come to Him, He is already “READY TO FORGIVE.” He made that more than clear by the willful offering of His only and beloved Son!


For those who find themselves in the depths of despair today, find comfort and solace by using the words of the psalmist in Psalm 88 as he lifts his complaint up to the Lord, and then allow the Lord to bring you up and out in Psalm 89, as the psalmist expresses his confidence and praise to the Lord.



By the SEED OF DAVID – Psalm 89:3-4 (Christ was made of the seed of David according to the flesh –

Matt. 1:1; Luke 3:31-32).


DAY 181– WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2012




The judgment of the Lord against disobedience; Aspah’s prayer against enemies; Asaph’s prayer for mercy and restoration.



Psalm 78 is an incredible Psalm. What it provides is an abbreviated overview ofIsrael’s history from Exodus 7 to II Samuel 10.


We have talked previously (FATHER FACTOR) about God’s principles concerning the iniquities of the fathers being passed all the way down to the third and fourth generation (Num.14:18). The effects of sin are incredibly far reaching. Psalm 78 lets us know that the flip side is also true. The righteousness of the fathers likewise has the ability to be passed down to the third and fourth generation! Notice the four generations in 78:5-6

Generation # 1 – “OUR FATHERS…”

Generation # 2 – “that they should make them known to THEIR CHILDREN,”

Generation # 3 – “that the GENERATION TO COME might know them”

Generation # 4 – “who should arise and declare them to THEIR CHILDREN.”


Notice that there are also four reasons for passing down truth and righteousness through these four generations (78:7-8).


Two are positive and two are negative:

  1. Positive – “That they might set their hope in God…”
  2. Negative – “And not forget the works of God…”
  3. Positive – “But keep his commandments…”
  4. Negative – “And might not be as their fathers…”


Notice in verse 29 of Psalm 78, one of the most horrific things that God could ever do to a person— Give them what they want! (i.e. “their own desire.”) It is a collision course for disaster without exception, because what man “desires” naturally is always completely contrary to what God desires for him. Paul writes to his young son in the faith, Timothy, warning him about four things we desire (“love”) naturally:

  1. “Self” – II Tim. 3:2
  2. “Pleasure” – II Tim. 3:4
  3. “Money” – I Tim. 6:10
  4. “This present world” – II Tim. 4:10


Psalm 78:29 should cause all of us to pray, “O God, please don’t give me what I want.” The old guy said, “I want everything that’s coming to me, and my mother-in-law says she hopes I get it!”


Notice five thingsIsraeldid against God after their deliverance out ofEgyptin verses 40 and 41, and the New Testament counterpart of how we are sometimes guilty of the same things after our deliverance out ofEgypt:

  1. They “provoked” God – Ps. 78:40a (I Thess.5:19)
  2. They “grieved” God – Ps. 78:40b (Eph.4:30)
  3. They “turned back” from God – Ps. 78:41a (II Tim.4:10)
  4. They “tempted” God – Ps. 78:41b (I Cor. 10:9)
  5. They “limited” God – Ps. 78:41c (Heb. 4:2)


Notice also that these five things were the result of the two root sins listed in verse 42 – “They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy.” Practically speaking, we get ourselves into a whole bunch of sin problems when we forget the awesome thing God did on our behalf the day He saved us “(delivered us from the enemy”), and all of the things God did by His hand to bring us to that point (John 6:44), and all of the things He has done since (Rev. 2:4-5; Rom.1:21).


Psalm 79 and 80 are simple to understand for anyone who understands that there are three layers of application of Scripture. They both are pointing doctrinally (prophetically) toIsraelduring the latter part of the Great Tribulation just prior to the Second Coming of Christ. Notice that the “wild beast” in Palm 80:13 is defined in Hosea 13:8 and is none other than the “Beast” of Rev. 13. He is like a “leopard” (Hosea 13:7), a “bear” and a “lion” (Hosea 13:8), just as in Rev. 13:2 and Daniel 7:3-6. It’s amazing what God will reveal (I Cor.2:10) when we approach God’s book the way He told us to approach it (I Cor.2:13– “comparing spiritual things with spiritual” – i.e. comparing Scripture with Scripture)!


In Psalm 81, the “solemn feast day” in verse 3 points to the Second Coming of Christ which will line up, as did First Coming of Christ, with the Feast of Tabernacles. It’s way too detailed to get into here, but for a little “recreation,” checkout II Chron. 7:9; Neh. 8:18; Hosea 9:5; 12:9; Lev. 23:34; Deut. 16:13; 31:10; II Chron. 8:13; Ezra 3:4.


Be sure to note the context in Psalm 82, as once again, God sets it for us by the insertion of the word

“Selah” (82:2), and nails it for us in the last verse, “Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.” I don’t care where you’re from, “that there’s good”!



As the SHEPHERD – Ps. 80:1 (John 10:11)

As the One Will Arise to Deliver Israel Out of Her Trouble – Ps. 80:7, 14, 19; 82:8 (Rev. 16:15-21

Day 180 June 26, 2012




David’s prayer of praise and thanksgiving; David’s prayer for Solomon (and the “Son of David”); the mystery of the prosperity of the wicked; the rebuke of the wicked and proud; praise for God’s majesty.



In Psalm 71, note the eight names the psalmist uses to refer to God that he has made quite “personal” (each one is prefaced by the personal pronoun”my”) –

  1. My Strong Habitation (71:2)
  2. My Rock (71:3)
  3. My Fortress (71:3)
  4. My God (71:4)
  5. My Hope (71:5)
  6. My Trust (71:5)
  7. My Strong Refuge (71:7)
  8. My Helper (71:12)


There’s plenty enough in just those eight names to have your own “personal” worship service! What a God we serve!


As you continue your journey through life, keep in mind that the enemy is constantly seeking to shut you down and shut you up! That is, he wants to take your passion for God out of your soul, and he wants to take your praise for God out of your mouth. Understanding this desire of the enemy prompted the psalmist to say, “But I will hope continually, and yet praise thee more and more” (71:14). Let’s all make that our resolve today!


Psalm 72 is in my estimation a “psalm of psalms.” What an absolutely incredible Old Testament declaration of praise for the Lord Jesus Christ at His Second Coming! This psalm lets you know that Solomon was just a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Millennium in I Kings 10 as the Queen of Sheba presents herself before Israel’s king, the “Son of David,” as he sits enthroned in all of his wisdom, splendor, majesty, and glory over the entire world (72:10). This psalm lets you know that the Lord Jesus Christ will unleash His power in judgment upon the earth (72:1-6), and will establish His rule over the entire earth (72:7-9). Read and enjoy! May it cause all of us to “LOVE His appearing” with Paul (II Tim. 4:8), LONG for His appearing with John, and PRAY for His appearing per our Lord’s instruction (Matt.6:10).


In Psalm 73, Asaph voices what all of us have felt at one time or another: Why does it seem that the wicked prosper, and the righteous are stepped on (73:11-14)? As Asaph said, sometimes it can just about get the best of you (73:2), and make you want to throw in the towel (73:16)! Why does it seem that that’s the way it shakes down in life? For the most part, because that’s the way it is! In THIS life!


What we sometimes forget it that THIS life is not all there is! Asaph said that he was reminded of that when he went “into the sanctuary of God, and understood their end” (73:17). 


Psalm 74 is Aspah’s attempt at “praying for the Kingdom to come,” and quite a good one at that!


Psalm 75 deals withIsraeland the Second Coming of Christ. Notice in verses 2-6, that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is speaking in the first person. How awesome is that? Notice in verse 6 where “promotion cometh.” Here’s the clue: It’s not “from the east, nor the west, nor from the south.” Got any guesses where it comes from? That’s right! The north!  Why north? Check out Psalm 48:2; Hebrews 12:22; Isaiah 14:13; Ezekiel 1:4.


Psalm 76 is another great description of our Lord’s awesomeness as he “arises in judgment” (76:9) and descends upon this earth at His Second Coming to establish His rule and reign. Can you answer the question of 76:7 – “Who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?” Why don’t we allow the words of the old hymn to answer it for us? “No, not one! No, not one!”


Psalm 77 is, likewise, a description of the Second Coming and Millennium. Just when the nation of Israel is “in the day of [her] trouble,” when at Armageddon, all of the nations of the earth have converged upon her and she is crying out, “Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be favorable no more? Is his mercy clean gone for ever? Doth his promise fail or evermore? Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies?” (77:7-9), then notice the very next word:  “Selah”! It is just then that the Lord Jesus Christ will step out of heaven riding on a white horse, with the armies of heaven behind Him (Rev. 16:15-21;19:11-19) and go absolutely ballistic upon all His enemies to establish “peace on earth and good will toward men.” Verses 16-19 of Psalm 77 are a description of the Second Coming, as our Lord steps out of the third heaven, descends through “the deep” that is above our heads, and comes thundering into the earth’s atmosphere. What a day that will be. Let’s pray it’ll be seven years from today.



As the ROCK – Ps. 71:3 (I Cor. 10:4)

As the RIGHTEOUS JUDGE – Ps. 72:2, 4 (II Thess. 1:5-9)

As the SPEAKER in Psalm 75:2-6

WEEK #26 DAY 179 – MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2012





David’s prayer of deliverance from his enemies; David’s confidence in God’s promises; David’s exhortation to praise God for His goodness; the blessings of God upon His people; God’s judgment upon His enemies; David’s prayer in time of trouble.



Have you ever felt like the psalmist in Psalm 64? Like the whole world is against you? Even the “man after God’s own heart” had many people who continually spoke evil concerning him. Jesus said, “Blessed are ye, when (notice, not “IF”, but “WHEN”!) men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake” (Matt.2:11). The closer you grow toward Christlikeness and the more you are used by Him to accomplish His work, the more you can expect it.  It comes with the territory. Jesus went on to say, however, that rather than allowing it to consume us, and discourage us, “Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you” (Matt.5:12). In other words, rejoice in the fact that you’ve ascended into the ranks of a whole bunch of godly people that God has been using all through the centuries to bring glory to Him, and they’ve all experienced the same exact treatment. We will not be the exception to the rule.


Obviously, even Jesus Himself wasn’t! The good news is, the psalmist says, “What goes around, comes around.” His actual wording was perhaps a little more articulate, “So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves” (Ps. 64:8). Paul’s similar warning was, “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another” (Gal.5:15). Have you found yourself in conversations with “friends”, where you’ve been “biting and devouring” other believers? Be very careful, because it’ll just be a matter of time before you’re “biting and devouring one another”! When you use your tongue as a weapon, it’ll come back to rip you to shreds!


You’ve gotta love how the psalmist addresses God in Psalm 65:2- “O thou that hearest prayer.” If you’re ever looking for reasons you should pray, how about this one: The God who created the entire universe and is holy beyond your wildest possible comprehension, said He’d listen! With a reason like that you don’t need too many others! (You may even want to take a minute right now to tell God “Thanks for listening!”) Notice that the psalmist is back on this same thought in Psalm 66, verses 18-20.


Note that the word “terrible” (Ps. 65:5; 66:3; 68:35) is the old English equivalent of the modern day usage of the word “awesome”.


Note also the setting of the context by the word “Selah” in Psalm 66:4, for that time when “All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name.” The “whole earth” hasn’t worshipped or sung to the Lord since Adam sinned in the Garden, and won’t until the Lord Jesus Christ has set in motion “the times of restitution of all things” (Acts3:21) at the beginning of the Millennium.


Psalm 66, 67 and 68 provide great insight into just how glorious the Second Coming of Christ and His millennial reign on the earth will actually be. It gives a whole new meaning to “A New World Order”!


The name of God in Psalm 68:4, “JAH”, is short for Jehovah (Yahweh), the “self-existing One”, or the God who is “ever in the present.” Psalm 68:18 foretells of the resurrection of Christ. Paul explained the meaning of the psalm as a prophecy concerning Christ in Eph. 4:8. Christ conquered death and Satan, who until the resurrection held mankind in bondage (Heb.2:15).


In Psalm 69, David voices what we all feel at certain times of our lives, as his song is being sung out of a sea of troubles. Psalm 69:9 was historically true of David, yet prophetically, was fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 2:13-17. Is it likewise true of you? Are you so passionately in love with your Savior, and so completely zealous for Him to be glorified, that when His name is “reproached” (also translated “defied”; “blasphemed”), that the reproach of it falls upon you the same way that it falls upon God? In other words, when God’s name is blasphemed and defied, do you feel what God feels?



As the One who LED CAPTIVITY CAPTIVE – Ps. 68:18 (Eph. 4:8)

As the One who was BROKENHEARTED and FULL OF HEAVINESS – Ps. 69:20 (Matt. 26:37)

As the One given VINEGAR TO DRINK IN HIS THIRST – Ps. 69:21 (Matt. 27:34; John19:28-30)

DAY 176 – FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2012





A prayer of protection: a cry against deceitful friends; the psalmist’s trust in God; David’s prayer for deliverance from his enemies; David’s confidence in God’s promises.



In yesterday’s comments in this section the goal was to acquaint you with how God uses His Word in the Psalms, more than highlighting the things He actually said. Because the psalms in today’s reading are easily understood, we will again use this space to help you to “learn how to fish” in the psalms, rather than simply “handing you a fish,” borrowing from the insight of Bruce Wilkinson: “Just as the nation of Israel was divided into many different tribes, so the Psalms can be divided into many different types. As you continue your journey through this book, you’ll find it helpful to be able to classify each psalm you read. A majority of the psalms fall into one of three categories:


  1. Lament Psalms are petitions addressed directly to God by the individual or community in the context of distress. They usually include a description of the problems, a confession of trust, and a vow of praise to God, uttered with the confidence that God can and will deliver His people (examples: Psalms 3-7, 22, 42).
  2. Thank Psalms, offered publicly by one or more worshippers, acknowledge God’s faithful actions on behalf of His people in the past, or express confidence in His promise to act in the future (examples: Psalms 18, 27, 62).
  3. Praise Psalms are hymns based on the word praise or hallelujah. They are joyful expressions of adoration for God’s greatness, acknowledging Him as Creator, Sustainer, and Lover of His people (examples: Psalms 113, 117, 146-150).

In addition, you will encounter:

  1. Royal Psalms are hymns describing the King, both earthly and heavenly, reigning over His kingdom (examples: Psalms 2, 95-96).
  2. Woe Psalms are poems expressing the psalmist’s righteous indignation at God’s enemies, and calling for God’s swift retribution (examples: Psalms 49, 109, 137).
  3. Acrostic Psalms are highly stylized poems in which each new section, verse, or line begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet (examples: Psalms 9-10, 25, 35,119).
  4. Pilgrim Psalms are songs sung by worshippers on the way up toJerusalemfor the yearly feast (examples: Psalms 120-134).
  5. Messianic Psalms are prophetic songs describing the coming Messiah as King (Psalms 2, 24, 100), Servant (Psalms 22-23, 40, 60), and the Son of God (Psalm 118).”


In today’s psalms, do note that a good portion of them record the expression of David’s heart and his confidence in God during some of his most difficult days: While being pursued (Psalms 54, 57, 59); having been betrayed (Psalm 55); and while he was brokenhearted (Psalm 56). Psalms 54, 60, 61 and 63 are psalms of lament (watch for the use of the phrase, “O, God”).



As the One Who was betrayed by his “friend” – Psalm 55:12 (Matt. 26:47-50).

As the One Who saves those who will call upon Him – Psalm 55:16-17 (Rom.10:13).

As the Rock – Psalm 61:2; 62:2, 6-7 (I Cor. 10:4).



DAY 175 – THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2012




A description of our King, and the King’s daughter; the psalmist’s confidence in and praise of God; the deception of worldly wealth; David’s prayer of confession after sinning with Bathsheba; the tendency of the tongue toward evil; the foolishness of atheism.



Many of you have learned that there are three layers of application in Scripture. Because these three layers are so easily identifiable in the Psalms, and so necessary to really understand them, perhaps the most profitable use of this space today will be to review these three applications (i.e. Rather than giving you a fish, teach you how to fish!).


Application #1 – The Historical Application

Obviously, the events we read about in Scripture really happened to real people like you and me at a particular time in history. Understanding the historical context is vital to proper interpretation and allows us to properly make the second application of Scripture …


Application #2 – The Devotional or Inspirational Application

From the events, situations and experiences of those real people we were talking about in the Historical Application, we learn lessons we can apply to our own lives from their successes and failures as we face similar circumstances and situations.


Almost every “fundamentalist” or “Bible-believing” person is fully acquainted with these first two layers of application. Yet, there is a third layer that most people fail to see. It is the third application that is really the sparkplug that ignites the whole supernatural engine of the Bible, causing us to stand in complete awe of the Word of God and the God of the Word!


Application #3 – The Doctrinal or Prophetical Application

This application identifies what the event or situation in history foreshadows or pictures prophetically. It is the real “teaching” of the passage (Doctrine = Teaching). Time will not permit an exhausting of the subject, and barely a decent explanation, but God uses the record of history in the Old Testament to point to the key events that will take place in the future. Far from being even remotely connected or mildly associated with the allegorical approach to biblical interpretation (i.e. Randomly choosing what you think or want the “hidden” meaning of the passage to be with no rhyme or reason from a hermeneutical standpoint), the doctrinal application employs strict rules of Bible study to make consistent prophetic applications. Once you begin to identify this third layer of application in the Psalms, you’ll almost begin to wonder what you used to think the Psalms were about!


Let’s take just a second to talk about these three layers of application in the Psalms.


In identifying the Historical Application, recognize that some event and/or circumstances and situations in the life of the psalmist prompted the writing of his song. Many times the Historical Application is even identified in the title, as in Psalm 51 in today’s reading: “A psalm of David when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.” As you can understand, knowing that will make this Psalm take on much more significant meaning!


From a Devotional or Inspirational (Practical) standpoint, the Psalms are filled with personal application and meaning because they so mirror and express how we think and feel about ourselves, God, life, people, etc. as we face the circumstances of our life. They become a great “attitude adjustment” as we see the psalmist work through similar experiences of life.


Though all of the Psalms in today’s reading are jam-packed with the third layer of application, Psalm 46 is perhaps the best example to use to “open the windows” to be able to see it. Obviously, the psalms are songs that were actually sung. They word “Selah” that you so often see appearing in the Psalms (71 times in all) is there because it is a rest written into the musical score. The word made it into the canon of God’s Holy Word because it is a key that God uses to help us identify the prophetic context of the passage. At the Second Coming of Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ will arrive on this planet to establish His millennial reign. The “Millennium,” as we refer to it, is a 1000 year period of “rest” on this planet, specifically identified in Rev. 20:1-6, referred to as the “rest” for the people of God in Heb. 4, and called the “times” of RESTitution of all things” and the “times of refreshing” in Acts 3:19-21.


When you see the word “Selah,” put the brakes on, throw your eyes and your brain into reverse, because God just let you know what the passage is meaning from a doctrinal or prophetic standpoint (i.e. the Second Coming and/or Millennium). Notice in Psalm 46, three perfect descriptions of the Millennium, each marked by the Word “Selah” : 1) Ps. 46:1-3; 2) Ps. 46:4-7a; 3) Ps. 46:7b-11. Notice in Psalm 50:1-6, a perfect description of the Second Coming, and what follows next? Rest! (“Selah” – the Millennium!) You get the idea. I’ll leave the rest of them for you to see and enjoy for yourself! The word “Selah” is also the same as “Petra”, the rock city in Edom that the Jews will run to during the time of the Great Tribulation.



Through the 10 times the word “Selah” is used in today’s reading, pointing to Christ’s Second Coming and Millennial Reign – Psalm 46:3,7,11; 47:4; 48:8; 49:13,15; 50:6; 52:3,5.


DAY 174 – WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 2012




Instructions regarding the destiny of the wicked; David’s petition during a time of trouble; the brevity and vanity of life; prayer and praise for deliverance; sickness, betrayal and responding to enemies; the soul’s longing for God’s presence; deliverance and hope in God; complaint about defeat and cry for help.



Psalms is not merely a book of praise; it is also a book of practical counsel. In today’s reading you will discover how to deal with fretfulness (37), failing strength (38-39), rest in God’s faithfulness (40), and respond to a friend’s faithfulness (41).


In Psalm 39 and verse 4, David prayed, “Lord, make me to know… the measure of my days.” David’s prayer points out that the brevity of life is an issue everyone should consider, not just senior citizens.  He realized how easy it is to get so caught up with material achievements that we forget the purpose of life. Life is short and opportunities for fulfilling God’s purposes will soon be “no more” (39:13).  Compared to eternity, our life on earth is very short. It is of utmost importance that, just as or Lord did, we need to fulfill our purpose for existence. Jesus said, “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work” (John 9:4).


Psalm 41 provides us with the process of praise in the midst of suffering. It is a “how to” manual for blessing the Lord while bedridden. Apparently, the psalmist is suffering from a physical ailment or injury (vs. 3). What begins as a third-person description of the man who takes pity on the poor and needy (vs.1-3), soon becomes the plea of a discouraged, bedridden saint: “be merciful unto ME heal MY soul” (vs. 4). The longer the psalmist meditates on the Lord, the more confident he becomes of God’s strength in his hour of need.


If you are sick or suffering today, you can experience God’s blessing even in the midst of your recuperation. Instead of complaining about your condition, use the time to meditate on the mercies of God (vs. 4, 10). Praise Him for His deliverance (vs. 1), preservation (vs. 2), strength (vs. 3), and favour (vs. 11). As God gives you opportunity, share your meditations on God’s mercies with others. Your testimony of His mercy and salvation (Titus 3:4,5).



One who does the will of God – Psalm 40:6-8 (John4:34; Hebrews 10:7-9)

DAY 173 – TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012




David’s adoration of God’s mighty power; David’s trust in God; the blessedness of God’s forgiveness; the Lord hears the righteous; David’s prayer for safety; the contrast of the godly and the wicked.



The historic context of Psalm 30 is established by the title “A Psalm and Song at the Dedication of the House of David.” The psalm has tremendous prophetic ramifications, however, as it foretells the coming history of Israel – Israel’s horrendous “night of weeping” (30:5a), followed by the “joy that cometh in the morning” (30:5b), when the Day of the Lord arises on this planet at the Second Coming of Christ, as He establishes His millennial kingdom. In a practical way, the psalmist provides an example for us to “extol” the Lord (vs.1); to “sing and give thanks” to Him (vs. 4,12); to “cry” out to Him, making “supplication” to Him (vs. 8).


Psalm 31 is significant for several reasons. First, it leads us to the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His very last words before He died, (Father, “into thine hand I commit my spirit” – 31:5 c.f. Luke23:36).


Secondly, it is significant because of the descriptive words and phrases that point to the awesomeness of our God. He is our “Righteousness” (31:1); our “Strong Rock” (31:2); our “House of Defense” (31:2); our “Rock and Fortress” (31:3); our “Guide” (31:3); our “Strength” (31:4); and the “Preserver of the faithful: (31:23). Is there anything you could possible face today that one or more of those characteristics do not address?


Sometimes as you read through the psalms, depending upon what is going on in your life, you can almost feel that you wrote them! A good example of that for many of you may be verses 9-18 of Psalm 31. If you are facing what seems to be an insurmountable foe, try using the words of the psalmist in these verses (9-18), to voice your prayer to the Lord.


Psalm 32 is a psalm of confession. Verses 1-4 show us the result of not “cleansing ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit” (II Cor. 7:1). Verse 7 reminds us of the place of singing in the midst of spiritual warfare (II Chron. 20:21-23; Col. 3:16; Eph 5:19).


In Psalm 33 the psalmist praises the Lord on an instrument of 10 strings (33:2). You may not be able to play a musical instrument with 10 strings to praise the Lord, but you can BE one! Use your 2 feet to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing” (Col. 1:10). Use your 2 hands to hold the powerful sword of God’s Word to carry out the work of the Lord (I Cor.15:58). Use your 2 eyes to see the needs of the people around you that need to be met (I John3:17). Use your 2 ears to hear the Word of the Lord (James1:19; Prov. 2:2). Use your one neck to bow your will in submission to Christ’s Lordship (Ex. 32:9). And, use your one mouth to praise the Lord, to speak the Word of the Lord to the lost, and to speak words of comfort, encouragement, and hope to believers. Be an instrument of 10 strings to praise the Lord today!


The psalmist prayed in Psalm 33:8, “Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.” The prayer will be answered at the Second Coming of Christ when “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father” (Phil.2:10-11; II Thess. 1:7-10). Psalm 33:12-22 is a great way of saying, “If God be for us, who can be against us (Romans8:31), and if God be against us, it doesn’t matter who is for us!”


Are you living in fear today? Psalm 34:1-4 presents a sevenfold prescription for being “delivered from all your fears” (vs. 4): 1) Bless the Lord at all times (vs. 1a); 2) Allow His praise to continually be in your mouth (vs. 1b); 3) Make your boast in the Lord (vs. 2a); 4) Humble yourself (vs. 2b); 5) Magnify the Lord (vs. 3a); 6) Exalt His name (vs. 3b); 7) Seek the Lord (vs. 4a).


Psalm 35:1-9 is a reminder to us of the lessons we learned about spiritual warfare from II Chronicles 20. The psalmist reiterates the truth that “the battle is not yours, but Gods” (II Chron.20:15); “ye shall not need to fight in this battle” (II Chron. 20:17a); and “set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord” (II Chron. 20:17b). Note in Psalm 35:12, in a “rational” world, no good deed goes unrewarded. In the “real” world, however, no good deed goes unpunished! Sad, but true.


Psalm 36 contrasts the sinful man (36:1-4) with the saved man (36:5-12). As you read these verses, keep in mind that the “old man” (i.e. our “flesh”) is still a part of us; a part of us we have been commanded to “put off”! (Eph 4:22)



Through DAVID as he “COMMITS HIS SPIRIT” to the Father – Psalm 31:5 (Luke23:46)

As the “ANGEL OF THE LORD” – Psalm 34:7 (The Angel of the Lord is an Old Testament appearance of the preincarnate Christ.)

As the One in whom NO BONE IS BROKEN – Psalm 34:20 (John19:36).


WEEK #25 – DAY 172 – MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2012





Psalms of victory (21), shame (25), innocence (26), devotion (27), hope (28) and glory (29); Psalms regarding the future sufferings (22), shepherding (23) and reign of Jesus Christ (24).



One of the most comforting characteristics of the Psalms is the unashamed, unrestrained honesty with which each has been written. In Psalm 28:1, David says, “I feel like you’ve abandoned me, God”; in Psalm 25:11, he begs, “God, I know I’ve sinned greatly, but please help me”; and we end our reading with David joyfully declaring the unrivaled power of God’s Word in Psalm 29. It may be hard to believe that this “emotional basket case” is the same man who killed a lion and a bear with his own bare hands; the same man who slew Goliath with one little stone; the same valiant warrior who Israel claimed had killed tens of thousands (I Sam. 18:7). It may be hard to believe until you remember that God doesn’t look on the outward appearance, but on the heart (I Sam. 16:7). The man that God selected to ruleIsraelwasn’t a man who could put on a fake smile and act like everything is okay. God wanted a man with a heart brave enough to slay giants and tender enough to lead Israel compassionately because that’s the kind of heart God has (Acts 13:22). David’s mission statement is found in Psalm 27:4, 8.


David set his entire life to one goal: the pursuit of God. As a result, David ferociously sought for God in every circumstance of his life. In the depths of depression, David scratched and clawed his way to find the reason for God’s apparent silence; at the peak of joy, he reveled in the glory and strength of his God. Whatever emotional state he was in, David struggled and fought to find God, and as a result, he began to naturally see God everywhere: as a shepherd (Psalm 23), as a light (Psalm 27), as a rock (Psalm 28) and as thunder (Psalm 29:3). Like He said, “Seek and ye shall find” (Luke 11:9).


Turning our attention to Psalm 22, God inspired David to write a song about the sufferings of Jesus Christ one thousand years before it happened. This Psalm cannot be about David, because never did God literally forsake him (vs. 1); never were his bones out of joint (vs. 14); never were his hands and feet pierced (vs. 16); and never were his garments parted and gambled for (vs. 18). Only Jesus Christ fits this description (seeMt.27:35, 46). In the writing of this Psalm, it’s almost as if God invited David to describe the most horrible kind of suffering and death he could imagine. So David records all that his mind could conjure: betrayal, false accusations, humiliation, torture and abandonment. Then, a millennium later, God turns that nightmare into reality, subjecting His own Son, Jesus Christ, to what David described. In so doing, God forever settled any accusations that He is ignorant of, indifferent to, or absent in our human sufferings for He endured all that the human imagination could contrive. Never can we say that God does not understand what we are going through (see Heb.4:14-16; 2:9-10,14,17,18).


Because the Psalms are so candid and personal, you can easily find one for any and every circumstance or emotion you encounter. Are you weighed down by the guilt of your past sin? Turn Psalm 25 into a personal prayer. Are you being falsely accused and in need of strength? Try Psalm 26. Need a reminder of God’s goodness and gentleness? Dive into Psalm 23. Whatever the circumstances, remember: God can handle your ups and downs, your doubts and optimistic declarations. Pour out your heart to Him. Besides, He already knows what you’re thinking, you might as well tell Him.



Psalms 22, 23, and 24 provide a prophetic description of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Psalm 22 presents Christ as our suffering Saviour (Matt. 27:46) while Psalm 23 reveals Him as our risen Shepherd (John 10:11) and Psalm 24 makes us witnesses of His future triumphant return as the King of glory (Rev. 19).