King Ahasuerus issues another decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves and destroy their enemies; the Jews defeat and destroy their enemies; the feast of Purim is instituted to commemorate this victory; Mordecai’s prosperity and promotion.
Once Haman is destroyed, peace reigns in the palace. Mordecai was given the power once held by Haman and now everyone knew that Esther was a Jew. This change of power illustrates for us the Spirit-controlled life once the flesh has been put to death. Peace reigns and joy is unspeakable (8:15-16)!
One big problem remained, however. The king could not cancel his decree because that was part of the law of the Medes and Persians (8:8). So the king issued another decree allowing the Jews to defend and protect themselves from their enemies on that day. The king did not cancel the old law; he just issued a new one that superseded it! This perfectly pictures for us the law of sin and death (the Old Testament Law) which is now superseded by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom.8:2). On a side note, Esther 8:8 is an incredible verse when looked at in light of the eternal security of God’s children. It teaches us that whatever the king seals, no man can reverse (not even the king himself in Media andPersia). When you compare that to Ephesians 1:12-14 and4:30, you can see that our King, Jesus, sealed us with Himself (the Holy Spirit) until the day of redemption the minute we trusted Him alone for our salvation! Ephesians1:14even calls this seal the earnest (or guarantee) of our inheritance! Suffice it to say, that if the King of creation seals you with His Holy Spirit, you are most certainly secure for all of eternity (see also Dan. 6:17)!
Esther 8:10-14 is a beautiful illustration of taking the gospel to the entire world. This was a matter of life and death! The scribes hurried to write the messages and the official ambassadors quickly took it to the corners of the entire Kingdom! Many different people were employed in spreading the good news of the king’s new commandment, just as God uses many different people today. When the message of the good news was received by the Jews, it brought rejoicing and deliverance.
In Chapter 9, the Jews avenged themselves of their enemies and destroyed them all. Note that they did not take of the spoil of their enemies (9:10), even though King Ahasuerus permitted them to do so (8:11). They obviously didn’t want or need the physical riches, for they had God on their side. The feast of Purim was instituted (9:26-32) as a day for remembering how God once again had delivered them from utter destruction. Chapter 10 concludes the book of Esther with a report on the greatness of Mordecai (10:2), the man who believed God’s promises and stepped out in faith to save God’s people.
Through MORDECAI – Esther 10:3. He became “next unto the king” after delivering God’s people from sure destruction. Jesus sat down on the right hand of God after delivering us all from sure destruction (Heb.10:12-14).