Job’s recollection of days gone by; Job’s proclamation of his righteousness and integrity; Elihu’s accusations.


As we enter Job 29, we find Job looking back over his shoulder, reflecting on how good life “used to be”. We call them “the good ‘ole days”. For most of us, it’s not really that “the good ole days” were really that good, it’s just that our memory is so bad, and/or so selective, that we don’t remember all of the things that made life difficult during those times! Job’s case, however, is different. He really did have a better life in days gone by!

Job 29:1 reminds us that this is the continuation of a parable. Biblically, a parable is something that is used to give instruction to believers, but hide truth from the skeptic. (See Matthew 13:11.)

After walking back through “the good ‘ole days” in chapter 29, in chapter 30, Job is brought back to the reality of his present condition. He describes the misery of his terrible state. While it tells the tale of Job’s horror historically, it also, once again, paints an unbelievable picture of Christ’s plight on the cross, the Jew in the Tribulation, and the lost man in hell. Note that Job 30 has the same “feel” as Isaiah 53, the classic Old Testament passage prophesying the details of our Lord’s crucifixion.

In chapter 31, the tone changes rather abruptly. Job somehow digs himself up out of the depths of despair mentally, and causes us to stand in awe of this incredible man’s ability to hold tenaciously to his integrity after being pulverized relentlessly both physically (from the devil), and psychologically (from his friends)! Beginning in verse 5 of chapter 31, Job fires off a series of questions regarding his personal testimony. Each is marked by the word “if”, which is found 20 times in the passage! In effect, Job is saying, “If I’m guilty of any of the things you guys have accused me of, I’m ready to receive the judgment of God for it.” Job ends his argument in 31:40, and the reality is, no one actually won the debate. Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar have all simply become more entrenched in their own position. It teaches us a great lesson about debating “spiritual” matters. No one ever really wins. Everybody simply holds firm to their own convictions, while no communication is really taking place, because no one is actually listening. One person is just waiting for the other’s lips to stop moving so they can say what they want to say.

As chapter 32 begins, all four men have run out of steam, and now, no one is talking. But don’t forget, there has been one other person present throughout this whole episode with Job and his three friends! He has listened intently to everything that has been said. Because he was younger than the other men, out of respect, to this point he’s kept his mouth closed. But Job has brought him to his boiling point! He feels he must open his mouth and “defend God”, as it were. His name is Elihu. Like Job’s three friends, he thinks he’s speaking for God out of a pure heart and pure motives. Once again, you would never be able to convince him otherwise! What he says proves that he is very knowledgeable but, knowing what we know about why Job has encountered these trials, reveals that while Elihu has knowledge, he, just like Job’s three other “friends”, definitely lacks wisdom and understanding. Everything Elihu says in chapter 32 and 33 is completely accurate in terms of truthfulness, and is right smack dab on the bull’s eye. The only problem is, the bull’s eye is on the wrong target! As we have said throughout our overview of Job, we must allow the Lord to teach us through the negative example of Job’s friends, lest we also demoralize, discourage, and defeat our brothers and sisters with knowledge, but no wisdom and understanding. God help us!


  • Through Job’s compassion for others — Job 29:15–17, 21–25 (Matthew 4:14; 15:30–39)
  • Through the ridicule and affliction which Job endured — Job 30:10–11 (Mark 15:15–20; Isaiah 50:6; 53:2–5; Matthew 27:26–30; John 19:1–3)