Abraham’s willingness to offer his only son, Isaac; God’s reaffirmation of His covenant with Abraham; Sarah’s death; Isaac’s marriage to Rebekah.
Genesis 22 is one of the greatest chapters of the entire Bible. It lifts the curtain for the dress rehearsal of Calvary. In this chapter, God takes out His Divine brush, and paints an unbelievably beautiful picture of the offering of His only begotten Son.
Note the incredible similarities…
• Isaac’s birth was prophesied in Genesis 18:10: “Sarah thy wife shall have a son.” Christ’s birth was prophesied in Isaiah 7:14: “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son.”
• Isaac’s birthday was preset. Genesis 21:2 says that Isaac was born “at the set time of which God had spoken to Abraham.” Christ’s birthday was preset. Galatians 4:4 says, “But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman.”
• Isaac received his name before his birth. Genesis 17:19 says that God told Abraham, “Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son…and thou shalt call his name Isaac.” Jesus received His name before His birth. Matthew 1:21 says that God told Joseph, “And she (Mary) shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus…”
• Isaac was conceived by a miracle. (Genesis 18:11–14) Christ was conceived by a miracle. (Luke 1:34–37)
• Isaac was the only begotten son of his father. (Genesis 22:2; Hebrews 11:17) Jesus was the only begotten Son of His Father. (John 3:16)
• There was a specific place God had in mind for Abraham to offer his son. Genesis 22:2 says that it was on one of the mountains in the land of Moriah. Moriah means “chosen by Jehovah.” The passage does not tell us which mountain, but we have already seen enough of the picture to know which mountain in particular “Jehovah had chosen”! Genesis 22:3 says, “And Abraham…and Isaac his son…went unto the place of which God had told him.”
There was also a specific place God had in mind to offer His own Son. Luke 23:33 says, “And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him (Christ).”
• Both Isaac and Jesus rose from the dead. Isaac rose from the dead, figuratively, after three days! (Genesis 22:3–4; See Hebrews 11:19) Jesus, of course, rose from the dead, literally, after three days! (1st Corinthians 15:3– 4)
• Isaac walks to the place of sacrifice the Lord had shown his father, carrying the wood that was to be used for his own execution. (Genesis 22:5–6) Jesus walked to the place of sacrifice shown Him of His Father, carrying the wood that was to be used for His own execution. John 19:17 says, “And he (Jesus), bearing his cross went forth into a place… which is called…Golgotha.”
Note that the instrument of sacrifice did not fall upon Isaac in Genesis 22:9–14. That is because he was just the picture! One day, 1900 years later, it would fall on the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, check out the answer Abraham gives his son to the question he asked about where the lamb was that would be offered as the sacrifice for sin: “Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb!” (22:8) Of course, there was the immediate fulfillment in the ram caught in the thicket in verse 13 (i.e. a male lamb wearing a crown of thorns!) But there is also a prophetic fulfillment as well! Note that Abraham did not say, “God will provide a lamb for himself.” He distinctly said, “God will provide himself a lamb!” Obviously, Jesus was the fulfillment of the picture. John said, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)
As we stand in awe of God and His incredible, supernatural word today, let us keep this in mind: If ever there was a promise that God might have reneged on (which is obviously an impossibility!) but, if ever there was a promise that God might have changed His mind about, it would have been the promise of offering His beloved Son! We can rest assured, that if He kept that promise He is going to keep all the other ones! Paul put it this way in Romans 8:32, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”
In ISAAC’S WILLINGNESS TO BE OFFERED – Genesis 22:1–14 (John 3:16; Luke 23:33: Hebrews 11:19; John 1:29)
Note: In Genesis 24, Abraham (as already seen, a picture of God the Father) sends out his unnamed servant (which is a picture of the Holy Spirit, who is not come to glorify his own name—John 16:13–14) to find a bride for his only begotten son. The servant returns, coincidentally enough, with a Gentile bride (a picture of the church) who comes into the tent of Sarah (a picture of the nation of Israel—John 1:11–12) after she died.