Jesus sends out “the 70” (10:1-24); Jesus teaches about who our neighbor is (10:25-37); Jesus teaches us the importance of worship (10:38-42); Jesus models the importance of prayer (11:1); Jesus provides a pattern for prayer (11:2-4); Jesus teaches about persistence in prayer (11:5-8); Jesus offers promises concerning prayer (11:9-13); Jesus teaches about the devil (11:14-28); Jesus’ illustrations concerning the crowds… Jonah (11:29-30, 32); Solomon (11:31); Light (11:33-36); Jesus teaches about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees (11:37-54); Jesus warns about hypocrisy (12:1-12); Jesus warns about covetousness (12:13-21); Jesus warns about worrying (12:22-34); Jesus warns about carelessness (12:35-53); Jesus warns about lack of discernment and lack of diligence in spiritual matters (12:54-59).
As we came through Matthew’s Gospel, we talked quite a bit about the distinction between the two phrases, the “kingdom of heaven” and the “kingdom of God”. It is interesting that the phrase the “kingdom of heaven” is found 33 times in 32 verses in Matthew, and the phrase the “kingdom of God” is found 33 times in 32 verses in Luke! Do you remember the difference between these two kingdoms?
The “kingdom of heaven” is the kingdom promised to the Jews all through the Old Testament, and is sometimes referred to as the “kingdom of Israel.” (Acts 1:6; Hosea 1:4) It is a literal, physical, earthly, governmental, messianic, Davidic kingdom over which Jesus rules as King from His throne in Jerusalem.
The “kingdom of God”, on the other hand, is a spiritual kingdom that cannot be seen or touched; where Jesus rules as King on the throne of men’s hearts by way of a spiritual birth (Luke 17:20-21; Romans 14:17; 1st Corinthians 4:20; 15:50; John 3:3). Keep in mind, as you’re reading this Gospel, that the reason Luke emphasizes the “kingdom of God” is because God’s goal through him in this Gospel is to present the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of man who came “to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10)
It is interesting to note that the Jews of Jesus’ day were totally preoccupied with the “kingdom of heaven”, and therefore, were totally oblivious to their need to be born into the “kingdom of God”. It made them blind, selfish, and self-serving. Just as interesting is the fact that the Christians of our day are totally preoccupied with the “kingdom of God”, and therefore, are totally oblivious to the “kingdom of heaven”. It, likewise, makes us blind, selfish and self-serving. (Revelation 3:14-22; 2nd Timothy 3:1-2) It causes us to claim the promise of eternal life, while we go about our lives seeking to build our own literal, physical kingdom on the earth! God’s intention, however, is, now that we have been born into His spiritual kingdom, that we “seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God,” and that we “set [our] affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:1-2) God wants the literal, physical kingdom in which our Lord Jesus Christ will finally receive the “glory due unto his name” (1st Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 29:2; 96:8), to so be in our hearts, that it even causes us to continuously pray for it to come! (Matthew 6:10)
Other little “tid-bits” to glean along the way in today’s reading:
- The Harvest Field (10:1-24): We Are to REPRESENT Him.
- The Highway (10:25-37): We Are to MODEL Him.
- The Home (10:38-42): We Are to WORSHIP Him.