DAY 168 – THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2012




The contrast between the blessed man and the ungodly man; a prophecy of Christ and his request for the heathen as his inheritance; David cries out to God for help and deliverance from his enemies; The Lord’s name is magnified and David wonders with amazement why God is even mindful of sinful man.



The word Psalms means “hymns” or “praise”. This Old Testament book was the national hymn book for the Israelites. The Psalms reveal many varied emotions and experiences of God’s people: adoration, joy, faith, grace, mercy, suffering, hope, etc. In just the eleven Psalms we read today, we see David writing about his emotions and experiences during his son Absalom’s rebellion (Psalms 3-6), while he was persecuted by King Saul (Psalm 7), during his time as a shepherd (Psalm 8), and while he was reigning as King of Israel (Psalms 9 and 11).


For the sake of space and time, we will focus our attention today on Psalm 1. In this Psalm God contrasts for us the blessed man (vs. 1-3) and the ungodly man (vs. 4-6). The blessed man is one that is separated from the world (vs. 1). Our Christian life is compared to a walk in the Bible (see Eph. 4:1, 5:2). It starts with trusting Christ alone for your salvation and continues with faithfully obeying God’s Word. The man that God blesses makes progress in His walk by being mindful of who he listens to (not “the counsel of the ungodly”), what he considers doing (not “the way of sinners”), and finally what he actually does (not “sitting down and agreeing with the scornful”). It doesn’t take much for any of us to imagine how this works. You first start to walk near sin, then you stand to consider it, then you finally sit down to “enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season” (Heb.11:25). Just remember that sin will always take you farther than you want to go, and the price will always be higher than you want to pay! The man that is blessed also delights in the Word of God. It is love for, and obedience to the Bible that brings blessings to our lives.


Meditation is to the soul what digestion is to the body (see Jer.15:16). A man that meditates on the Bible allows his mind to be controlled by the Word of God. Thirdly, the blessed man is like a tree planted by water. He brings forth much fruit every season because of the plentiful water taken in through the roots. Note the perfect example of this godly man is Jesus Christ (John 14:6). He is the Way (vs. 1), the Truth (vs. 2), and the Life (vs. 3).


Psalm 1:4-6 describes for us the ungodly man. In contrast to the blessed man, the first thing we find is that they “are not so”. While the godly man is compared to a tree that is strong, beautiful, and fruitful; the ungodly is compared to chaff that the wind blows away because it has no roots!


Verse 5 clearly teaches that there is a coming judgment that is prepared for the ungodly at which they will fall on their knees (“they shall not stand”) and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil.2:10-11). Verse 6 describes the “two ways” that are set before each of us (Matt.7:13-14). The ungodly have chosen the wide gate that leads to destruction because they prefer the counsel of the ungodly, as opposed to the “whole counsel of God” (Acts20:27). He prefers the friendship of godless men, rather than the congregation of the righteous. He also spends his days thinking upon sin, and not upon the Word of God!



As THE SON – Psalm2:12. We are told in Psalm 2:10-12 to “be wise now” and “kiss the Son” because “blessed are all they that put their trust in Him” (Eph.1:12-14).