Zechariah’s first “burden” or oracle, emphasizing Christ’s first coming (9:1–11:17); Zechariah’s second “burden” or oracle, emphasizing Christ’s second coming (12:1–14:21).
The Bible is the most incredible history book the world has ever seen. Obviously, it’s a thousand times more than just that, but in terms of history, it is in a class totally by itself. No other history book in the world would even dare to write about events that haven’t yet taken place! (See Isaiah 42:9; 46:9–10) Back in the 1950’s people worried about “red power”. In the 1960’s and 70’s, it was “black power”. In the 80’s it was “white power”, the 90’s it was “yellow power”, and now that we’ve moved into the 21st century, it seems people are worried about all of the above! But actually, there is only one power to which the world really needs to concern itself, and that’s what we might could call “Jew power”! The fact is, as the prophet Zechariah reveals, even if all of the nations of the world combined military forces and together converged upon Israel (which is exactly what is going to happen at the infamous Battle of Armageddon!), it still wouldn’t (won’t) be enough to stop them! Not necessarily because Israel’s military power and prowess is so great, but because Israel’s coming King is so great and so infinitely powerful!
People in the 21st century spend a lot of time wondering:
- What will ultimately come of the conflict in the Middle East between the Arabs and Jews?
- Will the Jews actually be able to hold their land and their beloved city of Jerusalem?
- What nation will ultimately be the world power when all of the turmoil in the world has been settled, and the war on terror is over? Will it be the U.S.? Russia? China?
With the prophecies revealed through Zechariah, there is no wondering necessary. Zechariah emphatically says that Jerusalem will stay in the hands of the Jews, their borders will be established according to God’s specific design, and after the military rampage of the Lord Jesus Christ at His second coming, Israel will dominate the world under the rule of their Messiah and King, the Lord Jesus Christ! At that time, Isaiah 9:7 will be a glorious reality: “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to established it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” (Also see Luke 1:32b–33)
- He would be sold for the price of a slave (Matthew 27:3–10);
- He would be arrested and smitten (Zechariah 13:7; Matthew 26:31);
- He would be wounded in the house of His friends (Zechariah 13:6; Matthew 26:47–50);
- He would be pierced on the cross (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:32–37).
Ironically, Jerusalem, the city of Peace, crucified its King, the Prince of Peace. Keep in mind that Zechariah prophesied a full 500 years before Christ’s first coming, and yet, every detail of Zechariah’s prophecy concerning Christ’s coming came to pass exactly the way he said they would. So, what might that tell us about Zechariah’s prophecies concerning Christ’s second coming?! They are all going to come to pass with the same impeccable precision!
The COMING KING — Zechariah 9:9 (Matthew 21:4–5)
The ONE SOLD FOR 30 PIECES OF SILVER — Zechariah 11:12 (Matthew 27:3–10)
The ONE WOUNDED BY HIS FRIEND — Zechariah 13:6 (Matthew 26:47–50)
The ONE WHO WAS PIERCED — Zechariah 12:10 (John 19:32–37)
The SMITTEN SHEPHERD – Zechariah 13:7 (Matthew 26:31)