The first account of the Tribulation and Second Coming through the opening of the seven seals (6:1-8:1); the second account of the Tribulation and Second Coming through the sounding of the seven trumpets (8:2-11:19).


Yesterday’s reading concluded with John revealing to us the SCENE IN HEAVEN immediately following the rapture of the redeemed Church of Jesus Christ (chapters 4 and 5). When we pick up in chapter 6 in today’s reading, John is revealing to us the SCENE ON THE EARTH immediately following the rapture.

This chapter begins the revelation of the Tribulation Period, which of course, culminates with the Second Coming of Christ. In fact, what we will see in chapters 6-19, are actually four accounts of these events. This is a point we need to fully grasp if we’re going to keep ourselves within the framework of how God has “divided” the book of Revelation! It is my belief that it is here that most commentators, theologians, and Bible “experts” lose their way in this book. They try to approach these chapters as if they were written linearly or sequentially (i.e. this happens, then this happens, and then that, etc.) That is how Westerners think, and usually dictates, not only our approach to life, but our approach to the Bible. The Bible, however, is an Asian book, and is written circularly as opposed to linearly. There is perhaps no place in the word of God where this is more clearly observed than in Revelation 6-19. Rather than one, continuous, sequential time-line in these chapters, God rather takes us through the same time period (the Tribulation Period which culminates with the Second Coming of Christ) four different times, from four different perspectives! Sure, commentators, theologians, and Bible “experts” balk at such a preposterous idea, reasoning, “Why in the world would God do something as unthinkable as that?” Granted, it is certainly a legitimate question! The question is best answered by pointing to the fact that God did it in the Gospels! The Gospels provide four accounts of the First Coming of Christ from four different perspectives, and because God is so unbelievably consistent, before He concludes His revelation to man, in the book of Revelation, He gives us four accounts of the Second Coming of Christ from four different perspectives!

If we fail to understand what God is actually doing in these chapters, the book of Revelation becomes a chaotic nightmare requiring a lot of doctrinal gymnastics to keep it making any kind of logical and chronological sense. Seeing that one simple factor (four accounts of the same events), however, keeps this seemingly complex book unbelievably simple and easy to understand.

God brings us through the first account of the Tribulation and Second Coming through THE OPENING OF THE SEVEN SEALS in Revelation 6:1-8:1. In fact, make a mental note as you read chapter 6 today, that this chapter alone provides the first complete account of the Tribulation and Second Coming. The opening of the first five seals (6:1-11) covers the entire seven years of the Tribulation Period, and the opening of the sixth seal (6:12-17) is the first account of the Second Coming of Christ.

In chapters 8:2—11:19, God brings us through the Tribulation and Second Coming for the second complete time; this time through THE SOUNDING OF SEVEN TRUMPETS.

The third account is found in chapters 12-14, as God brings us through the same events in this time period through THE REVEALING OF SEVEN PERSONAGES (or PERSONALITIES).

Then, the fourth and final time through the Tribulation and Second Coming is found in chapters 15-19, through THE POURING OF THE SEVEN VIALS.

As we are reading chapters 6–11 today, be sure to keep in mind that one of the keys to understanding this incredible book is recognizing that John’s record of these events is not symbolism that needs to be unraveled or interpreted. Just believe what you’re reading, understanding that John is a man living in the 1st century, using 1st century terminology, trying to describe events happening in the world in the 21st century!