The song of all songs that describes the love between a man and a woman.

  • SCENE 1: In the King’s Palace. (1:1–2:5)
  • SCENE 2: In the Young Maiden’s Bedroom. (2:6–3:5)
  • SCENE 3: The King’s Entrance. (3:6–11)
  • SCENE 4: In the Young Maiden’s Bedroom. (4:1–5:1)
  • SCENE 5: In the Presence of the King. (5:2–7:13)
  • SCENE 6: In the Beloved Shepherd’s Town. (8:1–14)


As we make our way through the Song of Solomon today, note first in 1:1, that Solomon refers to this book as the “song of songs”. The construction of this phrase is how God often chooses to identify something or someone in His word that is supreme, the highest, and/or the best as in, the “holy of holies”, the “King of kings”, the “Lord of lords”, and in this case, the “song of songs”. Though Solomon had composed a total of 1005 songs (1st Kings 4:32), it is apparent by Solomon’s introduction in 1:1, that he regarded this one as the greatest of them all. And no wonder! By virtue of the fact that this song is included in the canon of scripture, we know that it was actually written under divine inspiration! This song was dramatically different than the other 1004 songs Solomon wrote, in that he wrote these words as he was “moved by the Holy Ghost”. (2nd Peter 1:21)

This “song” is actually a love story that involves three main characters. The first character is a beautiful young maiden (the “fairest among women” — 1:8; 5:9; 6:1) who appears to come from an oppressive family. (1:5–6) The second character is the man of her dreams, a simple shepherd (1:7), yet, he is the maiden’s “beloved”, who has stolen her heart. (1:13–14) The third character is none other than the wealthy and mighty king Solomon, who is renowned for his obsession for beautiful women and for getting whomever he wished! (1st Kings 11:3)

The storyline of the song is somewhat difficult to follow in its written form, because it is often hard to distinguish which of the three characters in the story is actually speaking. Were the trio of characters actually singing this song, it would be obvious.

The essence of the story (song) is basically this: on one of Solomon’s journeys, he meets a beautiful young lady, and is so smitten by her that he exercises his self-invented “kingly privilege” in taking her to his palace. The young maiden, however, is not impressed with his wealth nor his words, and has no interest whatsoever in having a relationship with the king. She is already madly in love with a young shepherd from “back home”. Though the “daughters of Jerusalem” (which is a nice way of referring to the women in Solomon’s harem — 2:7; 3:5; 8:4) try to persuade her to turn her affection toward Solomon, she can only think of her true love, and desires only to be with him. On several occasions, Solomon seeks to win her affection but to no avail. She is passionate only for her “beloved”. Finally, Solomon sees that it is futile, and frees her to return to her family and the man of her dreams. 

In navigating through the book, seeing it as a musical/drama with the following six “scenes” and distinguishing the following “singers/actors” may prove extremely beneficial.

SCENE 1 — In the King’s Palace

  • 1:1 – The Title of the Song (Musical) 
  • 1:2–1:4a – The Young Maiden (her part ends with the word “chambers.”)
  • 1:4b – (chorus) 
  • 1:5–7 – The Young Maiden 
  • 1:8 – (chorus) 
  • 1:9–10 – The King 
  • 1:11 – (chorus) 
  • 1:12–14 – The Young Maiden 
  • 1:15 – The King 
  • 1:16–2:1 –The Young Maiden 
  • 2:2 – The King 
  • 2:3–5 – The Young Maiden

SCENE 2 — In the Young Maiden’s Bedroom

  • 2:6–3:5 – The Young Maiden

SCENE 3 – The King’s Entrance

  • 3:6–11 – (Chorus)

SCENE 4 — In the Young Maiden’s Bedroom

  • 4:1–5 – The King 
  • 4:6 –The Young Maiden 
  • 4:7–15 – The Beloved Shepherd 
  • 4:16 – The Young Maiden  
  • 5:1 – The Beloved Shepherd

SCENE 5 — In the Presence of the King

  • 5:2–8 – The Young Maiden  
  • 5:9 – (Chorus) 
  • 5:10–16 – The Young Maiden  
  • 6:1 – (Chorus) 
  • 6:2–3 – The Young Maiden 
  • 6:4–9 – The King 
  • 6:10 – (Chorus) 
  • 6:11–12 – The King 
  • 6:13a – (Chorus – ends with “upon thee.”) 
  • 6:13b – The Young Maiden  
  • 7:1–5 – (Chorus) 
  • 7:6–9a – The King 
  • 7:9b–13 – The Young Maiden

SCENE 6 — In the Beloved Shepherd’s Town

  • 8:1–4 – The Young Maiden  
  • 8:5a – (Chorus – ends with “beloved”) 
  • 8:5b – 8:7 – The Beloved Shepherd 
  • 8:8 – 9 – (Chorus) 
  • 8:10 – 12 – The Young Maiden 
  • 8:13 – The Beloved Shepherd 
  • 8:14 – The Young Maiden 

In this story, Solomon is a picture or type of the world who tries anything and everything to lure the young maiden (“bride-to-be” — 2nd Corinthians 11:2) away from the “beloved Shepherd”. As believers, we are the bride of Christ, and like the young maiden, our affection for our “Beloved” should be so all-encompassing that we would never allow anything in this world to come between us! We are commanded by God to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30) just as we are commanded not to love the world, or even be its friend! (James 4:4; 1st John 2:15) May we remember, daily, the faithfulness and love our beloved Saviour/Shepherd has shown, and shows us, and return that same kind of faithfulness and love to Him!


As THE SHEPHERD — Song of Solomon 1:7 (Jesus is the Shepherd of our souls — 1st Peter 2:25)

As THE BELOVED — Song of Solomon 1:14; 2:8; 8:5 (Matthew 3:17; 12:18)