The bondage of the Jews in Egypt; Moses’ birth and early life in Egypt; Moses’ flight into Midian; the burning bush; God commissions Moses and Aaron to deliver Israel; Moses’ return to Egypt.


The word “exodus” means “the way out”. The book of Exodus is the story of Israel’s deliverance from bondage in Egypt. It should be noted, as we begin this portion of the Bible, that more column inches are given to the record of Israel’s exodus than any other thing in the entire Bible! It is the subject matter, not only of the book of Exodus, but the books of Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and even into the book of Joshua! Why so much detail about one event? We are told why in 1st Corinthians 10:1-11: the exodus is not just a PORTION of Israel’s history—it is a PORTRAIT of the Christian life! God tells us that we’re given this incredible record of Israel’s history, so that the same thing that happened to them, doesn’t happen to us! (See 1st Corinthians 10:6, 11.) The sad reality is that for most believers, it does!

To help you “develop the pictures”, as we make our way through Israel’s exodus, keep in mind that:

  • EGYPT is a picture of the world and sin. It will consistently stand for that which is in opposition to God and God’s people. Just as Egypt held God’s people in bondage in the Old Testament, it pictures the world’s system that seeks to hold us in bondage in the New Testament. (Ephesians 2:2)
  • PHARAOH, the wicked king of Egypt, is a picture of Satan, the wicked king of the world’s system who exercises his will in taking God’s people captive. (2nd Timothy 2:26)
  • ISRAEL is a picture of the individual believer. Please note that Israel is not a picture of the church! In Exodus 4:22-23, God plainly declares that “Israel is my son” and commands Moses to tell Pharaoh to “let my son go, that he may serve me.” In the New Testament, God reveals that as individual believers in Christ, we now possess the title, “son of God”. (1st John 3:2; John 1:12; Romans 8:14) Making the proper connection between Israel and the individual believer will keep us from “wrongly dividing the word of truth” (2nd Timothy 2:13), and misapplying God’s word to our lives.
  • MOSES is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ, the deliverer of God’s people.
  • AMALEK is a picture of the flesh, which constantly wars with our spirits as we seek to walk with Christ. (Galatians 5:16-17)

Keep in mind, as you read about Israel’s affliction in today’s reading, that the Jews had gone down to Egypt and lived off the best of the land. (Genesis 47:6) This luxury has now turned into sorrow and suffering. It is an inescapable principle of life: sin promises freedom and happiness, but in the end, it only leads to bondage and sorrow. Be constantly on guard against the “deceitfulness of sin”! (Hebrews 3:13; Romans 7:11; Ephesians 4:22)

As the Hebrews remained in bondage for 400 years(!), it seemed as if God was either unaware or unconcerned of their situation. They, no doubt, felt forsaken, and wondered why God had not provided their deliverance. Had they only remembered what God said in Genesis 15:13-16, they would have known that God had already prophesied that the duration of their bondage would be 400 years. During these years when it seemed as if God was doing nothing, He was actually preparing His people (Exodus 1), preparing the deliverer (Exodus 2-4), and extending incredible mercy by giving the wicked nations of Canaan time to repent (Genesis 15:16). When we feel that God is either unaware or unconcerned about our circumstances, we must remember that God is constantly at work in our lives for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28-29), even when we can’t see it with our physical eyes!

At 40 years of age, Moses determined that it was time to accomplish the mission for which he had been called—to deliver Israel! There was only one problem, however. It wasn’t GOD’S time! Exodus 2:12 says that Moses “looked this way and that.” Moses wanted to fulfill God’s calling on his life but he was walking by sight and not by faith. (2nd Corinthians 5:7) God had 40 years of training ahead for Moses in the land of Midian serving as a shepherd for his father-in-law’s flock before he would be prepared for the difficult task that lie ahead in shepherding God’s flock.


Through MOSES as SHEPHERD and DELIVERER – Exodus 3:1, 11 (John 10:11-14; Hebrews 13:20; 1st Peter 5:4; Romans 11:26; Titus 2:14)

Note: Moses is one of the most perfect types of Christ in the entire Bible. Moses himself makes this declaration in Deuteronomy 18:15.

As the Great I AM – Exodus 3:13–14 (John 8:58; Hebrews 13:8)



Jacob’s vision at Beersheba; the journey to Egypt; Joseph and the famine; the best land given to Jacob; Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons; Jacob’s prophecies upon his sons; the deaths of Jacob and Joseph.


In today’s reading, Jacob begins the journey toward Egypt to be reunited with his beloved son, Joseph. At Beersheba, God spoke to Jacob in a vision of the night, assuring him that it was His will that he goes to Egypt, and that though he would die there, God would eventually return His people to the land that was promised. As has been already noted, God is consistently hammering the point that Egypt is a downward move, and one must be brought up out of Egypt. (Genesis 46:4) Egypt is a picture of sin and the world.

When Jacob is reunited with Joseph, it has been 22 long years, with an incredible amount of water that has passed under the proverbial bridge. Joseph is now 39, and Jacob is 130. Joseph introduces his father to the Pharaoh and he grants Jacob the best part of Egypt for his family to settle in; an area called Goshen.

After 17 years in Egypt, Jacob realizes that he is close to death. He has one major thing that he makes Joseph promise him: “Bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt.” (47:2-31)

Chapter 48 records Jacob’s (Israel’s) last blessing. Joseph brings his two sons before his father, and he adopts them as his own sons and assures them of an equal inheritance. However, a strange thing happens as Israel bestows the blessing upon his sons. As Joseph brings his two sons before his father, Manasseh is brought toward Jacob’s right hand, and Ephraim is brought toward his left hand. As Jacob reaches out to impart the blessing, he crosses his hands, giving the firstborn blessing of his right hand to Ephraim, the younger son. Though Joseph objected, Israel explained that God was once again going to bestow the firstborn blessing upon the younger son.

What is the meaning of this bizarre story? It is all an incredible picture! The Bible refers to Christ as the “firstborn among many brethren,” who is “seated at the Father’s right hand.” When we came before the Father, and asked Him to bestow the blessing of eternal life upon us, in effect, God the Father crossed His hands. Since He only has one gift of eternal life, and that life is in His Son (1st John 5:11-12), God took His right hand and placed it on us, and took His left hand and placed it on His Son. Christ gets our sin—we get His righteousness. (2nd Corinthians 5:20) Christ dies our death—we get His life. (Romans 5:10) Christ gets our curse—we get the firstborn blessing! (Galatians 3:13-14)

The scene in chapter 49 as the dying Jacob calls his sons into his bedroom is not only incredibly prophetic (Genesis 49:1 “Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days”), it is also an incredible picture! It is an extremely graphic and detailed picture of the Judgment Seat of Christ! (2nd Corinthians 5:10-11)

As Joseph comes to the end of his life in Genesis 50, he has the same passion as did his father before him, manifest through one major request. He wanted to be certain that his bones did not remain in Egypt! Like his father, he wanted to be buried in Canaan. Why? Because Canaan was the land promised. Jacob and Joseph both realized that though they were in Egypt (the world), they were not of Egypt (the world)! (John 17:11–16) Joseph’s request was not forgotten. As the children of Israel set out for Canaan, 400 years later, Exodus 13:19 says that they took Joseph’s bones with them. Don’t miss the incredible picture being painted here because we also have the promise of God that He will not allow our bones to remain in Egypt! (1st Thessalonians 4:11-17) Notice that the book of Genesis begins with a man in a garden, and ends with a man in a coffin; it begins with life, and ends with death. God says, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23) and “sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” (James 1:15)

As we conclude the book of Genesis today, here is a simple way to remember the content of this vitally important book. The book of Genesis is comprised of:

✦ FOUR KEY EVENTS (Genesis 1–11)

  1. Creation (1–2)
  2. The Fall (3–5)
  3. The Flood (6–9)
  4. The Tower of Babel (10–11)

✦ FOUR KEY MEN (Genesis 12–50)

  1. Abraham (12:1–25:8)
  2. Isaac (21:1–35:29)
  3. Jacob (25:21–50:14)
  4. Joseph (30:22–50:26)






Joseph’s brothers buy corn and bow down to him; Simeon is detained, and Benjamin is summoned; Joseph’s brothers return to Egypt for food; Judah offers to take the place of Benjamin; Joseph reveals himself to his brothers.


As God spotlights the life of Joseph in these final chapters of the book of Genesis, it is interesting how God introduces to us the life principle that, “What goes around comes around” or, to state it in biblical terms, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) Ironically, Jacob, who willfully deceived his father by the skins of “the kids of the goats” (Genesis 27:16) is deceived by his sons in a similar manner in chapter 37:31-33.

This principle is observed repeatedly throughout Scripture. For example, Pharaoh, who called for the destruction of God’s people by the waters of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:15) saw his own people drowned by the waters of the Red Sea. (Exodus 14:28) Korah, who caused a division among God’s people (Numbers 16:1–3), was swallowed alive by a division in the ground. (Numbers 16:31-2) Haman, who built the gallows upon which to hang a godly Hebrew (Esther 5:14), was hanged from those very gallows. (Esther 7:10) Because of this biblical principle, as adverse situations unfold in our lives, it is always a good practice to step back and ask ourselves, “Is this happening in my life because I am reaping according to what I’ve sown?” God may be trying to reveal to us how it is that we need to “…cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2nd Corinthians 7:1)

The whole story of Joseph’s dealings with his brothers, in this section, foreshadows that coming day, in another time of tribulation (Revelation 6:5-8), when the remnant of Israel will confess its guilt in connection with the death of the Messiah and will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only son. (Zechariah 12:10)

As the brothers make their second trip back to Joseph, you can begin to detect a change of heart:

  • Judah, who so ruthlessly sold Joseph for profit with no concern for his father’s heartbreak in chapter 37, pours out his heart in intercession before Joseph in chapter 44, offering himself as a slave to spare his father the doubly-painful sorrow of losing Benjamin. Judah moved from selling his brother into slavery, to being willing to become a slave in his brother’s behalf.
  • The brothers’ willingness to return the money.
  • The confession of the truth to Joseph’s steward.

Though these were positive signs of their change of heart, they were also evidence that they were making some horrendous mistakes. Such as, taking Joseph a present, and confessing their sins to Joseph’s servant rather than to Joseph himself. This mistake has been made by lost sinners throughout the history of the church. God works in the life of the sinner to bring him to the end of himself, and to God Himself, but many seek to win their salvation by what they bring to God, or by confessing their sin to a man rather than to God Himself, or like Judah, by making some sort of sacrifice. Salvation would be graciously offered to Joseph’s brothers upon simple confession and repentance. Likewise, salvation in Christ is graciously offered to sinful men upon simple confession and repentance. (Romans 10:9-13; Acts 17:30)

Notice in 45:13, Joseph, the incredible type of Christ, tells his brothers, “…tell my Father of all my glory.” John 13:31 teaches those of us who are Christ’s brothers (Hebrews 2:11), that God is glorified as we glorify His Son. Oh, let us tell the Father of all of Christ’s glory today! Philippians 2:9-11 says, “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”


Through JOSEPH’S DEALINGS WITH HIS BROTHERS – Genesis 45:4-15 (Hebrews 2:11; Romans 5:8)

Through JOSEPH’S SOVEREIGNTY OVER THE AFFAIRS OF LIFE – Genesis 45:5-8 (Ephesians 1:17, 20-22)



Joseph’s dreams; Joseph sold into slavery; the enticement and lies of Potiphar’s wife; the imprisonment of Joseph; Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams; Joseph is made a ruler of Egypt.


The narrative in this section, dealing with the life of Joseph, is very interesting reading, completely self-explanatory, and the applications to the believer’s life are abundantly clear. By “comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1st Corinthians 2:10, 13), however, this section reveals that Joseph is the most comprehensive type of Christ in the entire Bible! Consider these amazing “coincidences” (similarities) in the life of Joseph and Jesus.

  1. Both were the beloved of their fathers. (Genesis 37:3; Matthew 3:17)
  2. Both regarded themselves as shepherds. (Genesis 37:2; John 10:11-14)
  3. Both were sent to their brethren by their fathers. (Genesis 37:13-14; Luke 20:13; John 3:17; Hebrews 10:7)
  4. Both were hated by their brethren without cause. (37:4-5; John 1:11; 7:5; 15:25)
  5. Both were plotted against by their brethren. (Genesis 37:20; John 11:53)
  6. Both were severely tempted. (Genesis 39:7; Matthew 4:1)
  7. Both were taken to Egypt. (Genesis 37:36; Matthew 2:14-15)
  8. Both were stripped of their robes. (Genesis 37:23; John 19:23-24)
  9. Both were sold for the price of a slave. (Genesis 37:28; Matthew 26:15)
  10. Both were bound. (Genesis 39:20; Matthew 27:2)
  11. Both remained silent and offered no defense. (Genesis 39:20; Isaiah 53:7)
  12. Both were falsely accused. (Genesis 39:16-18; Matthew 26:59-60)
  13. Both experienced God’s presence through everything. (Genesis 39:2, 21-23; John 16:32)
  14. Both were respected by their jailors. (Genesis 39:21; Luke 23:47)
  15. Both were placed with two prisoners, one of which was later lost, and the other saved. (Genesis 40:2-3, 21-22; Luke 23:32, 39-43)
  16. Both were around thirty when their ministry began. (Genesis 41:46; Luke 3:23)
  17. Both were highly exalted after their sufferings. (Genesis 41:41; Philippians 2:9-11)
  18. Both took Gentile brides. (Genesis 41:45; Ephesians 2:11-13)
  19. Both were lost to their brothers for a while. (Genesis 42:7-8; Romans 10:1-3; 11:7-8)
  20. Both forgave and restored their repentant brothers. (Genesis 45:1-15; Micah 7:18- 19; Zechariah 12:10-12; Revelation 1:7)
  21. Both were visited and honored by all earthly nations. (Genesis 41:57; Isaiah 2:2-3; 49:6)


In JOSEPH – (see connections made under HIGHLIGHTS & INSIGHTS)

By the WISDOM OF JOSEPH – Genesis 41:39 (Colossians 2:2-3)



Jacob gets word that Esau is ensuing; Jacob wrestles with the Angel of God; Jacob’s name is changed to Israel; the peaceful reunion between Jacob and Esau; Dinah, Jacob and Leah’s daughter is raped; the revenge carried out by Simeon and Levi; Jacob’s return to Bethel; God reaffirms the Abrahamic Covenant with Jacob.


When we left Jacob in chapter 31, he had finally rid himself of his adversary, Laban. As chapter 32 begins, he must concern himself with an even greater adversary, his own brother, Esau, who had threatened to take his life 20 years earlier.

Before Jacob can be reconciled with his brother, however, he first needed to be reconciled with his God. Notice that 32:24 says that “Jacob was left alone”. Many times, God is most at work in our lives when we feel most alone. That night Jacob wrestled all night with the “man” who is the “angel” of Jehovah in the Old Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ. God brought Jacob to this place of aloneness because He wanted to break him. God wanted Jacob to cry “uncle”, as it were, or in the words of Galatians 2:20, “Not I, but Christ.” The key was in getting Jacob to face who and what he really was.

God asked Jacob his name in 32:27 (obviously, knowing it full well!), so that he would have to say, “I am Jacob.” Or, in other words, so he would have to admit, “I am a schemer… I am a deceiver… I am a liar.” Once Jacob admits his name, God graciously changes it! Jacob (“supplanter”) becomes Israel (“God prevails”), signifying one who has “power with God and men”. (32:28) Verse 31 indicates that by the time this significant night was over, God had given Jacob the dawn of a new day. He not only had a new name, but a new walk. For the rest of Jacob’s life, he would walk with a limp.

Interestingly though, as chapter 33 begins, he is not living up to his new name and his new position with God. He is called “Jacob”, not “Israel”, and it says that he “lifted up his eyes”, indicating that he is not walking by faith, but by sight. He becomes a classic illustration of believers in Christ who are given a new name (Acts 11:26; Revelation 3:12), and a new position (Philippians 3:15; Ephesians 1:4), yet don’t live up to who they are “in Christ”. Chapter 33 finds Jacob, despite his tremendous calling, continuing his scheming, his lying, and his patterns of disobedience. Though he has the mark of God on his life, he is walking like the man he used to be before his life-changing encounter with God. That’s why Ephesians 4:22-23 tells us, “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.”

Keep in mind, as we are reading of Jacob’s “journeys”, that back in chapter 31:13, God had called Jacob to return to Bethel. As he journeyed toward Bethel, the place of his vision and his vow, he discovered the beautiful valleys and opportunities for financial gain near Shechem. (33:18) Jacob ended up staying there for 10 entire years—until his precious 14 year old daughter was raped by the king of Shechem’s son. As an old song says,

Sin will take you farther than you want to go,

Slowly, but wholly, taking control.

Sin will leave you longer than you want to stay.

Sin will cost you far more than you want to pay.

Unbelievably, even after the atrocity meted out upon his daughter, and then the atrocity meted out by his two sons in murdering in cold blood every single Shechemite male in revenge for their sister, Jacob’s only concern still seems to be himself! Notice in 34:30 that Jacob’s response includes eight first-person pronouns in one sentence! (me, me, I, me, me, I, I, my).

In chapter 35, God again reminds Jacob of his previous instruction to return to Bethel. (31:11-13) Sadly, Jacob had been living in Shechem for those 10 years, when Bethel was only 30 miles away! It serves as a great reminder to us that it is easy to be moving in the right direction, spiritually, and yet fall far short of full surrender. (Hebrews 4:1, 9, 11)

In chapter 35, Jacob leads his family back to Bethel, where God reaffirms to him the Abrahamic Covenant, and the fact that He had changed his name. Praise God for His unbelievable patience, mercy, and grace toward people like Jacob, or shall we say, people like us!


In BENJAMIN – Genesis 35:16-19

Notice in this first mention of “Bethlehem” in the Bible, that a mother is told, “Fear not; thou shalt have this son also.” She then gives birth in the city of Bethlehem, to one to whom the father calls “the son of my right hand.” Centuries later, another mother is told, “Fear not…thou shalt…bring forth a son.” (Luke 1:30-31) And she gives birth in the city of Bethlehem (Luke 2:4, 7) to the One God the Father calls “the Son of My right hand”. (Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 1:3, 13; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2)



Isaac confers the Abrahamic covenant upon Jacob; the vision of Jacob’s ladder; Jacob’s journey to Haran; Jacob’s marriages to Leah and Rachel; Laban’s jealousy; Jacob flees.


The remainder of the book of Genesis focuses primarily on Jacob. Joseph will most certainly be spotlighted, but his story is actually contained within the context of the account of Jacob’s life.

The name Jacob means “supplanter”, as in deceiver, schemer, or conniver. As we have already seen in chapters 25 and 27, he more than lived up to his name. Jacob is a graphic picture of the worldly/carnal believer who trusts the arm of the flesh to provide what God is more than willing and fully intending to provide by His own hand. For example, what Jacob’s mother (Rebekah) deviously schemed, and Jacob deceitfully carried out in order to obtain the firstborn blessing from his father (Isaac), was totally unnecessary because God had already determined, and had already clearly revealed to Rebekah, that the firstborn blessing was to be Jacob’s when Jacob and Esau were yet in her womb! (See 25:20–23) We don’t know how God would have accomplished bestowing the blessing upon Jacob since it appears that Isaac was intending to be willfully disobedient to God’s word by giving the blessing to Esau, but God most certainly could and would have been able to pull it off without Rebekah and Jacob’s deception and dishonesty. As Bob Jones, Sr. used to say, “It is never right to do wrong in order to do something right.”

As we have already seen, through the first half of the book of Genesis, and will continue to see in the midst of our journey through the remainder of the word of God, there are always painful consequences to sin. Although Jacob received the “blessing” from Isaac in chapter 27, his deception in obtaining it brought “cursing” (conflict) upon him. For example:

  • Esau wanted and intended to kill him, causing Jacob to run in fear for the next 20 years.
  • Once Jacob left his home in chapter 28 in his attempt to flee from Esau, he never saw his beloved mother again.
  • He was deceived by his uncle Laban. The “supplanter” was “supplanted”; the “conniver” was “connived”. It’s the biblical principle of Galatians 6:7–8: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption…”
  • His family life was riddled with conflict. This is the biblical principle of Proverbs 11:29: “He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind.” (In other words, everything becomes difficult, like riding a bicycle against the wind.) Let us all beware!

As Jacob leaves his home in chapter 28 on his way to Haran, he comes to Bethel. As he lays down to get some rest from the long journey, he uses a stone as a pillow and has a very unusual, but very significant dream, the infamous “Jacob’s ladder”. The dream verified that God was going to give to Jacob, by the power of His Spirit, what Jacob was striving so tenaciously to gain in the power of his own flesh! Jacob was the one to whom God intended to establish the Abrahamic Covenant all along. Oh, that we would learn to trust our perfect heavenly Father!

In chapter 29, as was mentioned above, “the deceiver” becomes “the deceived”, as Jacob is outsmarted by his own father-in-law, Laban. Thus, the statement, “What goes around comes around!” By the time chapter 29 ends, Jacob has two wives, and in chapter 30, he falls prey to the principle of the iniquity of the fathers being visited upon the children’s children (Exodus 34:6–7), as in great Abrahamic fashion, he takes the handmaid of each of his wives through which to have children. The result, as one would expect, is great conflict. Yet, it is through Jacob’s relationship with these four women that his 12 sons were born, and through whom God established the 12 tribes of Israel.


In JACOB’S LADDER – Genesis 28:11-12

Note: Genesis 28:11–12 foreshadows that the promises would culminate in something that would bridge heaven and earth. In John 1:43–51, Jesus identifies Himself as the Ladder. He is the One who opens heaven for us and brings heaven’s blessing to our lives, and He alone is the One who can bring us to the Father.

In the BIRTH OF JOSEPH – Genesis 30:23-24 (Genesis 50:20; Matthew 1:21; 1st Timothy 1:15; John 3:16)

Note: Joseph was born into the world to save and preserve his people.

As the ANGEL OF GOD – Genesis 31:11



The death of Abraham; the birth of Jacob and Esau; Esau sells his birthright; Isaac sojourns in Gerar; Isaac blesses Jacob with the Abrahamic Covenant.


After the death of Abraham, Isaac finds himself in the same predicament his father was in some 50 years previous. He is the recipient of God’s promise of seed, but his wife of 20 years remains barren. The fulfillment of God’s covenant promise demanded that Isaac and Rebekah have sons. Rather than follow the sin of his father, however, Isaac learns to “intreat the Lord” (25:21) for the very thing his father had looked to the world and the flesh to provide. Praise the Lord, the Scripture says that the iniquities of the fathers (Exodus 34:7; Numbers 14:18) are “VISITED” upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. When a VISITOR comes to our door, we don’t have to let them in! Do note, however, that when the iniquity of his father “visits” in chapter 26 and verse 7, Isaac responds just as his father, Abraham, had done! He lies about his wife being his sister. This is a good place to begin to learn, the biblical principle, that we must always be on guard against the sins to which our father was susceptible! (Exodus 34:7; Numbers 14:18)

As a result of Isaac’s faithful prayers, God grants Isaac and Rebekah conception. Rebekah sensed a struggle within her womb, and enquired of the Lord as to the meaning. The Lord explained in 25:23, “Two nations are in thy womb (Israel and Edom), and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.”

As seen previously in the story of Ishmael and Isaac, God continuously finds ways in the Old Testament to point us to the fact that He rejects the first birth (“that which is born of the flesh” – John 3:6a) and accepts the second birth (“that which is born of the Spirit” – John 3:6b). This time, God points us to that fact in the picture He paints through His record of the lives of Jacob and Esau.

Note also, that there is another incredible picture that God paints through the bizarre story in Genesis 27 of the firstborn blessing coming to Jacob, the younger, instead of Esau, the older. Christ, our older brother (Hebrews 2:11), the One to whom belonged the firstborn blessing (Colossians 1:15; Romans 8:29), was cursed (2nd Corinthians 5:20) and rejected of His Father (Matthew 27:46), that the firstborn blessing might come upon us! Needless to say, God is quite an Artist! He paints pictures of New Testament principles, concepts and truths through the Old Testament record of actual historic events!



In ESAU – Genesis 25:23 (Malachi 1:2-3; Galatians 3:13)



Abraham’s willingness to offer his only son, Isaac; God’s reaffirmation of His covenant with Abraham; Sarah’s death; Isaac’s marriage to Rebekah.


Genesis 22 is one of the greatest chapters of the entire Bible. It lifts the curtain for the dress rehearsal of Calvary. In this chapter, God takes out His Divine brush, and paints an unbelievably beautiful picture of the offering of His only begotten Son.

Note the incredible similarities…

• Isaac’s birth was prophesied in Genesis 18:10: “Sarah thy wife shall have a son.” Christ’s birth was prophesied in Isaiah 7:14: “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son.”

• Isaac’s birthday was preset. Genesis 21:2 says that Isaac was born “at the set time of which God had spoken to Abraham.” Christ’s birthday was preset. Galatians 4:4 says, “But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman.”

• Isaac received his name before his birth. Genesis 17:19 says that God told Abraham, “Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son…and thou shalt call his name Isaac.” Jesus received His name before His birth. Matthew 1:21 says that God told Joseph, “And she (Mary) shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus…”

• Isaac was conceived by a miracle. (Genesis 18:11–14) Christ was conceived by a miracle. (Luke 1:34–37)

• Isaac was the only begotten son of his father. (Genesis 22:2; Hebrews 11:17) Jesus was the only begotten Son of His Father. (John 3:16)

• There was a specific place God had in mind for Abraham to offer his son. Genesis 22:2 says that it was on one of the mountains in the land of Moriah. Moriah means “chosen by Jehovah.” The passage doesn’t tell us which mountain, but we’ve already seen enough of the picture to know which mountain in particular “Jehovah had chosen”! Genesis 22:3 says, “And Abraham…and Isaac his son…went unto the place of which God had told him.”

There was also a specific place God had in mind to offer His own Son. Luke 23:33 says, “And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him (Christ).”

• Both Isaac and Jesus rose from the dead. Isaac rose from the dead, figuratively, after three days! (Genesis 22:3–4; See Hebrews 11:19) Jesus, of course, rose from the dead, literally, after three days! (1st Corinthians 15:3– 4)

• Isaac walks to the place of sacrifice the Lord had shown his father, carrying the wood that was to be used for his own execution. (Genesis 22:5–6) Jesus walked to the place of sacrifice shown Him of His Father, carrying the wood that was to be used for His own execution. John 19:17 says, “And he (Jesus), bearing his cross went forth into a place… which is called…Golgotha.”

Note that the instrument of sacrifice didn’t fall upon Isaac in Genesis 22:9–14. That’s because he was just the picture! One day, 1900 years later, it would fall on the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, check out the answer Abraham gives his son to the question he asked about where the lamb was that would be offered as the sacrifice for sin: “Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb!” (22:8) Of course, there was the immediate fulfillment in the ram caught in the thicket in verse 13 (i.e. a male lamb wearing a crown of thorns!) But there is also a prophetic fulfillment as well! Note that Abraham did not say, “God will provide a lamb for himself.” He distinctly said, “God will provide himself a lamb!” Obviously, Jesus was the fulfillment of the picture. John said, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)

As we stand in awe of God and His incredible, supernatural word today, may we keep this in mind: If ever there was a promise that God might have reneged on (which is obviously an impossibility!) but, if ever there was a promise that God might have changed His mind about, it would have been the promise of offering His beloved Son! We can rest assured, that if He kept that promise, He’s going to keep all of the other ones! Paul put it this way in Romans 8:32, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”


In ISAAC’S WILLINGNESS TO BE OFFERED – Genesis 22:1–14 (John 3:16; Luke 23:33: Hebrews 11:19; John 1:29)


Note: In Genesis 24, Abraham (as already seen, a picture of God the Father) sends out his unnamed servant (which is a picture of the Holy Spirit, who is not come to glorify his own name—John 16:13–14) to find a bride for his only begotten son. The servant returns, coincidentally enough, with a Gentile bride (a picture of the church) who comes into the tent of Sarah (a picture of the nation of Israel—John 1:11–12) after she died.



Two angels visit Lot; Sodom destroyed; Lot’s wife; Lot and his daughters; Abraham and Sarah sojourn in Gerar; the conflict between Abraham and Abimilech over Sarah; the birth of Isaac; Hagar and Ishmael; the covenant between Abraham and Abimilech.


There’s “a lot” to learn from the life of Lot!

It’s easy to read over the simple phrase in 19:1, “and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom”, and miss the incredible significance. But recognize, in the Old Testament, “sitting in the gate” meant that you were “somebody”! I mean, when you spent your afternoon’s hanging out with the fellas down at the gate, you had achieved some pretty major status in the community! But let me assure you, being a “big-wig” in a city as morally corrupt and whacked out as Sodom is not the position any God-follower ever wants to attain! In the words of James, I think that might be called “friendship with the world”! (James 4:4) And recognize also, this wasn’t a position Lot attained overnight! It was actually the culmination of Lot’s gradual downward spiral into a life of carnality, worldliness, and ungodliness. God carefully details Lot’s downward spiral into a life of sin through about a seven-chapter span in the book of Genesis.

Check out the progression…

  • Lot “LIFTED UP HIS EYES” toward Sodom. (13:10)
  • Lot “PITCHED HIS TENT” toward Sodom. (13:13)
  • Lot “DWELT” in Sodom. (14:12)
  • Lot “SAT IN THE GATE” of Sodom. (19:1)
  • Even after God confirmed its destruction, Lot “LINGERED” in Sodom. (19:15-16)

The thing we must make certain we don’t miss, is that this pattern is repeated over and over in the lives of many in Scripture, as well as the lives of many believers right up to the present day! Seldom, if ever, are Christians suddenly overtaken by the world. As in the case of Lot, it begins with FRIENDSHIP with the world (James 4:4); then becomes LOVING the things of the world (1st John 2:15); until finally, the ways of the world have become such a part of the fabric of who we are, we become completely ENGULFED by Satan’s diabolical system of evil (Ephesians 2:2), much like we were before God delivered us out of it at salvation. (2nd Timothy 2:26; 2nd Peter 1:9)

Satan makes this world’s system look attractive, promising, alluring, and enticing, but it’s designed to chew us up and spit us out! When Abraham gave Lot the choice of the land he wanted (13:8–11), Sodom appeared to Lot to be a place of peace, prosperity, and protection. In the end, it turned out to be a place of conflict, compromise, and casualty. Lot went into Sodom with his communion with God, his wife, his testimony, his character, and his wealth, and came out with none of them! None!!! Oh, that God would help us to see this present evil world for what it is!

Lot, who in this passage lost everything to the fire of God’s judgment (19:15–29), pictures for us the life of a worldly believer who loses everything to the fire of God’s judgment at the Judgment Seat of Christ. (1st Corinthians 3:11–15) God affirms through Peter (2nd Peter 2:7–8) that Lot, (like many believers today), was “saved”, “yet so as by fire” (1st Corinthians 3:15).

Just a brief note to husbands and fathers, Lot’s life screams out the urgent warning of how the decisions we make effect our wives and children. (19:26, 30–38).

The story of Lot’s wife is a sermon in itself. Jesus said it very succinctly, “Remember Lot’s wife.” (Luke 17:32) What a power-packed three-word sermon! The Lord Jesus Christ holds her up as an example and warning to all who reject His offer of salvation.

The atrocity that was schemed and carried out by Lot’s daughters (19:30–38) began the Moabites and Ammonites. These two nations will consistently be a thorn in Israel’s side (Numbers 25:1–3; 1st Kings 11:33), teaching us, once again, that there are always painful consequences to sin.

It seems unthinkable that Abraham would try to pass off Sarah as his sister (Genesis 19) within 20 years of making the same mistake with Pharaoh, until we realize that God spends a great deal of time, and extends a great deal of mercy, teaching us the same lessons over, and over again.

In chapter 21, God proves His faithfulness to His word. Isaac, the miracle child of promise, is born to Abraham and Sarah.


In ISAAC – Genesis 21:12 (Genesis 17:19; Galatians 3:16)



Hagar gives birth to Ishmael; Abram’s name changed; the covenant of circumcision; Sarai’s name changed; Isaac promised to Abraham and Sarah; Abraham’s prayer for Sodom.


God had already promised Abram a son (15:4), but 10 long years had passed, and Abram and Sarai were still childless, and neither of them were a spring chicken at this point! Abram was 85 and Sarai was 76!

Rather than trust the word of God by faith, Sarai turned to the world for help and sought to fulfill God’s will in the power of the flesh. Sarai offered Abram her personal Egyptian maid, Hagar, to be assured of a seed for Abraham. (Note: The Hurrian laws from that period describe this as a custom of the day. If a son was born of that union, he would legally be regarded as the wife’s.) At the age of 86, Abram did receive a son, Ishmael, by Hagar.

Sarai’s dreadful decision (and Abram’s willful compliance!) points to one of the most difficult lessons of the Christian life: learning to wait upon the Lord! (Isaiah 28:16) Sometimes God places us in a position of testing our faith, and we may have to wait two weeks, two years, or as in Abram’s case, 25 years(!!!) for our prayer to be answered, or for God’s promise to be fulfilled.

The product of Abram and Sarai’s decision to run ahead of God, attempting to carry out God’s will through carnal means, should teach us that there are painful consequences of trusting the power of the flesh. To this day, Ishmael (the Arabs) and Isaac (the Jews) are in conflict with each other (and many times war!), and the conflict will continue until the second coming of Christ. It illustrates perfectly the principle of Galatians 5:17: “The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other…” We would do well to ask ourselves: “What prayer am I trusting God to answer, or what promise am I trusting God to fulfill in which I might be tempted to get ahead of God and try to bring about in the power of the flesh?”

By the time we come to chapter 17, recognize that Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 90. Obviously, it is humanly impossible for Sarah to give birth to a child. But God revealed something tremendously significant to Abraham in 17:1! God said, “I am the Almighty God…” In chapter 18 and verse 14 God appears to him again, and asks, “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” Oh, that we would remember that today with the prayer we are trusting God to answer and/or the promise we are trusting God to fulfill! Jesus said in Luke 18:27, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God!”

Note that through Ishmael and Isaac, God is already teaching us “the” most important truth in all of scripture! The fact that He rejects the first birth (that which is born of the flesh), and accepts the second birth: that which is impossible with men but is possible only with God—the spiritual birth! (See John 3:3-6)

Some other interesting things to note…

In the same way that God gives Abraham a seal of His covenant with him, in 17:10–14 (circumcision), God gives to those of us who are children of Abraham by faith in Christ (Romans 4:11–13; Galatians 3:7), a seal of His covenant with us—the Holy Spirit! (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30)

God changed the name of Abram and Sarai. Abram, which means “high father,” is changed to Abraham, meaning “father of many nations,” reflecting his new relationship with God and his new identity based on God’s promise of seed. Sarai, which means, “my princess,” is changed to Sarah, which simply means “princess”. The limiting personal pronoun “my” is dropped from the meaning of her name since she would become the ancestress of the promised nations and kings. Note, also, that in the same way God changed their names, as the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:16), God changed our name the moment we placed our faith in Christ, reflecting our new relationship with Him, and our new identity in Him! (Acts 11:26; Revelation 3:12)

God enters into an everlasting, unconditional covenant with Abraham. (17:7–8) The promise of God to Abraham wasn’t dependent upon Abraham’s faithfulness to God, but, rather, the faithfulness of God to His own name, and His faithfulness to the promise of His word to Abraham. Once again, in that same way, as Abraham’s children (Galatians 3:6–7), God likewise entered into an everlasting, unconditional covenant with us! Hallelujah! (John 3:16; Romans 8:37–39) God’s promise of salvation to us is not dependent upon our faithfulness to God (or we’d all lose it!) but is based upon God’s faithfulness to His own name, and His faithfulness to the promise of His word to us. Praise the Lord!


As the ANGEL OF THE LORD – Genesis 16:7

Note: The angel of the Lord is a pre-incarnate appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those, like Hagar in this passage, who had an encounter with the angel of the Lord recognized that in seeing this angel, they had seen God. (Genesis 22:11–18; 31:11–13; Exodus 3:2–5; Numbers 22:22–35; Judges 6:11–23; 13:2–5; 1st Kings 19:5–7) Interestingly, the angel of the Lord does not appear in the Bible after the birth of Christ!

As the SEED OF ISAAC – Genesis 17:19 (Luke 2:23–24; Hebrews 11:18)