Wicked Manasseh and Amon; the last good King, Josiah; four more evil
kings; the Babylonian captivity.
The righteous leadership of Hezekiah for which we were refreshingly able to rejoice in
yesterday’s reading is quickly replaced by the overwhelming evil of his son, Manasseh.
Though we read of his later repentance in 2 Chronicles 33, Jeremiah 15:4 says that the
kingdom would be removed because of the deeds of Manasseh in Jerusalem. The deeds
of a leader (husband, father, teacher, pastor) have a far-reaching effect for good or for
Josiah, the last good king, did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. He had chosen
to do right and restore the temple before the book of the law was found. The knowledge
he received from the word of God would not have been revealed to him, however, had
Josiah not already chosen to do right! God reveals to us in 2 Peter 1:5-7, that virtue
(choosing to do right, and doing it!) is to be added to our faith, before beginning to add
knowledge. If we have not already purposed in our hearts to follow the instruction of the
Lord, what need is there to accumulate more knowledge?
With the “new knowledge” received from the “newly discovered” books of the Law, Josiah
humbles himself before the Lord, makes a covenant to the Lord in the presence of all the
people, and begins to cleanse the temple and the land. He is used of God to remove the
idols and the high places of worship in Jerusalem. Interestingly, notice that he carries the
items of sin across the brook Kidron, destroys them, and then scatters the ashes on old
graves. The Lord Jesus Christ crossed the very same brook, Kidron (or, Cedron), on the
way to become sin for us on the cross, where they would be buried in His grave! (John
Josiah continues his cleansing reforms and goes to Bethel to destroy the golden calf set
up by Jeroboam. The idol worship that plagued the children of Israel throughout their
entire history is finally destroyed by the one who was prophesied by name. The Lord tells
us concerning Josiah in 2 Kings 23:25: “And like unto him was there no king before him,
that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might,
according to all the law of Moses; neither after him arose there any like him.” It is almost
unbelievable, that not until Josiah, did any king ever go up to destroy the golden calf!
After such an incredible example set by Josiah, surprisingly enough, not a single one of
the final four kings follow in his footsteps. As seen in today’s reading, all four of them are
weak, evil kings, who are actually controlled by other foreign kings. Because of the evil of
Manasseh, the Lord will not spare Judah. The leaders, the people, and the treasures that
should have been dedicated to the Lord, are carried away to serve the Babylonians in
- As the PROCLAIMER OF THE WORD –– 2 Kings 23:2 (Luke 4:16)
- As the ONE PROMISED BY NAME –– 1 Kings 13:2 and 2 Kings 22:1 (Mat. 1:21-23; Luke
2:21) - As the PASSOVER –– 2 Kings 23:21 (1 Cor. 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Pet. 1:19)
- As the INNOCENT BLOOD OF JERUSALEM –– 2 Kings 24:4 (Mat. 27:4; Acts 13:28)