God’s judgment upon the prince/king of Tyrus (chapter 28); God’s judgment upon Pharaoh (chapter 29); God’s judgment upon Egypt (chapter 30); the fall of Assyria (chapter 31); a lamentation for Pharaoh/Egypt (chapter 32).


Chapter 28 concludes God’s judgment against Tyre. This passage has been dated shortly before the siege of Tyre by Nebuchadrezzar (585–573 B.C.). The prince in view in 28:2 was Ithobal II who reigned in Tyre during this siege. His bombastic arrogance is demonstrated by the fact that he actually considered himself to be God! (28:2) If the pride that this historical ruler of Tyre was exhibiting sounds familiar, it should because it was actually being fueled by the same being that at one time said, “I will be like the most high”! (Isaiah 14:12–14; Ezekiel 28:16–17) The precision of the imagery and the verbiage in this passage reveals that this judgment not only refers to the historical ruler of Tyre, but also to the judgment of Lucifer himself!

Ezekiel mentions that this “prince” was wiser than Daniel (28:3), which indicates that there was obviously some supernatural power enabling him, but it also indicates that Daniel was well-known throughout the world by this time. When Ezekiel made this statement, Daniel would have already served in Nebuchadnezzar’s court for an estimated 25 years.

While Ezekiel states that this “prince” has been successful in accumulating wealth, he also lets us know that it was his pride that brought about God’s judgment. (28:6) The demise of the prince is prophesied in 28:10: “Thou shalt die the deaths of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God.” Note that the invasion of Tyre by Babylon was also prophesied in Jeremiah 27:1–7. The word “moreover” in 28:11 marks a transition in this account, revealing to us that Ezekiel is about to go further in his condemnation of the ruler.

The careful reader will observe that this particular ruler is referred to as “the king” (28:12) rather than “the prince” (28:2). While it is true that the terms “king” and “prince” are often used interchangeably in Scripture, it is also true that secular history does not record a “king” of Tyre, only a “prince”. Why the distinction? Why did Ezekiel change terms? The answer lies in the identity of this “king”.

This king is said to be “full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.” (28:11) While the case may be made that this description could refer to a mortal man in some sense, the next phrase cannot. This physical, earthly king had certainly not been, and could not have been, “in Eden the garden of God”! Some scholars suggest that Ezekiel was simply referring to a garden that was so beautiful it could be compared to Eden. The only problem with that interpretation, is that it is very simply not what the text says! This “king” to whom the Lord was speaking, had literally been in Eden!

It is apparent that the Lord, by the mouth of Ezekiel, is no longer speaking to the ruler of Tyre, but speaking through the physical ruler to the spiritual ruler that, at that time, was working through him! Ezekiel is actually speaking to a being who had been in Eden over 3,000 years prior to this prophecy; none other than “King Lucifer” (Satan) himself! Lest that interpretation sound far-fetched, recognize that this is not the only time in scripture when the word of the Lord spoke “to Satan” as he was speaking to a literal, physical man! Do you recall that in our Lord’s earthly ministry, when looking directly at Peter, and responding to what Peter had just spoken, Jesus said, “Get thee behind me, SATAN!” (See Matthew 16:22–23) Obviously, Peter had not at that moment turned into Satan incarnate, but rather, Jesus was speaking to the spiritual power that was operating in him and through him at that moment. This is what is happening in Ezekiel 28:11–19.

So, what Ezekiel 28:11–17 provides for us, is a very enlightening description of Lucifer (meaning “light-bearer”) before his fall. Verse 13 lets us know that God had specifically created him with precious stones and musical instruments woven into the very composition of his being. The precious stones were obviously part of his composition so that he might fulfill his role as the “light-bearer” reflecting and refracting the light of God into every color of the rainbow throughout the universe as it passed through his jewels. The musical instruments, that also comprised his makeup, were apparently given so that he might fulfill his role as the “worship leader” of the “sons of God” as he would provide the music to which the “sons of God” would sing praises to the Lord. (Job 38:4, 7)

Notice that 28:17 also refers to Lucifer as the “anointed cherub” who was the epitome of perfection until iniquity was found in him. In Isaiah 14:13–14, Isaiah details that his “iniquity” was expressed through the declaration in his heart of his infamous five “I WILL’s”:

  • “I WILL ascend into heaven”
  • “I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God”
  • “I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north”
  • “I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds”
  • “I WILL be like the most High.”

Note also that the ruler of Tyre not only pictures Lucifer, but the coming antichrist. Within this chapter we find this ruler described as:

  1. A man. (28:2)
  2. A prophet. (28:3)
  3. A king. (28:2,11)
  4. A priest. (28:13 — as symbolized by the precious stones which were also worn by priests in the Old Testament)

This ruler represents the presence of Satan (who was once in Eden), personified through a man, who will seek to counterfeit the offices of a prophet, priest, and king.

In 28:17–19, the judgment upon this man is also revealed. God will one day bring “fire” from within this adversary (the antichrist) to devour him. God tells him that he will be reduced to ashes and scattered for the world to see, and “never shalt thou be anymore.” (28:19) The “man” who is the rightful Prophet, Priest, and King, who is the very “God-Man” Himself, will defeat him! This chapter ends with a promise to Israel concerning the millennial reign of this “Man”, our glorious Lord Jesus Christ! (28:25–26)

Chapters 29 through 32 record God’s judgment against the nation of Egypt. Keep in mind, Israel had turned to Egypt for help against Babylon contrary to God’s instruction. (Jeremiah 42:14–22; 43:7–11) Egypt had been successful in causing the Babylonians to lift the siege against Jerusalem (Jeremiah 37:5–7), however, in time, Egypt returned to their homeland and Jerusalem was eventually invaded and burned. (Jeremiah 37:8–10) In 29:17–20, once again, Egypt is falling under the condemnation of God, and once again, God is using Nebuchadrezzar to accomplish His will. From a historical perspective, Nebuchadrezzar was running out of resources as he continued to wage war against Tyre. (29:18) God empowered him to conquer the land of Egypt, and Nebuchadrezzar used the spoils to pay his army to continue to fight.

Chapter 29 ends with a prophecy concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, describing Him as “the horn of the house of Israel” that would “bud forth”. (29:21)

In chapter 31, once again, God addresses Satan by speaking to and through a man. This time, the man was Pharaoh. (31:1–9) In this passage, God likens Satan to a tree in Eden that stood above all of the other trees (31:5) and talks about how the other trees of Eden envied him. (31:8–9) During this same time period, Daniel also uses the metaphor of a tree to describe Nebuchadnezzar, who is a type of the antichrist. (Daniel 4:10)

Recognize that God chooses to address these Gentile leaders of these Gentile nations (Tyre, Babylon, Egypt) to speak to Satan because the antichrist’s kingdom will be a conglomeration of Gentile nations who will ultimately unite during the Tribulation Period, in an effort to destroy Israel and to rule this world. (Psalm 2:2–3; Revelation 12) By speaking to Satan through these Gentile leaders, God is continually reminding him that one day, both he and his kingdom will be destroyed. As a preview of what God holds in store for him in his future judgment, God does what He says He will do and brings each one of these Gentile nations to ashes. We must keep in mind that the entire Bible is all about a battle for a kingdom and God continues to remind Satan, and us, of exactly how the story is going to end!


  • As the horn of the house of Israel — Ezekiel 29:21