Warnings and instructions about life.


In the same way that Solomon, the “son of David”, intended for his son, Rehoboam, to personally apply the wisdom, admonition, and instruction he was imparting to him when these proverbs were initially written, our Lord Jesus Christ, the “Son of David”, intends for us, as His “sons”, to personally apply the wisdom, admonition, and instruction He is imparting to us through these same proverbs now! Make certain that you note that in the New Testament, our identification as “sons” (John 1:12; 1st John 3:1–2; Philippians 2:15) includes both males and females!

With that connection clearly in mind, note some of the key bits of wisdom/ admonition/instruction the “Son of David” gives to his “son” in today’s reading, and how profoundly these things apply to our lives some 3000 years later!

  • Regarding Human Authority. (21:1)
  • The Lord’s authority trumps any and all earthly authority. The Lord, however, works through human authorities, directing them as He will, to accomplish His own purposes. The simple rule of thumb is that we are to obey our human authorities until following human authority would cause us to disobey what God’s authority in His word has clearly revealed.
  • Regarding Self-Justification. (21:2) Solomon tells us, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.” That should tell us that we have the dangerous ability to justify anything!
  • Regarding Choosing a Spouse. (21:9, 19) Simple instruction to the wise: “It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.” (21:9) “It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.” (21:19)
  • Regarding Pleasing People. (21:10)
  • Some people are just so evil, nothing we do will ever be enough, or win their favor.
  • Regarding Treatment of the Poor. (21:13; 22:16, 22–23)
  • We need to be very careful about how we deal with the poor, because how we deal with them is how the Lord is going to deal with us! If we mess with their souls God will mess with ours!
  • Regarding the Tongue. (21:23)
  • We need to learn to not say everything we think! Involving ourselves in other people’s matters never works to our advantage.
  • Regarding Our Attitude Toward Preparation. (21:31)
  • We need to always work like crazy to be prepared, but all the while, realizing that without the Lord, we can do nothing! (John 15:5)
  • Regarding Our Name. (22:1) We must be very careful not to put a blot on our name, for the simple fact that we have taken Christ’s “good name”! We are, as it were, “CHRIST-ians” or “CHRIST’s-ones”! It is better to receive Christ’s “loving favor” than to receive “silver and gold” (wealth)
  • Regarding Borrowing Money. (22:7)
  • The problem with borrowing money from people is that they end up owning us!
  • Regarding Team Building. (22:10)
  • Having the wrong people on the team will always keep things stirred up!
  • Regarding Laziness. (22:13)
  • A lazy person always has some “good excuse” for not doing what they ought to be doing!
  • Regarding Disciplining Children. (22:15)
  • There is only one thing that is able to free a child from the foolishness that is bound in their heart! It is the “rod of correction”! Parents, psychologists, psychiatrists, and and/or other experts will never invent or discover another successful alternative.
  • Regarding Choosing Friends. (22:24-25)
  • We are instructed not to hang out with or be friends with an angry person, because inevitably, they will rub off on us! We’ll start acting like just like them, and it will be a snare to our very soul! We must choose our friends wisely!
  • Regarding Co-signing. (22:26–27)
  • As a general rule, we should not co-sign on loans for people. If we do, we should be fully prepared and willing to joyfully assume the entire debt as a gift! In other words, if we’re not willing to give them the money, we should not co-sign on the loan.
  • Regarding “Humility” and the “Fear of the Lord”. (22:4) Notice that according to this verse, “humility” and the “fear of the Lord” go hand in hand. The only way to really see ourselves for who we really are, is to see the Lord for who He really is! Until we “fear the Lord” we will continue to be preoccupied with thoughts about self. Andrew Murray’s definition of humility is classic: “Humility is not thinking meanly of ourselves; it is not thinking of ourselves at all.”
  • Regarding Child Training. (22:6) Every child is different, so there is a “way” God intends every individual to “go”. It is a parent’s responsibility to so understand the truth and wisdom of the word of God, and to so understand the uniqueness of their own children, that they are able, not only to direct them toward that “way”, but to “train” them in it! That is how God intends for them to remain in “His way” their entire lives, and how He intends to keep them focused on how He uniquely desires to use them.
  • Regarding Not Losing Sight of Our Familial and Spiritual Roots. (22:28; 23:10)
  • “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.” (22:28) “Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless.” (23:10)
  • Regarding Alcohol. (23:19–21, 29–31)
  • “Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way. Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.” (23:19–21) “Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.” (23:29–31)
  • Regarding Having a Home Blessed of the Lord. (23:3–4) There are three key components to having a home that is blessed of the Lord. It is “built” by WISDOM. It is “established” by UNDERSTANDING. And it is “filled with all precious and pleasant RICHES” (i.e. the things money can’t buy!) by KNOWLEDGE!
  • Regarding Seeking Wise Counsel. (24:6)
  • Seeking wise counsel is imperative before making important decisions. The danger of our blind spots is removed when we have heard the wisdom and insight of a “multitude of counsellors”.
  • Regarding Hard Work. (24:30–34)
We can learn a lot from people whose field is overtaken with thorns and weeds, and whose territorial wall is breaking down. What they teach us is the inevitability of coming to poverty if we are only interested in sleeping and relaxing. God admonishes us to learn how to work hard. 


As HE THAT IS PURE, WHOSE WORK IS RIGHT — Proverbs 21:8 (John 4:34; 17:4)