The contrast between the “blessed man” and the “ungodly man”; a prophecy of Christ and His request for the heathen as His inheritance; David cries out to God for help and deliverance from his enemies; the Lord’s name is magnified and David wonders with amazement why God is even mindful of sinful man.


The word “psalm” means “hymn” or “praise”. This Old Testament book was the national “hymn book”, as it were, for the Israelites. The Psalms reveal many varied emotions and experiences of God’s people: adoration, joy, faith, grace, mercy, suffering, hope, etc. In just the 11 Psalms in today’s reading, we see David writing about his emotions and experiences:

  • During his son, Absalom’s, rebellion. (Psalms 3–6)
  • During the persecution he experienced at the hands of Saul. (Psalm 7)
  • During his time as a shepherd. (Psalm 8)
  • During his reign as the king of Israel. (Psalms 9 and 11)

Because of the number of Psalms in today’s reading, for the sake of space and time, we will focus our attention on only one particular psalm – Psalm 1. In this psalm, God contrasts for us the “blessed man” (1:1–3) and the “ungodly man”. (1:4–6) Note, first of all, that the “blessed man” is one that is separated from the world! (1:1) “He WALKETH not in the counsel of the ungodly…” Recognize that the Bible consistently refers to the actual lives we live on a daily basis as our “walk”. (See Ephesians 4:1, 5:2) Our “walk” begins with trusting Christ alone for our salvation and yet, continues with our faithful obedience to God’s word. The psalmist reveals that the man God “blesses” makes progress in His “walk” by three things that he is extremely careful NOT to do!

  1. The “blessed man” does not WALK in the COUNSEL of the UNGODLY. (1:1a)
In other words, he is very specific about who he allows to have a voice in his life!
  2. The “blessed man” does not STAND in the WAY of SINNERS. (1:1b)
In other words, he is very careful about where he actually positions himself in the course of his daily life!
  3. The “blessed man” does not SIT in the SEAT of the SCORNFUL. (1:1c)
In other words, he is very particular about those with whom he chooses to associate!

Notice from 1:1, that the “blessed man” is very mindful of three groups of people who are negatively seeking to influence his life: the UNGODLY, SINNERS, and the SCORNFUL. Also notice that he recognizes the downward spiral of their influence: First, we begin to WALK according to their COUNSEL; which leads to our STANDING, or just observing their WAY of life; and before we know it, we find ourselves SITTING with them, participating with them in a way of life that SCORNS the very truth that God says in His word is to characterize our lives!

Then, notice the contrast introduced in 1:2, with the word, “But”. After identifying the negative things, the “blessed man” makes certain are NOT a part of his life in verse 1, the psalmist carefully identifies the contrasting positive things that DO characterize the life of the “blessed man”. Note, several positive things here:

  1. The “blessed man” DELIGHTS in the word of God. (1:2a)
It brings him joy; it brings him refreshment; it brings him pleasure and satisfaction; because he LOVES it! (Psalm 119:47)
  2. The “blessed man” MEDITATES on the word of God. (1:2b) All of the DAY and all of the NIGHT, the word of God is what completely saturates and permeates his thoughts and controls his mind. Note that MEDITATION is to the SOUL what DIGESTION is to the BODY. (Jeremiah 15:16)
  3. The “blessed man” PLANTS his life in the word of God. (1:3)
The decision to “delight” and to “meditate” in the word of God results in the development of a strong biblical root system that bears “fruit that remains” (John 15:16), causing him to continuously “prosper” spiritually.

Note also, that the perfect example of this “blessed man” is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ Himself! (John 14:6) He is the WAY (Psalm 1:1), the TRUTH (Psalm 1:2), and the LIFE! (Psalm 1:3)

Then, in 1:4–6, the psalmist gives us a biblical description of the “ungodly man”. In stark contrast to the “blessed man”, the first thing we learn about “the ungodly” is that they “are not so”. That is, they are nothing like the “blessed man”! While the “godly”, or “blessed man” is compared to a tree that is strong, beautiful, and fruitful, the “ungodly man” is compared to chaff that even the slightest wind blows away because it has no roots! Paul used a similar metaphor in Ephesians 4 when he talked about how spiritual children are “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine” that blows by. (Ephesians 4:14) Note also that 1:5 clearly teaches that there is a coming “judgment” that is prepared for “the ungodly” at which they will fall on their knees (i.e. they “shall not stand”) and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! (Philippians 2:10–11)

In 1:6, the psalmist presents the “two WAYS” that are set before each of us: “the WAY of the RIGHTEOUS” and “the WAY of the UNGODLY”. In Matthew 7:13–14, Jesus also talked about these “two WAYS”. Comparing the two passages, Psalm 1 and Matthew 7:13–14 (1st Corinthians 2:13), we learn that “the UNGODLY” have chosen the BROAD WAY, “that leadeth to DESTRUCTION”, whereas the RIGHTEOUS have chosen the NARROW WAY, “which leadeth unto LIFE”. Note that “the ungodly” take heed to “the counsel of the ungodly” (1:11) as opposed to “all the counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), and chooses “the friendship of the world” (James 4:4), rather than the friendships found in “the congregation of the righteous.” (Psalm 1: 5b)


  • As THE SON – Psalm 2:12. We’re told in Psalm 2:10–12 to “Be wise NOW” and “KISS the Son” because “Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.” (Ephesians 1:12–14)