Jesus’ lineage through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Israel (Jacob), Judah, and David.
At first glance, it appears that the Book of 1 Chronicles is simply a repeat of 1 and 2 Samuel, and that 2 Chronicles is a repeat of 1 and 2 Kings, but there are some significant differences.
- Whereas Samuel and Kings emphasize the HISTORICAL side of things, Chronicles emphasizes the SPIRITUAL.
- Whereas Samuel and Kings are seen from the HUMAN standpoint, Chronicles is seen from the DIVINE standpoint.
- Whereas Samuel and Kings are presented from the viewpoint of the PROPHETS, Chronicles is presented from the viewpoint of the PRIESTS.
- Whereas Samuel and Kings show MAN RULING, Chronicles shows GOD OVERRULING.
Chronicles primarily concentrates on the reign of David and his successors, and on the temple and its worship. It includes information not previously covered concerning the priests, the Levites, the musicians, singers, and doorkeepers. It goes into detail concerning transporting the ark to Jerusalem, and the preparation for the building of the temple. The northern kingdom is of little significance in Chronicles. In fact, the northern tribes are only mentioned in connection with their dealings with David’s reign.
The book of 1 Chronicles opens with the longest genealogical history in the entire Bible. It continues on for nine solid chapters! Needless to say, the next several days’ readings will not qualify for the award for “The Most Heart-Warming and Life-Changing Devotional Passage of the 365 Days of Pursuit!” However, always remember Proverbs 30:5, “Every word of God is pure,” and every word is there for a reason! These chapters are in our Bible to provide us the historical basis of our faith. As Bruce Wilkinson said, “The opening chapters of 1 Chronicles form the skeletal framework of the entire Old Testament. They bind the Old Testament together into a unified whole, showing that it is in fact history and not merely legend or myth. From Adam to Abraham, Boaz to Benjamin, the generations are all there in their proper order to show the outworking of God’s plan and purposes through the years and in the lives of men and women of faith.” What these chapters teach us, if nothing else, is that God has a plan: A plan for the earth, the universe, Israel, and your life!
A very basic overview of the first nine chapters of 1 Chronicles is as follows:
- The genealogy from Adam to Abraham. (1:1–27)
- The genealogy from Abraham to Israel. (1:28–54)
- The genealogy of the descendants of Israel. (Chapters 2–8)
* Judah (2:1–4:23)
* Simeon (4:24–43)
* Reuben, Gad, half the tribe of Manasseh East of Jordan (Chapter 5)
* Levi (Chapter 6)
* Issachar (7:1–5)
* Benjamin (7:6–12)
* Naphtali (7:13)
* Half tribe of Manasseh West of Jordan (7:14–19)
* Ephraim (7:20–29)
* Asher (7:30–40)
* Benjamin (Chapter 8) - Those who returned from captivity (9:1–34)
- The genealogy of Saul (9:35–44)
- In the FIRST ADAM – I Chronicles 1:1 (Christ is the LAST or SECOND ADAM. We have eternal life because the last Adam was a quickening, or “life-giving” spirit – 1 Cor. 15:45, 47).
- Through the genealogy of DAVID – I Chronicles 3:1–24 (Christ, the Son of God was also called the Son of David – Matt. 1:1; Luke 3:23–38; Rom. 1:3)