God details His plans for the tabernacle; God details His plans for the High Priest’s coverings.


In John 4, Jesus lets us know that there is something our Father in heaven is seeking: He is seeking WORSHIP! But He is not just seeking “any kind” of worship. He is seeking the worship that only comes from “true worshippers”! (John 4:23) Obviously, by qualifying them as “true worshippers”, there must be a type of unacceptable worship that God recognizes as coming from “false worshippers”! We can then conclude that not everything that goes on in the name of “worship” is actually recognized by God and received of God as “true worship”! In the section we enter, in our reading today, our God is providing a detailed description and prescription for the “true worship” He desired from the nation of Israel in the days following their exodus from Egypt. It all surrounds what was basically a “tent” that was approximately 45 feet long, 15 feet wide and 15 feet high, which is the outer court surrounding the tent measuring approximately 150 feet by 75 feet. The whole thing is what is most commonly referred to biblically as the “tabernacle” and served the nation of Israel as what might be referred to as a “mobile worship center”.

The tabernacle was actually comprised of three sections: the outer court, in which the common people could come; the holy place, in which only the priests could come; and, what we call the holy of holies, or the most holy place, in which only the high priest could come (and that, only once a year, on the day of atonement). This “mobile worship center” represented God’s presence with His people, Israel, for over 400 years—from the exodus to the building of the permanent structure known as the temple.

As we begin to discuss some of the details of the tabernacle, it is important to note that the Divine Architect (the Designer and Builder of the universe!) is now taking on His second “building project” through man. The first, of course, was the ark Noah built, which was a vessel by which God SAVED man, carrying him through the FLOOD. The second, the tabernacle (and specifically the ark of the covenant in the “holy of holies” inside the tabernacle), was a vessel through which God MET with man, as MAN carried GOD through the WILDERNESS. In both building projects, note that the instructions for the construction of each project were very detailed and specific, and were given to man by supernatural revelation. God left nothing to man’s self-styled imagination or invention.

It is worth noting that God begins this second building project by instructing Moses to take up an offering from the people for the construction of the tabernacle. Obviously, God could have simply spoken it into existence, just as He did the entire universe, so it begs the question, why didn’t He? While there are certainly other reasons, there are at least two very simple, and yet, very significant ones:

  1. A PRACTICAL Reason.

This tent would serve as the place where God would “dwell” with man; be His “meeting place” with man; and be the place where He would “inhabit the praises of His people.” For those very important reasons, God chose to allow the people to enjoy a sense of ownership in the project by allowing them to provide both the funding and the craftsmanship (sewing, carving, goldsmithing, baking, dying, etc.) for its completion. As has been noted through the centuries, “People regard that which cost them nothing as having little or no value.” Obviously, God wanted to be sure that never happened with the tabernacle but wanted to ensure that the people of Israel always maintained a keen appreciation for this special “meeting place” with God! Note, also, that the offering God specified was not in any way to be connected to LAW, but rather to GRACE! Verse 2 of chapter 25 says that the offering was to be given “WILLINGLY” and with their “HEART”!


God gave very explicit details concerning the tabernacle’s construction for a very monumental reason: this was no ordinary tent! This tent was actually the EARTHLY representation of another tabernacle, a HEAVENLY tabernacle that Hebrews 8:2 refers to as “the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.” In the specifications for the tabernacle’s construction, God used the pattern of the HEAVENLY tabernacle to reveal to Moses, and the children of Israel, the desired details concerning His EARTHLY dwelling place. (Exodus 25:9; Hebrews 8:5) One day we will understand that the details provided in Exodus 25–30 and Exodus 35–39 actually reveal more information about the universe than the most powerful and sophisticated 21st century telescope, as well as reveal to us the information about the universe that God didn’t see fit to include in Genesis 1 and Job 38! But I must say, comprehending the details of how the EARTHLY TABERNACLE actually mirrored the HEAVENLY TABERNACLE now, will take someone much more spiritually and biblically astute than me, not to mention someone way more intelligent!

One thing I do understand, is that just as there were three parts of the tabernacle on the earth, there are three heavens. (2nd Corinthians 12:2; Psalm 148) Just as God’s presence was beyond the veil in the third part of the tabernacle (the “holy of holies”), God’s actual presence in the universe is beyond the veil identified as the frozen waters of “the deep” northward in the third heaven. (Job 38:30; Isaiah 14:13; Psalm 48:2)

Other “tidbits” concerning the tabernacle:

  • The tabernacle is referred to in scripture by such names as the tent, the tent of testimony, the tent of the congregation, the tabernacle of witness, the tabernacle of testimony, the tabernacle of the congregation, and the place of dwelling.
  • In Exodus 25–39, God provides for us a verbal diagram of the tabernacle, the details concerning the materials that were to be used in its construction, the furniture to be placed within, the utensils to be used inside, as well as a description of those who were to minister therein.
  • Exodus 25–27, where the prominent vessel of the tabernacle is detailed, the ark of the covenant, reveal to us GOD’s approach to MAN.
  • Exodus 28–30, where the prominent “vessel” of the tabernacle that is detailed, the high priest, reveal to us MAN’S approach to GOD.
  • Historically, God designed this tabernacle because He wanted to dwell and commune with His people, the JEWS. (Exodus 25:8, 22) Practically, God designed the record of it so that all of the people through the annals of history would likewise know that through Christ (which is what is actually being pictured throughout the tabernacle), that same God wants to dwell in and commune with US, His CHURCH! (2nd Corinthians 6:14–16; 1st John 4:12–13; Hebrews 9:1–14)
  • Entire books have been written about the numerous pictures and types drawn by God in the whole layout, design, and contents of the tabernacle. Like any great art, the more you look at it, the more you see!


In the ARK of the COVENANT, wood overlaid by pure gold (wood representing His humanity and gold representing His deity) – Exodus 25:10–11 (Philippians 2:6–8)

In the MERCY SEAT – Exodus 25:17 (Romans 3:24–25 – Note that the word “propitiation” in Romans 3:25 is translated “mercy seat” in Hebrews 9:5, and 1st John 2:2 says that Christ “is the propitiation for our sins.”)

In the TABLE of SHEWBREAD – Exodus 25:23–30 (Jesus is the bread of life: John 6:33, 35, 48, 51).

In the CANDLESTICK – Exodus 25:31 (Jesus is the light: John 1:4–9; 8:12; 9:5; 12:35–36, 46)

In the VEIL – Exodus 26:30–37 (Representing the physical body of Christ which was “torn” to bring us to God: Mark 15:38; Hebrews 10:20)

Through the HIGH PRIEST and all of his CLOTHING – Exodus 28:1–43 (Jesus is our High Priest: Hebrews 2:17; 3:1)