Archives for June 2012

DAY 169 – FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012




The preservation of God’s Word; longing for deliverance; the foolishness of fools; the description of a godly man; the second coming of Christ; the power of God’s Word.



In Psalm 12 and verse one, the context for this psalm is set – godly men and faithful men are in short supply. It certainly is descriptive of our time as well. However, the Lord will arise and deal justly. The certainty of this truth is based on the certainty of God’s Word. We can rest and be at peace even in this evil world, because we can trust God’s Word. He has preserved it for us. It is true and we know the Lord will keep His Word. In fact, His promise is that He will preserve and keep His Word pure forever.


Notice how honest David gets with God in Psalm 13. In fact, the first two verses are questioning God!  Do you ever feel like that? The problem is we usually take it to someone else instead of getting honest and questioning God. It sounds almost blasphemous to say you can question God, but that’s what David did right here. He poured out his heart not to others, but to God. The result of his honesty with the Lord is seen in how the psalm ends – David remembers God’s mercy, he remembers God’s salvation, and he remembers how “bountifully” God has dealt with him. When we get honest with God, He will bring to our remembrance His mercy, His salvation and His goodness. Our circumstances may not change, (David’s didn’t), but our attitude and our outlook will. This should be a psalm of great comfort to us.


The 14th Psalm is the description of lost man, and a description of all of us before our salvation.

God uses Psalm 15 to give us a description of a godly man – someone who dwells where God is. God uses five sentences (watch the punctuation) to outline this person:


  1. Inward righteousness that works its way out – (vs. 2). This is the opposite of the Pharisees who had an outward righteousness, but their hearts were not affected.
  2. Loves others as himself – (vs. 3). Interpersonal problems are caused because someone does not love his neighbor as himself.
  3. Esteems the righteous, not the evil – (vs. 4a). Who are the people you respect and esteem? Do they have a walk with God or not?
  4. Means what he says – (vs. 4b). Can others believe what I’m saying, and do I keep my word even when it cost me something, or do I look for a way out?
  5. Not driven by making gain – (vs. 5). Is making money, getting ahead in life, or “doing well” the priority and pursuit of my life, or is loving God?


A prophecy of the death and resurrection of Christ (Acts2:31) is found in Psalm16:10.


In Psalm 17, David’s dependence upon God in the midst of trial and opposition is revealed.  We must understand the context and doctrinal teaching of the Psalm 18. This is a prophecy of the second coming of Christ and His deliverance of His peopleIsrael. Verses 4-6 describe the hopeless situation; verses 7-15 describe the Day of the Lord. This also helps us make sense of other passages within the psalm. Verses 20-24 seem to focus on the good works of the individual being delivered. We must remember this is not a picture of our salvation, but rather the second coming. Those people who did not take the mark of the beast did keep themselves clean, and that is whom Christ will deliver.


Psalm 19:1-6 corresponds to Romans 1:19-20. The creation of God does show forth His glory. Also, verses 4-6 tell us that the rising of the sun should daily be a reminder of the second coming of Christ.


The complete power of the Word of God is on display in verses 7-9 and verse 10 is a haunting statement to our generation – do we really desire God’s Word as much as money? Do we really believe verse 11 that there is great reward (eternal) in keeping His Word?


“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” – Psalm 20:7. This verse is such a popular verse that sometimes we overlook its power. Where do we actually place our trust? We will always say – God. But is that the reality in our life? Do I really trust in the Lord, or in my job? Maybe my family? Maybe my goodness? It is a daily battle to remember the name of the Lord our God and trust in Him alone.



Psalm 19:4-6 – The rising of the sun pictures the second coming of Christ.


DAY 168 – THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2012




The contrast between the blessed man and the ungodly man; a prophecy of Christ and his request for the heathen as his inheritance; David cries out to God for help and deliverance from his enemies; The Lord’s name is magnified and David wonders with amazement why God is even mindful of sinful man.



The word Psalms means “hymns” or “praise”. This Old Testament book was the national hymn book for the Israelites. The Psalms reveal many varied emotions and experiences of God’s people: adoration, joy, faith, grace, mercy, suffering, hope, etc. In just the eleven Psalms we read today, we see David writing about his emotions and experiences during his son Absalom’s rebellion (Psalms 3-6), while he was persecuted by King Saul (Psalm 7), during his time as a shepherd (Psalm 8), and while he was reigning as King of Israel (Psalms 9 and 11).


For the sake of space and time, we will focus our attention today on Psalm 1. In this Psalm God contrasts for us the blessed man (vs. 1-3) and the ungodly man (vs. 4-6). The blessed man is one that is separated from the world (vs. 1). Our Christian life is compared to a walk in the Bible (see Eph. 4:1, 5:2). It starts with trusting Christ alone for your salvation and continues with faithfully obeying God’s Word. The man that God blesses makes progress in His walk by being mindful of who he listens to (not “the counsel of the ungodly”), what he considers doing (not “the way of sinners”), and finally what he actually does (not “sitting down and agreeing with the scornful”). It doesn’t take much for any of us to imagine how this works. You first start to walk near sin, then you stand to consider it, then you finally sit down to “enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season” (Heb.11:25). Just remember that sin will always take you farther than you want to go, and the price will always be higher than you want to pay! The man that is blessed also delights in the Word of God. It is love for, and obedience to the Bible that brings blessings to our lives.


Meditation is to the soul what digestion is to the body (see Jer.15:16). A man that meditates on the Bible allows his mind to be controlled by the Word of God. Thirdly, the blessed man is like a tree planted by water. He brings forth much fruit every season because of the plentiful water taken in through the roots. Note the perfect example of this godly man is Jesus Christ (John 14:6). He is the Way (vs. 1), the Truth (vs. 2), and the Life (vs. 3).


Psalm 1:4-6 describes for us the ungodly man. In contrast to the blessed man, the first thing we find is that they “are not so”. While the godly man is compared to a tree that is strong, beautiful, and fruitful; the ungodly is compared to chaff that the wind blows away because it has no roots!


Verse 5 clearly teaches that there is a coming judgment that is prepared for the ungodly at which they will fall on their knees (“they shall not stand”) and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil.2:10-11). Verse 6 describes the “two ways” that are set before each of us (Matt.7:13-14). The ungodly have chosen the wide gate that leads to destruction because they prefer the counsel of the ungodly, as opposed to the “whole counsel of God” (Acts20:27). He prefers the friendship of godless men, rather than the congregation of the righteous. He also spends his days thinking upon sin, and not upon the Word of God!



As THE SON – Psalm2:12. We are told in Psalm 2:10-12 to “be wise now” and “kiss the Son” because “blessed are all they that put their trust in Him” (Eph.1:12-14).

DAY 167 – WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2012




The continuation of God’s questions to Job; God’s great power reviewed; Job’s submission to God; Job’s prayer for his friends; God’s double blessing upon Job.



As we completed chapter 38 yesterday, God was in the midst of answering Job’s questions with a series of questions that brought Job’s questions to a screeching halt. God’s questions had to do with creationism, and appear to be totally unrelated and disconnected from Job’s situation, until you realize that Job had gotten to the place that his focus had become directed solely onto his personal problems.


God redirected his focus to see the big picture, to show Job, 1) his problems aren’t as big as he thought, and 2) his problems aren’t the center of the universe, God is!


Having laid down a series of cosmological and natural questions in chapter 38, God now asks questions about animals. In fact, from Job 38 to 41, God mentions 14 animals. Jeff Adams reminds us, “Seven is God’s number of completion, the number associated with his perfect works, just as in the seven days of creation. Two is the number of witness, or confirmation. We are considering a list of 14 animals for whatever reason. Could it be that God wants to confirm the perfection of His work to Job?  Is there valuable truth to be learned from God’s zoo?”


Of particular interest are the two animals mentioned in chapters 40 and 41, “Behemoth” and “Leviathan,” respectively. A few things to consider, first of all, concerning “Behemoth”. The word “behemoth” is not a translation, but actually a transliteration. In other words, because the word has no English equivalent, it cannot be translated. The Hebrew word was simply given an English spelling and pronunciation. While some speculate that behemoth is an elephant, hippopotamus, or a water ox, the word simply means “beast” or “animal.” What is interesting, however, is that it is a plural form of the word, and yet all of the pronouns in the passage concerning this animal are singular. Either God uses real bad grammar, or there’s something else going on here! Can you think of any other place in the Bible where a single “animal,” is really a composite of different “animals”? How about the “beast” (i.e. animal) in Rev. 13:1-2 (the Antichrist), who is a composite of several beasts: the leopard, the bear, and the lion. When we see who “behemoth” actually is, we find that God is, in a sense, answering the question of Job’s suffering by pointing him to the source. The same spiritual power that was behind Job’s “tribulation,” will be the mastermind behind the worldwide “Tribulation” in the very near future.


Leviathan (chapter 41), is likewise intriguing. He, too, is speculated by “scholars” to be a whale, crocodile, sea monster, or perhaps even a mythological beast. Comparing Scripture with Scripture, however, reveals a very interesting description.


Psalm 74:14 lets us know that whatever “leviathan” is, it has more than one head! Isaiah 27:1 calls “leviathan” a serpent and a dragon. Can you think of anything in the Bible that has more than one head, and is identified as a serpent and a dragon? Revelation 12:3 talks about a great DRAGON, “having seven heads,” and verse 9 of that same chapter says, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old SERPENT, called the Devil, and Satan”!!!  Once again, God is pointing Job to the one who was responsible for his “tribulation.” Wow! What a Book! And, what a God!


To summarize our study of Job, allow me to “borrow” from Jeff Adams’ summary in his commentary on this Book, which I have already mentioned, I highly recommend:


  1. Some questions will never be answered in this life, if ever, God owes us no explanations.
  2. Some believers suffer for no reason of their own making.
  3. We are but a small part of an immense spiritual war that has been raging since the fall of Lucifer, a war of which we have little understanding.
  4. Unless we exercise great caution and discernment, even our best intentions to minister to those who suffer can be easily seized by the enemy to use to his advantage in this spiritual war.
  5. An abundance of facts about God does not necessarily qualify anyone to understand God’s purposes, especially to diagnose His workings in the life of another.
  6. Our need is not just for more information about God; our need is to know God.
  7. When baffled and overwhelmed by trials that are not of our own creation, we should lift up our eyes to see the big picture of God’s plan for the universe. We should simply stand in awe of God’s great power, and simply let Him be God.
  8. All trials for righteousness’ sake ultimately lead to new beginnings.



Through Job’s praying for his friends – Job 42:10 (Christ instructed us to pray for those who falsely accuse us – Luke6:28).




DAY 166 – TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2012



Elihu’s continued accusations against Job; God’s questions to Job.



As we pick up in today’s reading, youthful, knowledgeable, well-meaning Elihu is still running his mouth. (Somebody please pass me the muzzle!) And he still has a lot more to say to Job, “in the name of the Lord,” of course. He has even convinced himself, and is trying to convince Job that he has received his insight by inspiration of God. While Job’s other “counselors” continuously pointed to some secret sin in Job’s life as the source of his heartache and suffering, Elihu claims that he even knows what the specific sin is!  Hello, Holy Spirit!  He says that Job’s problem is the fact that he hasn’t really submitted himself to the sovereignty of God, and is bumping himself up against God’s working in his life.


Compare this “godly insight and inspiration” with God’s own words concerning Job in chapter 1, verse 8: “There is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil.” So much for Elihu’s insight and inspiration!  Oh, how careful we must be about throwing God’s name over the top of our own opinions and conclusions in dealing with people! We must be certain that we have a chapter and verse to support our counsel, and we must be certain that the verse means what we are passing it off to mean in its context. Job’s counselors show us how easily we can deceive, and be deceived.


It is interesting that throughout Elihu’s entire rampage, it would be impossible to fault the correctness of what he says. The problem, however, is that he is operating under a basic assumption that is false.


When your basic conclusion is off base, it doesn’t matter how many correct facts are hung on it to make it look and or sound “godly” – it’s still just flat out wrong. Sadly, this is the problem with many discussions about spiritual matters and religion in these dark last days.


Finally, Elihu has gotten what he felt he “had to say” off of his chest, and can now shut his mouth.

Hallelujah! These men have all had their shots at Job. Now it’s God’s turn. Job has had all kinds of questions for God. It is interesting, that when God finally speaks, He does so by declaring nothing. He rather “answers,” by asking questions Himself. He asks a series of at least 35 questions, depending on how you divide them. They are all designed to show man that he really knows nothing about anything.


The breakdown of chapter 38 is as follows:

Questions about words without knowledge. (38:1-3)

Questions about creation. (38:4-7)

Questions about the waters. (38:8-11)

Questions about the sun’s light. (38:12-15)

Questions about strange places. (38:16-21)

Questions about the weather. (38:22-30)

Questions about the heavens. (38:31-33)

Questions in general. (38:34-41)



As the One Who watches how we live and all we do – Job 34:21. (The Lord keeps His eyes on the righteous – I Pet.3:12)

Week 24 – DAY 165 – MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012




Job’s recollection of days gone by; Job’s proclamation of his righteousness and integrity; Elihu’s accusations.



As we enter Job 29, we find Job looking back over his shoulder, reflecting on how good life used to be.  We call them “the good ole days.” (For most of us, it’s not really that “the good ole days” were really that good, it’s just that our memory is so bad, and/or so selective, that we don’t remember all of the things that made life difficult during those times!) Job’s case, however, is different. He really did have a better life in days gone by.


Job 29:1 reminds us that this is the continuation of a parable. Biblically, a parable is something that is used to give instruction to believers, but hide truth from the skeptic (See Matt.13:11).


After walking back through “the good ole days” in chapter 29, in chapter 30, Job is brought back to the reality of his present condition. He describes the misery of his terrible state. While they tell the tale of Job’s horror historically, they once again, paint an unbelievable picture of Christ’s plight on the cross, the Jew in the Tribulation, and the lost man in hell. Job 30 gives the same “feel” as Isaiah 53.


In chapter 31, the tone changes rather abruptly. Job somehow digs himself up out of the depths of despair mentally, and causes us to stand in awe of this incredible man’s ability to hold tenaciously to his integrity after being pulverized relentlessly both physically (from the devil), and psychologically (from his friends). Beginning in verse 5 of chapter 31, Job fires off a series of questions regarding his personal testimony. Each is marked by the word “if,” which is found 20 times in the passage. (Gives new meaning to “playing 20 questions” :>) In effect, Job is saying, “If I’m guilty of any of the things you guys have accused me of, I’m ready to receive the judgment of God for it.” Job ends his argument in 31:40, and no one has won. Job, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar have all simply become more entrenched in their own position. It teaches us a great lesson about debating “spiritual” matters. No one really wins. Everybody simply holds firm to their own convictions, while no communication is really taking place, because no one is listening. The next person is just waiting for their turn to talk. This is why radio and T.V. talk shows are so big in America. We don’t want to listen to another point of view, because our minds are already made up, we just want to hurl our thought bombs at each other.


As chapter 32 begins, all four men have run out of steam, and now, no one is talking. But there has been one other person present throughout this whole episode with Job and his three friends. He has listened intently to everything that has been said. Because he was younger than the other men, he’s kept his mouth shut out of respect. But he’s been brought to his boiling point. He feels he’s got to open his mouth and “defend God.” Elihu is his name. Like Job’s three friends, he thinks he is speaking for God, out of a pure heart and pure motives. Once again, you would never be able to convince him otherwise. What he says proves that he is very knowledgeable. Knowing what we know about why Job has encountered these trials, reveals that while Elihu has knowledge, he lacks wisdom and understanding. Everything Elihu says in chapter 32 and 33 is completely accurate in terms of truthfulness, and is right smack dab on the bull’s eye. The only problem is, the bull’s eye is on the wrong target! As we have said throughout our overview of Job, we must allow the Lord to teach us through the negative examples of Job’s friends, lest we demoralize, discourage, and defeat our brothers and sisters with knowledge, but no wisdom and understanding.



Through Job’s compassion for others – Job 29:15-17, 21-25 (Matt.4:14;15:30-39).

Through the ridicule and affliction which Job endured – Job 30:10-11 (Mark15:15-20; Isa. 50:6; 53:2-5; Matt. 27:26-30; John 19:1-3)






DAY 162 – FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2012

 DAY 159 – FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2012





Eliphaz’s scathing accusations against Job; Job’s desire to plead his case before God; Bildad’s attack on Job; Job’s desperate seeking for God.



As we continue today in the Book of Job, we find that Job’s counselors, called “friends,” are increasingly losing control of their emotions in this “discussion” they’re having with Job. Up to this point, they have twisted words and circumstances to fit their own ideas and agendas, but in chapter 22, Eliphaz enters into the realm of just blatantly saying things that are not true. Notice in the list of things that Colossians 3:8-9 tell us to “put off,” there is a progression: “But now ye also put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds.” You can follow that progression with Job’s friends. They first became angry with Job’s refusal to confess his secret sin, and now they have worked themselves up through wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy, communication out of their mouth, and now, through Eliphaz, lying! Take note of this progression the next time you allow anger to move back into your being. Deal with it immediately lest you find yourself in the vortex described in Col. 3:8-9.


As we begin chapter 22, we enter into the third and final round of this bout with Job and his three friends who came with the intention of confronting and counseling him in his time of trial. There is a great overriding lesson to be learned through the “ministry” of Job’s counselors. They remind us that even those of us who seek to minister the Word of God to others with the absolute best possible intentions, can be guilty of breaking people to pieces with our words, while we think we’re doing what God would have us do, and thinking we’re saying what God would have us say. Job’s friends had all of their theological i’s dotted just right, and all of their doctrinal t’s crossed to perfection, they just didn’t have a clue about how to apply them. We must allow their negative example to cause us to depend totally on God’s grace to help us to learn to listen as we counsel those in need, and to be sure that we understand the biblical meaning of the words than can so easily roll off of our lips.


After Eliphaz delivers his scathing address in chapter 22, Job is so incredibly low that he has no where else to look but up. All he can do is seek desperately for God. As tough as that is, it’s not a bad place to be in the light of Deuteronomy 4:29, the theme verse of our 365 Days of Pursuit. In chapters 23 and 24, Job does just that – he desperately seeks God.


In chapter 25, Bildad re-enters the ring. He opens his final remarks by declaring an indisputable truth, followed by a leading question, which leads to a series of questions that form his conclusion. In response, Job will ask some questions of his own in chapter 26. He fires back six questions that Job’s friends cannot answer. It is interesting to consider these same questions as questions that could and may be asked of each of us at the Judgment Seat of Christ! After firing out these questions in 26:1-4, the remainder of the chapter is an unbelievable cosmological discourse that has proven to be several years ahead of “modern” science.


As we move into chapters 27 and 28, we are able to get a glimpse of Job’s incredible spirit. As you read through his “speech,” ask yourself whether you could maintain the integrity of your heart the way Job has. It is sobering to think that everyone of us makes the choice of absolute surrender to Christ, every single day of our life. Let’s all make the surrender this day.



Through JOB’S faithfulness to God through his suffering – Job 23:1-12 (Christ’s faithfulness to the Father is seen as He prayed for the Father’s will to be done – Luke 22:42)




DAY 161 – THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2012




The continuation of Job’s defense of himself; Bildad’s continued accusations; Job’s response to Bildad; Zophar’s accusation that Jobis a wicked man; Job’s response to Zophar.



As yesterday’s reading came to a close in chapter 16, we saw that Job’s expression of what he was going through speaks prophetically of what was taking place in the heart and mind of the Lord Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross. As Job continues his speech in chapter 17, the picture continues. In verse 7, “Mine eye also is dim by reason of sorrow, and all my members are as a shadow” (17:7), we see a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ consumed with the weight of our sin. “The innocent” in verse 8, who “shall stir up himself against the hypocrite,” is obviously a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom Job’s innocence foreshadows. Christ is the innocent Savior who died for the guilty. This chapter is a great reminder of one of the great paradoxes of life. Many times the godly suffer, while the wicked prosper and assume that they are godly. The fact is, winners don’t always win, and losers don’t always lose.


In chapter 18, Bildad offers his second attempt to convince Job that there must be some secret sin that has been the cause of his intense persecution and suffering. As only God’s supernatural Book has the ability to do, God’s record of Bildad’s words provide us unbelievable information about the Antichrist and time of Tribulation. The subject of the passage appears for the first time in verse 5 – “the wicked.”  The reference to “the wicked” in the Book of Job is a prophetic foreshadowing of “that Wicked” (the Antichrist) whom Paul mentions in II Thessalonians 2:8. Verse 21 of this 18th chapter looks to the coming Antichrist, and to his destination in hell: “Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth that God.”


Chapter 19 opens with Job’s response to Bildad’s discourse. Job’s words are like a triple-exposure picture pointing to Christ’s suffering on the cross, the Jew suffering in the Tribulation, and the lost man suffering in hell. The common denominator shared by these three pictures is the fact that they are all the objects of God’s wrath (19:11-12). The three-fold imagery is further seen in19:13-19, as it points toIsraelas a proverb and a by-word of reproach; Christ counted as an enemy by the armies of God as He hung on the cross; and the lost man forever separated from everyone he knows and loves in hell.


Verses 25-27 of chapter 19 are the spiritual climax of the Book. Job’s words in these verses comprise one of the greatest confessions of faith in the entire Bible. He declares that the Redeemer is alive and well; that He will physically be present on the earth in “the latter day,” and that the believer will live in a new physical body.


In chapter 20, it’s Zophar’s turn to take his shots at Job. Once again, the record of his words give us greater insight into the coming Antichrist, “that wicked.”


In chapter 21, Job has been brought to a place of utter frustration with his counselors. His words point to the future judgment and conquest of the Antichrist’s false system by the Lord Jesus Christ.



As “THE INNOCENT” – Job 17:8 (Christ is the innocent Savior who died for the guilty – Matt. 27:4)

Through JOB as the one whom God’s WRATH was presumably kindled against – Job19:11(II Cor.



As the REDEEMER – Job19:25(Acts20:28; Eph.1:14; Rev. 5:9)


DAY 160 – WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 2012




Job’s affirmation of faith in God’s wisdom; Job’s defense of his righteous testimony; Eliphaz’ intensified accusations and condemnation; Job’s complaint of God’s dealing with him.



As yesterday’s reading came to a close in chapter 11, Zophar had just completed his scathing accusations against Job.  As Job’s three friends have all taken their turn to pound him, Job has been so overcome with grief he hasn’t actually addressed the attacks they’ve hurled against him.  That changes in chapter 12.  He’s had just about all of their pious, “godly counsel” that he could stand!  Something in our humanness says, “Go, Job!”  Job tells his friends, in effect, that their problem is that they have a whole lot of knowledge, they just don’t have a whole lot of wisdom and understanding.  Nothing could be more descriptive of many (most?) believers in the Laodicean church period (Rev. 3:14-22).


In chapters 13 and 14, Job continues his answer to his critics, who see themselves as his counselors.  Job is finally collecting his thoughts and verbalizing them with much greater boldness, as he defends the righteousness of his testimony.  In 13:9-12, Job hurls some accusations of his own.  He accuses his three friends of mocking God, of secretly accepting persons (being a respecter of persons), of not fearing God, and failing to remember that they are also mortal bodies of clay that will ultimately return to ashes.


By the time we come to verses 20-22 of chapter 13, Job presents God with two conditions: 1) “Knock off the tribulation.”  2) “Let’s talk!  Either you ask me, or allow me to ask You, what in the world is going on!”  Recognizing that God hadn’t seen fit to take away his trials, Job decides that he’ll ask God a series of four questions that he wants Him to answer (13:23-25).


As we move into chapter 14, Job is still addressing God, not his human counselors.  In chapter 15, however, Eliphaz throws his hat back into the ring.  He begins with a series of questions for Job,  along with a few carefully placed and spaced “digs.”  He tells Job that he has a heart problem, and that it can even be detected in his eyes.  He tells Job that his spirit is in rebellion against God, and the proof is in the words that he has spoken.


As we begin chapter 16, Job begins to unload his frustration.  Historically, he is simply sharing what he is going through, however, it is an incredible chapter in a prophetic sense.  As Jeff Adams points out, chapter 16 is one of six chapters in the Old Testament that show us what was taking place in the heart and mind of the Lord Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross.  The other chapters are Psalm 22, Isaiah 50, 52, and 53, and Job 30.  In this chapter, Job is a picture of Christ, deserted by the Father, and hanging on the cross in our place.





Through the SMITING OF JOB – Job16:10(Christ was also struck by His accusers – Matt. 27:29-44; John 18:22-33; Psalm 22:7-8; 109:25; Isa. 53)


Through JOB SUFFERING NOT FOR HIS OWN SIN – Job16:17(II Cor.5:21)

DAY 159 – TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2012




Job continues his response to Eliphaz: Job reproaches his friends; Bildad’s theory about Job’s tribulation; Job’s response to Bildad; Zophar’s accusations against Job.



As we saw in yesterday’s reading, Eliphaz was the first of Job’s friends to offer his “counsel” (Job 3-4). In chapter 6, Job responds to Eliphaz’ speech.  As we move into chapter 7 today, Job continues his response. As he opens his soul, he cries out, “If there is a set time for man to be upon the earth, surely my time is about up!” (7:1). Job has been brought to the total depths of despair.  He feels there’s nothing left to his life but long, empty days, and sleepless nights (7:3-4).  On one hand, he’s afraid his life is over, and on the other hand, he’s afraid that maybe it isn’t. In the midst of it all, Job has no idea what is happening to him is actually because of how blessed God was with Job’s character and heart.  Job simply assumes that everything that has happened to him has happened because God is mad at him.  Your heart has to go out to the guy as you read the story.  We put ourselves in Job’s situation, and there’s no problem understanding why he is so distraught!  He just wants to die (7:15-16).  Paul lets us know in Philippians1:21, however, this side of the cross, there is a different perspective possible!  Paul had that perspective.  He said, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”  As Laodiceans, we typically reverse that.   Our perspective says, “For me to live is gain, and to die is Christ.”


As Job brings his response to Elizphaz to a conclusion at the end of chapter 7, he readily admits that he is a sinner like everybody else, but holds tenaciously to the fact that his “tribulation” is not because of some secret sin in his life he refuses to confess.


Then in chapter 8, Bildad, the second of Job’s friends begins his “counsel.”  Where Eliphaz at least made an attempt to grace his accusation that Job must be guilty of some secret sin, Bildad goes right for Job’s spiritual jugular. In effect, he tells Job that he is sick of listening to his excuses, and that he’s full of hot air.  If that weren’t assaulting enough, he even has the audacity to tell Job that his 10 children had to be guilty of sin, and that they had gotten from God’s hand exactly what they deserved.  With friends like Bildad, who needs enemies?  Do be aware that there are “Bildads” in every church.  They are typically well-intentioned, but misinformed.  The only problem, like Bildad, you would never be able to convince them of that. Bildad basically points the finger at Job and tells him that if he would simply pray and earnestly seek God, all of his “tribulation” would go away.  Be very careful that as your wealth of biblical knowledge increases, that you don’t think that you know why every person goes through the things they go through.  As Job can tell you, it can be extremely hurtful.


In chapter 9, Job responds to Bildad’s accusations.  Though there were many things he could have said to defend himself, much of what he chose to do was admit the truth of Bildad’s words.  Do note that most of the things that Job’s friends say to him were true.  They all possessed a great deal of information about God and His ways.  They were simply off in their timing and their application of that truth.


Note the seven “IF’s” in chapter 9.

            The first            “IF” – (9:16-18)

            The second       “IF” – (9:19)

            The third           “IF” – (9:20a)

            The fourth         “IF” – (9:20b-26)

            The fifth            “IF” – (9:27-28)

            The sixth           “IF” – (9:29)

            The seventh      “IF” – (9:30-35)


As chapter 10 begins, Job sets forth a series of questions for God.  Job wants to know how God could understand the sufferings of a man, since He had never been one.  Job could say that in his day.  But no one has been able to register that complaint against God for over 2000 years, because God has since become a man.  We now have a God who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities; because He became one of us, and was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin.  Because of that, Paul tells us in Hebrews 4:15-16, that we can “come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help him in time of need.”


In chapter 11, Zophar, the third of Job’s friends begins to offer his “loving counsel.”  He, too, comes on with both feet (11:23), saying, “I’m not going to let you get by with all of your meaningless talk and lies!”  He, like the others, tells Job that it is obvious that what he needs to do is repent, get his heart right with God, and everything would be all right.


Have you ever been an Eliphaz, Bildad, or Zophar in somebody’s face, thinking you knew what they needed, when what they really needed was someone to simply be a loving friend to them?  Maybe there’s someone you need to call today, to seek forgiveness.



Through JOB’S SORROWFUL CONDITION – Job 7:1-6 (Christ is called “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” – Isa. 53:3;Mark15:34)


Through the “DAYSMAN” (mediator) Job longed for – Job9:33(The Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator between holy God and sinful men – II Tim. 2:5).



WEEK 23 – DAY 158 – MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2012




Job’s godly character and wealth; the dialogue between God and Satan; Satan permitted to afflict Job; the negative counsel of Job’s wife; Job’s three friends come to visit; the first speech of Eliphaz; Job’s response.



The chapters in today’s reading are familiar to most, and easy to understand for all.


Concerning Satan –

Satan is extremely powerful, but not all-powerful.  Though he “goes to and fro in the earth… walking up and down in it,” the Book of Job lets us know he’s actually on God’s leash!  He can only go as far as God permits him.  That lets us know that everything that takes place in our lives is either APPOINTED by God, or ALLOWED of God.  Take heart!


Concerning Suffering – 

Suffering is not a matter of misfortune or bad luck, nor is it always chastisement from God for some wrong that we have refused to remove out of our lives.  Sometimes we suffer for doing what is right.  God’s own testimony of Job was that he “was perfect and upright and one that feared God, and eschewed evil” (1:1).


Concerning People –    

As well-meaning as people can sometimes be, they can also be used by Satan as in the case of Job’s “friends,” to criticize, accuse, and condemn, thinking they have things all figured out, when they don’t really know all of the facts, and are functioning off of humanistic reasoning and half-truths.


Some of the things in the Book of Job that are not as easily seen as some of those practical gleanings just listed, have been laid out in one of the most incredible commentaries you will ever read on this subject, that happens to have been written by a man of God that Pastors Kansas City Baptist Temple.  I spend a lot of time studying after Jeff Adams.  The commentary is entitled: Job: Adventures in the Landof Uz! and can be obtained by visiting  Many in our church already have a copy of this book.


Jeff writes,


In Job, God gives us an incredible illustration of believers in tribulation.  If ever anyone qualified for enduring tribulation it was Job!  Remember that the next major event on God’s prophetic calendar is a seven-year period we often call the “Tribulation” which will fall upon this earth.  Some of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation are incredible and probe the limits of our imagination.  To help us understand, God has given us the story of a man named Job.  More than a simple story about his trials, Job is a wonderful picture of the coming time of Tribulation, and helps us to better understand the future.


As you approach the Book of Job, consider the picture that is drawn.  The parallels between what happened to Job and the prophecies of the coming time of Tribulation are too many to be mere coincidence…


The story of Job takes place in thelandofUz, exactly where the faithful remnant of Jews will be hidden during the Tribulation.  Uz always has a connection withEdomin the Bible, and the famous “Petra” (from the Greek word for “rock”) is inEdom, the refuge God has prepared for His people…


Job sits in his misery for seven days, while his friends look on speechless. In the coming Tribulation the Jews will suffer at the hands of the Antichrist for a seven-year period.  The world will be powerless to help, and most will genuinely believe that they are only getting what they deserve.  Don’t think that World War II did away with anti-Semitism.


Actually, the “Great Tribulation” is the last half of the seven years, though we often apply the word “Tribulation” to the entire period.  The first three and a half years are a time of false peace, when the Antichrist comes into power through a brilliant series of treaties that brings peace to theMiddle East, and structures a disarmament. (Daniel 8:11-14, 25,9:27; Isaiah 28:18)


At midpoint of this seven-year period the Antichrist breaks his treaty withIsrael, and in the reconstructed Jewish Temple declares himself to be God.  This is the abomination spoken of by Daniel.  (Daniel9:27;8:13-14;11:31; Matthew 24:15)  These last three and a half years are of world war and great destruction.  The Book of Revelation counts it as a period of 42 months.  (Revelation 11:2)  Chapter divisions in the Bible were not added until several hundred years ago, and most people may not believe that God had anything to do with it.  But it is interesting to notice that Job has 42 chapters…


Very few people can boast that the Devil himself has personally persecuted them, but Job could.  He was the direct target of Satan.  This is also a figure of what will happen toIsraelin the time of Tribulation. Israelwill be attacked by the very Devil…


At the end of the book of Job, Job’s captivity is turned, and he receives double all that he lost.  In similar way, the captivity ofIsraelwill be turned around after the purging of the Tribulation, and will be restored to the position of blessing.



In the dialogue between God and Stan – Job 1:6-12 (Through it we can understand the meaning of Christ’s statement to Peter, that Satan desired to “sift them as wheat” – Luke22:31).