OVERVIEW: Job’s affirmation of faith in God’s wisdom; Job’s defense of his righteous testimony; Eliphaz’s intensified accusations and condemnation; Job’s complaint of God’s dealing with him.
As yesterday’s reading ended in chapter 11, Zophar had just completed his scathing accusations against Job. As Job’s three friends have all taken their turn to pound him, Job has been so overcome with grief he hasn’t actually addressed the attacks they’ve hurled against him. That changes in chapter 12. He’s had just about all of their pious, “godly counsel” he could stand! Something in our humanness says, “Go, Job! Put ’em in their place!” Job tells his friends, in effect, that their problem is that they have a whole lot of knowledge, they just don’t have a whole lot of wisdom and understanding. Nothing could be more descriptive of many (or shall we go as far as to say most?) believers in the 21st century!
In chapters 13 and 14, Job continues his answer to his critics, who see themselves as his self-appointed counselors. Job is finally collecting his thoughts and verbalizing them with much greater boldness, as he defends the righteousness of his testimony. In 13:9–12, Job hurls some accusations of his own. He accuses his three friends of mocking God, of secretly being “respecters of persons”, of not fearing God, and failing to remember that they are also mortal bodies of clay that will ultimately return to ashes.
By the time we come to verses 20–22 of chapter 13, Job presents God with two ultimatums: “Knock off the tribulation. Let’s talk! Either You ask me, or allow me to ask You, what in the world is going on?!”
Recognizing that God hadn’t seen fit to take away his trials, Job decides that he’ll ask God a series of four questions that he wants Him to answer. (13:23-25)
As we move into chapter 14, Job is still addressing God, not his human “counselors”. In chapter 15, however, Eliphaz throws his hat back into the ring. He begins with a series of questions for Job, along with a few carefully placed and spaced “digs”. Basically, Eliphaz tells Job that he has a heart problem, and that it can even be detected in his eyes. He tells Job that his spirit is in rebellion against God, and the proof of it is in the words that he has spoken. May God spare us from ever being so judgmental of people, especially when we don’t know all of the facts, and especially since we never really know how God is actually working in a person’s life!
As we begin chapter 16, Job begins to unload his frustration. From an historical standpoint, he is simply sharing what he is going through. It is, however, an incredible chapter from a prophetic standpoint. Chapter 16 is one of six chapters in the Old Testament that show us what was taking place in the heart and mind of the Lord Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross. The other chapters are Job 30, Isaiah 50, 52, and 53, and Psalm 22. In this chapter, Job is a picture of Christ, deserted by the Father, and hanging on the cross in our place.
- Through the SMITING OF JOB — Job 16:10 (Christ was also struck by His accusers — Matthew 27:29–44; John 18:22–33; Psalm 22:7–8; 109:25; Isaiah 53)
- Through JOB SUFFERING NOT FOR HIS OWN SIN – Job 16:17 (2nd Corinthians 5:21)