The contrast of the upright and the wicked.


Chapter 13 begins this way: “A wise son heareth his father’s instruction…” Remember, Solomon’s son was Rehoboam. Like any father, Solomon hoped that his son would follow his counsel, and actually “hear” and “receive” his instruction. For truth to be productive, it’s not simply enough that instruction be GIVEN, it must be RECEIVED! Solomon longed for his own son to apply the truth that he was imparting to him, so that his life would actually be “BRANDED” by it!

Note some of the wisdom and instruction in today’s reading to which Solomon was urging his son to both “hear” and “receive” recognizing that God inspired Solomon to write these things because He is, likewise, urging all of us to both “hear” and “receive” them!

13:7 — Maybe another way of saying it is: “It’s possible to have NOTHING, and yet, have EVERYTHING! And it is possible to have EVERYTHING, and yet, have NOTHING!” Jesus wrote to the church in Smyrna, saying, “I know thy…POVERTY, (but thou art RICH)…” (Revelation 2:9) Jesus also wrote to the church of the Laodiceans, saying, “…thou sayest, I am RICH…and knowest not that thou art…POOR.” (Revelation 3:17)

13:10 — Any and every time there is “contention”, whether it be in a marriage, a family, a friendship, a church, a neighborhood, or a community, the root of it is always “pride”. Pride is present in one of the parties involved, and sometimes, pride is present in both parties involved. But this verse is very forthright in connecting ALL contention with pride! When we are in a contentious situation, may we examine ourselves to discover the pride that may be lurking in us, before looking for where it may be found in others.

13:18 — There are just some people who won’t listen to anybody and no amount of correcting them seems to do any good. Solomon lets us know that following that path will lead us directly into “poverty and shame”. If we will respond in obedience when we are reproved, however, we are following a path that will lead us directly into honor. Perhaps we should all ask ourselves how we respond when we are corrected!

13:20 — Where we end up in life is largely determined by the friends we choose to hang out with. If we choose wise friends, we will become wise. If we choose foolish friends, we will be destroyed right along with them.

13:24 — The wording in the first half of this verse sounds rather radical, but the point is this…Sometimes people think they love their children too much to see them affected by the results of corporal discipline. If they could see, however, the result of how NOT disciplining their children ultimately affects their lifestyle and character, they would understand why God says they actually “hate” them!

14:12 — This is another verse that should be committed to memory! If it is in your arsenal of memorized verses, you will be surprised how often you will have the occasion to use it in witnessing to the lost. (Notice the repetition of this verse in 16:25.)

14:15 — This verse certainly has application in many avenues of life. We must be certain, however, to make application of this verse when it comes to listening to preaching and/or teaching! The same sentiment of Solomon in this verse is echoed in 1st John 4:1: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

14:20 — One would think that this would be a 21st century A.D. problem, not a 1000 B.C. problem! Some aspects of our depravity, however, transcend time and culture.

14:23 — Maybe we could verbalize this verse this way: There are two types of workers in the world: those who work, and those who talk about working. Those who work will find PROFIT. Those who talk about working will find PENURY (extreme poverty).

14:26 — Everyone is going to fear something! Those who choose to “fear the Lord” will have a strong confidence and a place of refuge in typically fearful situations. Those who refuse to “fear the Lord”, will find themselves without a refuge and fearful in many situations.

15:1 — This is also a verse that should be committed to memory. All of us will have ample opportunity to apply its wisdom over the course of our lifetime!

15:10, 12, 32 — Very few people can handle others “correcting” them, “reproving” them, or “instructing” them. That rebellious attitude, however, will cost them in the long run!

15:17 — Having few material possessions, but having people who love you, is a whole lot better than having many material possessions, but having no one who loves you!

15:22 — Never forget the importance of seeking wise counsel, and a lot of it! We’ll never accomplish the things we really want to accomplish in life without it!

15:23 — We never really know what people are actually dealing with internally. Sometimes a simple word of encouragement to them can be used of God to bless and refresh them more than we would ever realize!

15:25a — Wow! What a strong warning! May it be used to humble us all!

15:27 — If we are always looking for a way to make a fast buck, or if we are constantly looking for how to get something for nothing, we will end up making decisions that will make life extremely difficult for our family.

15:28 — Think before you speak!

16:2 — Because of our tendency as humans to continue through life, seldom pausing for introspection to determine the real motives behind our actions, this is, perhaps, another verse that should be committed to memory to serve as a personal reminder to do so!

16:7 — This truth should certainly serve as a great motivation for us to make certain that our ways always please the Lord!

16:9 — Having a heart for God that has great passion for ways of serving and pleasing Him is awesome and necessary, but we must be certain that “OUR plan” for our lives doesn’t lord over our submission in allowing the Lord to direct us each step of the way into “HIS plan!”

16:18 — When we see the manifestation of “pride” or a “haughty spirit”, whether it be in ourselves, or in someone else, just know that things are on the verge of collapsing!

16:19 — We must learn to surround ourselves with people having a “humble spirit”!

16:32 — The only way to be “slow to anger” and “rule our spirit” is to be “FILLED with the SPIRIT” and to “WALK in the SPIRIT”! (Ephesians 5:18; Galatians 5:16)


As the One Who punishes the proud — Proverbs 16:5 (Luke 14:11)

As the FRIEND that sticks closer than a brother — Proverbs 18:24 (John 15:14–15; Hebrews 13:5)