The Odd Couple
There is a natural order of things in life. You know, like peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots, hamburgers and hot dogs, Bert and Ernie, cookies and the Cookie Monster… (Sorry, too much Sesame Street this week). Well, you get the picture. We associate these things together, we think nothing about them when mentions together. We also recognize when things don’t go together. There is TV commercial that depicts stores in multiple businesses that don’t make sense – Chocolate shop and pet grooming, flower shop and plumber, financial counselor and cupcake baker, etc. They do this to show how ridiculous it is for some businesses to be connected. We see the same in today’s reading.
Today’s verse is from Proverbs 11
22 As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.
Jewels and hogs just don’t go together. My grandfather raised hogs and I can tell you that it never crossed his mind to purchase gold bling for any of the hogs. So it is with a fair woman without discretion. The dictionary defines discretion as:
- the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment
- the quality of being discreet : circumspection; especially: cautious reserve in speech
- the ability to make responsible decision, individual choice or judgment
You’ve seen her. There are examples everywhere. She is a beauty; very fair to look upon. Until you read about her in the paper or see her in the news or see her on that reality TV show. Until she opens her mouth and spews forth stupidity. Until she has been arrested too many times to count for DUI or has multiple failed marriages, or has a substance abuse problem or she ends up dead in a fancy hotel room. Fair woman, bad judgment. This goes for men, too.
The Bible says it is a heart problem
Matthew 15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
So, how is it going in your life? Do people see you as beautiful and fair…until you open your mouth or they see your lifestyle? Would you like that in yellow gold or white gold?