A recounting of Israel’s rebellion and the Lord’s faithfulness to deliver them; the deliverance of the Lord in the troubles of life; the psalmist’s praise of the Lord and his cry of supplication for victory; the vengeance of God meted out upon His enemies.


As we pick up in Psalm 106 of today’s reading, the psalmist continues his praise and thanks to the Lord as he recounts God’s mercy through Israel’s history. Note that verse 8 identifies God’s ultimate purpose in Israel’s deliverance through the exodus: “Nevertheless he saved them for his name’s sake, that he might make his mighty power to be known.” That is a monumental declaration! To make sure we didn’t miss the point, God repeats that overarching principle in several places in the Old Testament. In Exodus 9:16, again, God was careful to let Israel know that the real issue of their exodus was “that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.” As God told Ezekiel what to say to the elders of Israel, as He recounted WHY He delivered them out of Egypt, again He said in Ezekiel 20:9: “But I wrought for my name’s sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen, among whom they were, in whose sight I made myself known unto them, in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt.” So, as you can see, God repeatedly lets Israel know, “I did what I did, and I worked how I worked, not first and foremost for YOU but for ME! It was for MY NAME’S SAKE! It was so My name would no longer be polluted! It was so Who I really am could be known by the whole world! It was so My power could be known!”

The reason these verses are so significant is because they have a very distinct application and a very direct impact on us as in the “Church Age saints”! God tells us something very important in 1st Corinthians 10:1–6 and 11! He lets us know that Israel’s exodus out of their bondage in Egypt was just a picture of our exodus from our bondage to sin and the world! (2nd Timothy 2:26; Ephesians 2:2. Note that Egypt is always a picture of sin and/or the world in the Bible!) Oh, sure, everything that happened concerning Israel all happened exactly as it was recorded in the Old Testament! It is historically accurate from beginning to end! But God so orchestrated the recording of it, to make sure that we understood that in the final analysis, contrary to “fundamental, Bible-believing, Laodicean” thought and teaching, God’s motivation behind OUR exodus was the same as it was for ISRAEL’s exodus! It was for HIS GLORY! It was for “HIS NAME’S SAKE”! (Psalm 106:8a; Ezekiel 20:9) He saved us so that His “mighty power could be known”! (Psalm 106:86) He saved us so His name could be “declared throughout all the earth!” (Exodus 9:16) In other words, the purpose God had in saving us, wasn’t first and foremost, for US it was for HIM! It was to display His glory! That’s certainly not to discount or diminish what incredible beneficiaries we are in that display; oh my, it could not be more wonderful and spectacular! But it screams to us that the theme of the Bible, the theme of salvation, and the theme of every dimension of existence is not about US, or for US; it is about our holy, magnificent, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent GOD!

Be sure that you understand, this is no small thing! This is not just some moot point! Understanding this truth is the difference between a “ME-centered” Christianity and a “CHRIST-centered” Christianity! This simple point concerning God’s real purpose in our salvation smacks totally against everything that even fundamental, Bible-believing Christianity in the Laodicean Age believes and teaches! In effect, the “Christianity” OF OUR DAY:

  • Says that Christianity is primarily about God benefiting His creatures. (i.e. God exists for us.)
  • Says that the most important thing to God is people.
  • Asks, “How should I position my life to gain the most blessing?” (i.e. Seeks God’s hand.)

The “Christianity” OF THE BIBLE:

  • Says that Christianity is primarily about God glorifying His Son. (i.e. We exist for God.)
  • Says that the most important thing to God is His glory. (i.e. His name.)
  • Asks, “How should I position my life to bring God the most glory?” (i.e. Seeks God’s face.)

No wonder Paul said, “In the last days perilous times shall come” (2nd Timothy 3:1), and that “in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1st Timothy 4:1) We must be very careful and discerning!

Based on what 1st Corinthians 10:6 and 11 teaches us about how God recorded the history of Israel’s exodus so that what happened to them doesn’t happen to us, the things the psalmist lays out about Israel’s history, in Psalm 106, provide limitless application for our lives.

The theme of Psalm 107 is, “Oh that men would praise the Lord of his goodness, and for his wonderful works, to the children of men!” (See verses 8, 15, 21, and 31) All of the verses in-between are designed to help us to do just that!  Again, the application of these verses to our lives is limitless!

In Psalm 108, note that the first five verses are a replica of Psalm 57:7–11 and verses 7–10 are a replica of Psalm 60:6–9.

There is certainly an historical application to David’s life in Psalm 109, but the psalm is not primarily about David’s situation; it’s about the Messiah’s humiliation, His confrontation with Satan, His exaltation over death, and the ultimate vindication of His life as the Father executes His vengeance. Though David composed this psalm under the inspiration of God, of course, the words actually compose the prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ, and every aspect of the prayer will be answered to the letter!


As the ONE WHO MAKES THE STORM A CALM — Psalm 107:29 (Matthew 8:27; John 14:27)