More warnings and instructions; the words of Agur; the words that Lemuel’s mother taught him.


As we conclude the book of Proverbs today, please keep in mind that this is a book that merits continual and lifelong reading, study, meditation, and memorization.

Whereas the book of Psalms presents the HEART of GOD, the book of Proverbs presents the MIND of GOD, or perhaps, even more specifically, the MIND of CHRIST. (1st Corinthians 2:16) It is the most intricate book in the entire Bible to reveal to us how God THINKS, or to reveal to us “the mind of the Lord”. (1st Corinthians 2:16) In essence, this book reveals to us God’s viewpoint and opinion on virtually every issue of life. If, as God’s people, we would simply make God’s opinion, as it is revealed in the book of Proverbs, our opinion, and if we would simply adopt God’s viewpoint, as it is revealed in Proverbs, as our viewpoint, not only would it SIMPLIFY our lives it would REVOLUTIONIZE them!

Whereas the book of Leviticus is an intricate book detailing God’s instruction concerning the PHYSICAL aspects of ISRAEL’S life, the book of Proverbs is an intricate book detailing God’s instruction concerning the SPIRITUAL aspects of a BELIEVER’S life.  Any squabble or conflict we face in life, whether it be relational or financial, and whether it be in our home, church, workplace, or neighborhood, it can invariably be traced back to a violation of a spiritual truth God specifically revealed in the book of Proverbs. This book is actually that comprehensive, and that practical! 

Proverbs 31 is infamous for its teaching on the “Virtuous Woman”. (31:10) From an historical and devotional standpoint, it is filled with significant and admirable qualities that God wants every woman to aspire to possess. But from a prophetical standpoint, however, there’s a whole lot more going on in this chapter! Much more! Though Proverbs 31 presents God’s description of the “virtuous woman” (through the counsel provided to King Lemuel from his mother — 31:1), did you know that there is only one woman in all of Scripture that is actually specifically referred to as a “virtuous woman”, and do you know who she is? It just “happens” to be Ruth! (Ruth 2:3; 3:11)

As we’ve already seen, concerning Ruth in our 365 Days of Pursuit, she is that member of a cursed race, who, in a time of famine, hears the “good news” that there was bread in the city of Bethlehem. Upon hearing this news, she leaves her father and her mother, and all that she holds dear in her homeland, to partake of this Bread. Upon arriving in Bethlehem, she goes to work in the harvest field of her one and only Jewish Kinsman Redeemer, until he called her up out of that field to be his bride. Obviously, she is the greatest picture of the church (the Gentile Bride of the Jewish Kinsman Redeemer from Bethlehem, Who is the Bread of life!) in the entire Old Testament. From a prophetic standpoint, the “virtuous woman” of Proverbs 31 finds her fulfillment in us, the Bride of Christ! Once we make that connection, this chapter takes on a whole new significance, not just for ladies, but for every person who is “espoused” to Jesus Christ as their “one husband”! (2nd Corinthians 11:2)

With that connection in mind, check out verse 28: “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” Notice how this verse points to a time when all of God’s “children” will “arise up”.  That “rising up” is specifically spelled out in 1st Thessalonians 4:11–17 as an event we call the Rapture.

Once we are raptured (“caught up”), the Bible teaches that we will then all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. At the Judgment Seat, all of the people God has graciously permitted us to win to Christ (i.e. our “spiritual children”) will call us “blessed”! My, what a joyful and humbling experience that will be! But, not to compare, however, with the joy and humility for those to whom our “husband”, the Lord Jesus Christ, will “praise” because He regards them a “virtuous woman”! What greater joy could there possibly be, than on that day, for our “husband”, the Lord Jesus Christ, to “praise us” by saying, “Well, done!” (Matthew 25:21)  

If we would simply allow the book of Proverbs to be our wise and “Wonderful Counselor” (Isaiah 9:6) for living life, by the time we apply God’s wisdom as it is revealed in the first 30 chapters, we would find that we had actually become the “Virtuous Woman” of chapter 31. The question of Proverbs 31:10 is a good one: “Who can find a virtuous woman?” Sadly, the answer to that question in these last days of the Laodicean Church Period is, NOT MANY! She is definitely hard to find. She is extremely rare. She is almost extinct. Would our Lord consider you a “virtuous woman”? 


As THE ONE WHO DESCENDED FROM AND ASCENDED TO HEAVEN – Proverbs 30:4 (John 3:13 – Jesus came down from heaven, even the Son of Man, Who is (now) in heaven.)