Titus: Order and authority in the local church (chapter 1); sound doctrine for the people of the local church (chapter 2); the biblical way to deal with heretics (chapter 3).

Philemon: The Apostle Paul’s letter to his friend Philemon regarding his unfaithful slave Onesimus, asking him to forgive and accept Onesimus back into his house, not just as a slave, but as a brother in the Lord.


Titus was a man that the apostle Paul often relied upon in clutch situations because he possessed two tremendous character qualities: he was trustworthy and faithful. Oh, that God would help us to possess those simple but wonderful characteristics! In fact, in 2nd Corinthians 8:23, Paul referred to Titus as his “partner and fellow helper” in the work of the Lord. Coming from Paul, those are very powerful words of affirmation.

This letter from Paul to Titus was written to give instructions on how to strengthen and establish the young churches on the island of Crete. Paul wanted to make sure that Titus dealt with the Cretians, who, Paul says, were known for being liars, evil, and lazy. (Titus 1:11) How’s that for political correctness?!

One of the key things we learn in this letter is the qualifications for leaders in the church. It should be noted that every believer has been commanded, in other places in the New Testament, to possess each of these character qualities that Paul lists in 1:6–9. What Paul is demanding here, though, is that a man who holds the office of a bishop (pastor) not only “SHOULD” possess these qualities, but he “MUST” possess them! They are the biblical requirements and prerequisites for holding the office, and we must be certain that these biblical qualifications are upheld in the local church. A church is destined to become carnal and spiritually deficient when the leaders do not meet their biblical qualifications, and/or do not walk in “true holiness” (Ephesians 4:23) as an example to the flock.

This letter also teaches us the absolute necessity of teaching sound doctrine. Paul gives a very sobering reason: “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers.” We would do well to recognize that if there were “many” deceptive carriers of false doctrine in the 1st century, just how “MANY” there must be in the 21st century! Paul clearly taught us that “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse”! (2nd Timothy 3:13) In other words, false teachers would progressively increase throughout the course of history, not decrease!

It’s also interesting to note Paul’s answer to the dilemma of false teachers. It is that pastors “hold fast the faithful word as they have been taught, that they may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.” (Titus 1:9) Paul even goes on to say that the mouths of these false teachers “must be stopped”! Oh, how we desperately need the men who lead our churches to be able to do that themselves and equip the flock to do the same! (Titus 1:11)

The sound doctrine of which Paul was referring that pastors are to teach is found in chapters 2 and 3. In chapter 2, Paul lays out sound doctrine for older men, older women, younger women, younger men and servants. In chapter 3, Paul commands Titus to remind all in the church of their past sinful condition, and the amazing kindness and love that God has shown to all of them. He also very clearly lays out the biblical method for dealing with heretics, or those who do not hold and/or teach sound doctrine. His instruction is very simply admonish them two times, and if they continue to hold and/or to teach false doctrine, put them out. (Titus 3:10–11)

Paul ends the letter with a reminder to all of us to “learn to maintain good works” so that we do not become unfruitful. (Titus 3:14) An unfruitful Christian is very simply a contradiction.

Additional highlights from Paul’s letter to Titus:

  • Be very discerning, because false teachers profess that they know God, and can present a very spiritual-looking front. (Titus 1:16) Upon closer examination, however, it will be revealed that they deny God with the life that they live. In the end, it isn’t their profession that will matter, only God’s! Jesus said in Matthew 7:23, “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
  • The same grace that “SAVES” us, also “TEACHES” us to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. (Titus 2:11-12) That’s why Paul said in Romans 6:1-2, “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?” If we live with the constant reminder of what Jesus did for us when He saved us from our sin, we will then stand daily in awe of His grace, and sin will no longer have dominion over us. Quite simply, that’s how grace teaches us to live a life that is pleasing to our Savior!

As we also consider today the book of Philemon, God paints for us, in this brief book of the Bible, a beautiful picture of grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Philemon was a personal friend of Paul’s that he apparently had the privilege of leading to the Lord. (vs. 19) One of Philemon’s slaves, a man by the name of Onesimus, had apparently stolen from his master and fled to Rome. As is often the case, one sin leads to another, so for an unidentified reason, Onesimus finds himself imprisoned in Rome. It is in this Roman prison that Paul meets Onesimus and has the privilege of leading him to the Lord. Paul realized that if Onesimus would ever be all that God intended him to be, he would need to make things right with his master, Philemon. So, Paul writes this short letter to his friend and fellow-believer, Philemon, asking him not only to receive Onesimus back into his house as a “slave”, but now, as a “brother” in the Lord!

Note some of the incredible pictures God paints for us through the three main characters in this letter to Philemon:

  1. PHILEMON is a picture of God the Father:

* He was righteous. (vs. 7 c.f. Jeremiah 23:6)

* He was wealthy. (vs. 2, 7, 11 c.f. Haggai 2:8)

* The church was his habitation. (vs. 2 c.f. Ephesians 2:22)

* He was a caring householder. (vs. 2, 5, 7 c.f. Ephesians 2:19)

* He had been violated. (vs. 11, 18-19 c.f. Romans 3:23)

* He was the legal owner. (vs. 16 c.f. 1st Corinthians 6:20)

  • ONESIMUS is a picture of us, as redeemed sinners:

* He was a slave. (vs.16 c.f. Romans 7:14)

* He was an unprofitable servant. (vs.11 c.f. Matthew 25:30; Romans 5:12)

* He desired freedom. (vs. 15 c.f. Genesis 3:1-6)

* His quest for freedom found him imprisoned. (vs. 10 c.f. Romans 6:17)

* In desperation, he received God’s liberating grace! (vs. 11 c.f. Ephesians 2:8-9)

  • PAUL is a picture of Jesus Christ:

* He was a prisoner on behalf of the gospel. (vs. 10 c.f. Isaiah 53:8; John 18:28)

* He intercedes to the wealthy householder for the unprofitable servant. (vs.10-11 c.f. Hebrews 7:25)

* He will do nothing without the householder’s permission. (vs. 14 c.f. John 6:38)

* He was willing and able to pay the servant’s debt. (vs. 18-19 c.f. 1st Timothy 2:6)

* He asks that the violator be received just as he would be received. (vs. 12, 17 c.f. Romans 8:17)

* He secures for the restored a place to dwell. (vs. 22 c.f. John 14:1-2)

* He soon returns to the householder. (vs. 22 c.f. John 14:5)

Wow! What a book! Let it cause us to stand in awe of our God today! (Psalm 33:8)