Water from the rock in Horeb; Joshua leads Israel in defeating Amalek in battle at the Lord’s command; Jethro brings Moses’ wife and two sons to Moses in the wilderness; God appears to Moses on Mount Sinai; God gives to Moses the ten commandments; the civil law for the nation of Israel and the consequences for disobedience.
In the second half of chapter 17, Moses orders Joshua to lead the people of Israel in battle against Amalek (a picture of the flesh). Notice that God makes a point, in 17:16, to let us know that the battle with Amalek is a battle that will continue from generation to generation. In Galatians 5:17, God makes a point, to let us know, that the battle between the Spirit and the flesh is a battle that we will face until we receive a glorified body! (Romans 8:23) As pictured in Exodus 17, our only hope in winning this battle is to allow our Joshua (the Lord Jesus Christ) to lead us to daily victory. (Exodus 17:10, 13) Note that this battle was won only after Israel had received water from the rock! Water in the Bible is a picture of the word of God, which is the weapon (the Sword) the Spirit of God, who lives in us, uses against the flesh! (Ephesians 5:26; 6:17; Psalm 119:9–11)
As the ROCK from which water flows – Exodus 17:1–6 (1st Corinthians 10:4; John 4:14)
Through JOSHUA – Exodus 17:9–16
Note: Joshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, the one who fights for us in battle with our enemies.
Through the LAW – Exodus 20:1–17 (Matthew 5:17; Hebrews 4:15; Romans 10:4)